The Consciousness

We Gnostics are only interested in the awakening of the consciousness. 

We advocate then aristocracy of the Spirit and  the awakening of the consciousness.

There is only a Great SOUL. That SOUL is Plato’s Anima Mundi, the Great Alaya of the World,  the Intracosmic Soul.

Our human consciousness is nothing but a sparkflown off the Great SOUL of the World.

It is necessary to achieve the awakening of the  consciousness in order to know the secrets of life and death.

We have to liven up the flame of the Spirit with the force of LOVE.

Our consciousness must awake in ever higher  planes. We must cultivate the culture of the consciousness. Knowledge which does not  become consciousness can only damage the  Mental body.

In the East, the consciousness is called BUDDHI. The BUDDHI is our superlative consciousness. The Buddhic body is our Spiritual Soul.

He who achieves the awakening of the Cosmic  consciousness becomes an ineffable God.

The Cosmic consciousness awakes with  CHASTITY,  with pain, with music, and with Meditation.

Samael Aun Weor

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