It is convenient that the gnostic brothers do not forget themselves never. When I say do not forget themselves, that is something that it has to be understood.
An athlete, a sportsman, might seem that he does not forget himself, however he is absolutely forgotten of himself.
An anchorite, a hermit living in a cave, passing through big lasts, with his body full of dust, with hunger and committed completely to the esoteric things, as a matter of fact, might seem that he never forgets himself, however, he is completely forgotten of himself. Why? Because he has forgotten his physical body, because he does not care of it as it has to be.
The body is a useful instrument that was given to us for the Inner Self- Realization of the Being. If we leave the body, it means that we have forgotten ourselves because the body has an objective, it has been given by the law, it is useful for the fulfillment of the Karma but also for the Inner Self- Realization of the Being. It is a marvelous laboratory that has to be taken care of.
Observe the two extremes, the athlete that might seem that he never forgets himself and the anchorite or penitent that lives hungry in the cave and that might seem that he never forgets himself, however, both extremes are absurd because they have forgotten themselves, both have violated the law of the balance and are in perfect unbalance.
What would be the correct way of proceeding so as not to ever forget yourself?
In reality, only through the PERFECT RELATIONSHIP OF CONSCIOUSNESS, BODY AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT can that wonderful taste of the Spirit be achieved; that authentic behavior of that who never forgets himself.
The Consciousness has to express itself through the organs of the body, through the organic human machine; the Consciousness has to be alert and vigilant as a watchman in times of war.
It is through the machine how we relate ourselves with the environment in where we live, Thus, Consciousness, body and environment in perfect balance, are necessary, if we do not want to forget ourselves never.
If Consciousness does not relate intelligently with the body, illnesses come; if it does not relate with the environment, conflicts come. Thus, Consciousness, body and environment are vital, cardinal, definitive in the one who does not forget himself.
Those who forget themselves walk the path of error. When we forget ourselves over a glass of wine, we end up drunk; when we forget ourselves in front of a person of the opposite sex, we end up fornicating; When we forget ourselves in the face of an insulter, we end up insulting…
As a matter of fact, no one could awaken the Consciousness if he forgets himself.
How do we behave during the daily life? If we observe people in the streets or in their jobs or at home, we can verify the concrete fact that they forget themselves. Obviously, he that forgets himself will be unable to self-discover himself and will continue with the Consciousness asleep.
Undoubtedly, we need to self-discover ourselves and this can only be possible in the interrelation, that is to say, when we are with others, the defects that we have hidden appear spontaneously and if we are alert and vigilant as the watchman in wartime, then we can see them, discovered defect has to be studied through the Evident Self-Reflection of the Being, discovered defect has to be studied through meditation.
It is only through the path of the profound discernment that we can become conscious of any psychological defect.
Undoubtedly, every defect is represented by a psychic aggregate. These aggregates can only be seen with the sense of the psychological self-observation.
Undoubtedly, that sense is in latent state in all the human beings, however, we will say that organ that is not used becomes atrophied; organ that is used, develops. As we utilize the sense of the psychological self-observation, this sense will unfold; undoubtedly, the development of that sense will allow us to see our own psychic aggregates. It is really interesting to be a witness of our own selves, to see how those aggregates are disintegrated in a dialectic and didactic form.
It is obvious that in order to attain the disintegration of a determined aggregate, it is absolutely necessary to use a force that could be superior than the mind; that power exists, is latent in each one of us. Is the igneous serpent of our magical powers, is Kundalini, is the Cosmic Mother, is Mara, is Tonantzin, Isis, Diana, Celene, etc. Undoubtedly, is a power that is in a latent state in every organic and inorganic matter; is a part of our own Being but derived.
We can be helped by Mara, by our Cosmic Mother during the profound inner meditation, then, she will be able to disintegrate any aggregate previously comprehended in all the levels of the mind.
So, it is convenient to reflect profoundly in all of this. It is convenient to profoundly comprehend the crude reality of all of this; Mara, Mary, Isis, Adonaia, Isoberta, Rea, Cibeles, will help us. As a matter of fact, we need to be helped.
Normally the Consciousness is trapped among the psychic aggregates, each aggregate is like a bottle in where the Consciousness is bottled up, if we break the bottle, the Consciousness is liberated.
We need to awaken the Consciousness in order to have access to the truth; we need to awaken the Consciousness in order to attain the permanent Samadhi; we need to liberate the Consciousness in order to experiment that what does not belong the time, that what is beyond the body, the affects and the mind. So, brothers, I want you to comprehend the necessity to be alert and vigilant as the watchman in wartime.
This state of alertness is not attained in the extremes but in the middle, in the center. I said already that an athlete is not attentive, is not alert, he has forgotten himself; I also said that an anchorite living in a lonely cave, hungry and miserable is not alert either, he has forgotten himself. The Way is in the center. It is about knowing how to relate the State of Alertness, Alert Consciousness, with a healthy body and the environment, only then will we not forget ourselves. The Way is interior, deep…
First of all, we have to know that the maximum power of the Divine Mother is fire. She in herself is fire. Stella Maris, the Virgin of the Sea is Foat, is the fire.
Unquestionably, the Sacred Cobra of the Great Mysteries has its maximum power in the FORGE OF CYCLOPES. There is no doubt that the Transcendent Sexual Electricity reinforces the Power of the Kundalini Shakti. That is why those who follow the Path of the Perfect Matrimony must invoke the Sacred Cobra, precisely, in the Burning Forge of Vulcan, and they will be assisted. Through Fire, we can burn, disintegrate the psychic aggregates …
The Fire itself, deeply Divine, is called “Fohat”.
There is a tremendous difference between the fire that is used to cook food and the Fire that is put on the Altar; the fire with which the deceased are veiled and the Inner Fire. The fire of the Kundalini is a very special fire, it is a Vulcanian fire that can transform us radically and that has to be developed in ourselves. In truth I say brothers that one is the fire that burns here, in the entire nature of the three-dimensional world of Euclid and another is the fire of the fire, the flame of the flame, the astral signature of the fire.
Undoubtedly, there are many fires, but the one that destroys the psychic aggregates is Vulcanian and this is amazing. Our salvation is in the fire. The sacred books have been written among the crepitation of the fire; the Apocalypse, the book of the books, that guide the alchemists is written with burning coals. In each apocalyptic versicle there exists fire.
The four gospels were written with fire; the Old Testament was written with fire also. The constant crepitation of the flames have to make us become comprehensive, our gospel is igneous and sparks in the entire aura of the universe. However, we need to be alert and, on the watch, as the watchman in times of war. We need to never forget ourselves. Only in this way will we march on the path that leads us to FINAL LIBERATION.
In the physical world, Fohat can be used in many forms but in the superior worlds Fohat is different. One remembers Apollo the solar god, that is a flame; one remembers the flames that initiated the aurora of the Mahamanvantara; all, of those holy Gods of the ancient Greek mythology are flames. All of those ineffable Gods of the Egyptian, Hindu, Chinese, Druids, Hyperborean pantheons are living flames.
For this reason, St. Paul affirms emphatically that the Angels are ministers of the fire and that God is a devouring fire, Moses, wise like none speaks about Aelohim and Elohim. Do not forget that there exist two ones: the manifested and the not manifested. The not manifested can never be carved, symbolized, painted because is unknowable and is beyond the fire.
In certain occasion a great elemental God was asked: “What does exist beyond the fire?” and he answered: “That is something that we do not know.” It happens that the unknowable deity is beyond the fire. Aelohim, the Eternal Cosmic Common Father could not be allegorized, however, from that one comes forth Elohim, the host of the word, of the verb. Undoubtedly, each one of these Elohim of the Great Hosts, is a living flame that came forth from the entrails of the unknowable.
I want you to understand that the fire is the manifested verb that has come forth from the very entrails of the unknowable. I want you to know that the fire is the word, the verb.
With perfect reason John begins his ministry saying:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… All the things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made… And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
The entire army of the voice, the Logos, the Demiurge Architect of the universe is fire. As a result of this, we get the following: The fire has power to manage the cosmic forces of the universe; the fire has power to destroy and to build. The fire has the power to make and organize the chaotic matter; it can integrate it or disintegrate it.
The fire ascends for the action of the first impulse of the atomic forces contained in the chaos; the fire gives the first impulse and after this is becomes law. The fire has power to create and create again. The fire is intelligent and can create new atoms (something that Democritus never thought) and to destroy those that already exists. The fire exists in all the universes and will not become extinguished in the form of how people think. One day, it will sleep among the chaos, all its disintegrated parts will be submerged in the centers of the flame.
Its life will not become extinguish, will be disintegrated only and the life will stay latent in each one of its parts, with the possibility of reappearing later. There is no doubt that one day this universe after been disappeared, will come forth again with more splendor that before, stronger that before, more powerful.
Who does this wonder? Who is the one that is able to do all the thing always news? Fohat, the fire, the army of the word, the igneous flames of the aurora of creation. Having understood this my dear brothers, we have to watch the fire. The Parsis used to worship it and still do, in the different Christian sects there exists the lamp burning with the sacred fire.
I want you to know that Vishnu is the Cosmic Christus, is the Logos, is the Verb. The sacred fire that crepitates in the infinite space has the power to penetrate everything as it’s syllable “Vish” is indicating. He can penetrate everything, he has the power to enter within ourselves and to crepitate in our organic nature transformed in Devi Kundalini Shakti, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers. Vishnu, the Logos, the Christus always has to walk three steps within the seven regions of the universe, in this form has been said by the Oriental wise men.
The first step is walked in the world of the spirit; the second in our own Soul and the third in our body. In other words, we work in the Laboratorium Oratorium of the Third Logos and walk the first step. The second step that the Christ has to walk in us will be in the animic world and the third will be in the spiritual world. These three steps of the Christus in us, through the seven spheres is fundamental in order to attain the final liberation.
The very fire that will have to disintegrate the psychic aggregates, once its work is fulfilled will be established completely in our Soul; the third step will be in the spirit, Christ will give life to our body, will have to unfold in our organism like a living and philosophical fire that will have to burn in our Consciousness, that is to say, in our Soul. And, it will have to shine in our own spirit. Those are the three steps of the Demiurge Architect, that is to say, the fire.
Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram. The fire renovates nature constantly.

It is necessary to renovate the body by means of the fire, it is necessary to deliver the fire to our Soul and spirit; the fire that descends shines in our spirit, becomes fertile in our soul and transform our body.
In this form are the three steps of the Christus in the seven regions of this universe. The Christus guide us, he is the midnight Sun that indicates the path to the mystics, he shines in the Orient when something new will born in us.
He shines in the zenith when we are in an Esoteric Plenum, he hides himself in the sunset, he comes forth when the Ego is dead.
The mystic in state of meditation has to learn to know the entire symbolism of the Lord.
The Midnight Sun must guide him, it is the Light, it is the Flame that must lead us along the Path of the Razor’s Edge, towards Final Liberation.
The Intimate Christ is Fire. There is Fire in the Stone State; there is Fire in the Aqueous State; there is Fire in a Vaporous State; and there is Fire as a burning Flame and without limits. The army of the Elohim is the army of the fire. He walks three steps in order to descend into the world of the forms; he has to walk the three steps in order to have plane manifestation in this physical world.
The ancient Gods, the solar Gods, the ardent flames of the ancient times before who the adepts of Egypt, India, Persia, Great Tartary, Lemuria, Atlantis, etc. used to kneel down reverently, came forth from the entrails of the unknowable, they walked the three steps in order to become resurrects, unfortunately many of the fell.
Those solar Gods of ancient times now are transformed in vulgar creatures and only are remembered in the world of the universal archetypes in the form of symbolic sculptures of alive stone.
The Gods of the ancient times are dead! It has been said to us that in the future sixth race, they will resurrect. They will have to make the fire burn in their bodies, in their Soul and in their Spirit in order to become again in Elohim and after, in the profound night of the Maha pralaya, when this universe is finish, they will submerge themselves in the entrails of the unknowable.
Today there are many fallen Gods that have to awaken the fire in themselves; the fire that was quenched has to burn again in their bodies, in their Soul and in their Spirit. It would not be possible for those fallen Gods to walk the three steps inside of the seven regions in order to attain the state of Elohim and to be again what they were before, if they do not disintegrate through the fire, the psychic aggregates that they unfortunately created. Alas to those Gods!
The Consciousness of each one of them was bottled up among those demoniac creations, among those engenders of the inferno and now only using the fire in order to burn those aggregates, they will return to their original Christian state, to the state that they had in the aurora of the Mahamanvantara.
All the brothers here present must never forget the Fire. Each one of you should WORSHIP THE FIRE: Always have one of these candles lit in your home.
Never, in the house of an Initiate, should the Sacred Flame be absent. INRI! (Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram) …
It is urgent that in the Burning Forge of Vulcan we transmute the EXIOHEHAI, that is, the Sacred Sperm in the Mercury of the Sages. This Mercury will receive that which is called “Sulfur” (Fire).
SULFURY MERCURY, ascending the spine, is the Copper Serpent, the Saturnine Serpent that can burn, reduce to ashes those aggregates that we have alive inside and within which the best is bottled: The Consciousness of Being.
We burn if we make them burn, if we turn them to ashes, then we will awaken converted into Primal Flames of the Army of the Word, of the Army of the Voice.
The Word is what it is, what it has always been and what it will always be, it is the life that beats in each atom as it beats in each Sun.
Each one of us is called to become a Soldier of the Army of the Word, in a Flame of Dawn. But if we forget ourselves, if we do not know how to maintain the perfect balance between the Consciousness, the Body and the Environment in which we exist, it would not be possible for us to transform ourselves into Flames. It is necessary for each of us to become a Flame…
There are three steps that the Fire must take within us to become Elohims!…
There is the Sun that shines in infinite space, that is, the Midnight Sun; there is the terrible and threatening Ray and the Fire of Vulcan in our sexual organs. Only by developing this wonderful Fire, in our anatomical constitution, guided by the Midnight Sun, can we be liberated through… Intellectual, Emotional, Motor Center, Instinctive Center and Sexual Center. I also affirmed, emphatically, that there are two Higher Centers: The Higher Emotional and the Higher Mental.
I said that each of the Seven Centers has its own mind. We have SEVEN MINDS that control our body. One is the Mental Mind, another is the Emotional Mind, another the Corporal Mind, another the Instinctive Mind and another the Sexual Mind, and another the Higher Emotional Mind, and another the Higher Mental Mind.
I said that in each of these Seven Minds there is a Truth, and that for everything, there are within us Seven Truths, contained in the Seven Minds.
But we need to always be alert and vigilant as lookouts in times of war. We must not allow the Intellectual Mind to do its thing, to lead us down the paths of morbidity and lust.
We must not allow the Emotional Mind to lead us down the path of negative emotions.
We must not allow the Motor Mind to turn us into mere soccer players and boxers, or to make us do something useless.
We must not allow the Instinctive Mind to be altered by wrong concepts about the organism, about life. This has the specific defined functions of making each of our organs work properly.
We must not allow the Sexual Mind to lead us down the path of lustful sensualism.
It is necessary to develop in us the SUPERIOR EMOTIONAL MIND with pure emotions, with living Art, with the Symphonies of a Beethoven, a Mozart or a Litz …
It is necessary to develop the SUPERIOR MENTAL MIND in us, with the culture of the Spirit. Each one of the Seven Minds will be perfected, as we eliminate the psychic aggregates.
When one removes the psychic aggregates from the Intellectual Center, the Mind remains at the service of the Spirit.
When one eliminates the psychic aggregates of the lower emotions, the Higher Emotional Center shines in us.
When one eliminates the psychic aggregates of the Motor Center, represented by wrong habits, bad habits, etc., worthy actions shine in that center.
When one eliminates the lower animal instincts from the Instinctive Center, that wonderful center, then, fulfills its functions to perfection, directing the eurythmy of our whole body, it enters into harmony.
When one removes all the psychic aggregates from the Sexual Center, it then works wonderfully, transforming the Sacred Sperm into Creative Energy.
Whoever has eliminated in himself, through the Sacred Fire of Vulcan, all the psychic aggregates, will possess the Higher Emotional Center and the Higher Mental Center. Then he will integrate his Personality, he will remain at the service of the Being, and the messages that come to him from the highest parts of his own Being, passing through the Higher Centers, will reach each of the five Cylinders of the organic machine.
This is how Fire will make us Sacred Individuals; This is how Fire, burning or completely disintegrating the psychic aggregates, will turn us into Flames.
The Fire will burn first in the body, later in the Soul and later in the Spirit.
When these three Wicks of Fire burn in us, we will immerse ourselves within our DIVINAL PROTOTYPE (well, each one of us has his own Prototype in Fire) and we will become, for this reason, Elohim …
You need to understand the need for us to become Elohim; It is necessary that you understand the need to become Sacred Individuals; there is a need for you to understand the urgency of entering at once the Army of the Word, the Army of the Demiurge Creator of the Universe; it is necessary that you take the three fundamental steps within the seven Regions of the Universe.
Without Fire you could not transform. In the Physical World, scientists do not know anything about Fire. They think that Fire is the product of combustion, but they are wrong, the reality is the reverse: Combustion, certainly, is the result of Fire.
Let’s take a match, if we touch it, we have fire. Obviously, scientists would say that this flame has sprouted from combustion, they are very wrong. What happens is that we have eliminated the receptacle within which the Fire was enclosed.
And the arm, the hand that moved the match has Fire. If one did not have it, the Fire would not have sprouted, the match would not have been moved, and therefore it would have contained the Fire in its completely virginal state.
The time has come to understand that before the match burns, Fire exists. The time has come to understand that after the match is extinguished, the Fire continues to exist. So, what is the origin of Fire? Where is it, if Fire does not have a beginning or an end? …
As I have already said and I repeat, what interests us is the Fire of the fire, the Flame of the flame, the Astral Signature of the Fire.
It is through this Vulcan Fire, the Solar Christ Fire, that we can actually burn all the psychic aggregates, reduce them to cosmic dust.
What is it that is enclosed within the psychic aggregates? The essence! And what is the essence? LIVE FIRE!
When the psychic aggregates have been burned, what will remain? The fire. Consciousness is Crackling Fire, Crackling Fire within the fiery Aura of the Universe.
I repeat: All the Sacred Books have been written with burning coals …
Worship the Fire brothers, work with the Fire and I assure you, in the name of Truth and Justice, that you will be liberated. Today, you all are dead coals.
The time has come to light the Fire; The time has come to understand that we must shine like Igneous Flames within the Aura of the Universe.
So far, my words. Now, there is full freedom for questions of an esoteric type related exclusively to the topic that we have developed. The brothers can ask what they want, in relation to this issue, do not be afraid to ask questions, there is freedom for everyone…
- Q & A
Student: In relation to Self-Remembrance, Venerable, and referring to the words of the Master Jesus “let the dead bury their dead,” is a person who does not live in Self-Remembrance, a “dead man”?
Master: That’s how it is! He is an automaton, he is a robot programmed by the Law of Recurrence.
Any other question? Yes brother…
Student: Venerable Master, in relation to the Fire that you spoke at the beginning, such as the fire with which the Dead are watched, the fire in the kitchen, in the stove, could we consider these aspects as negative aspects of the Great Sacred Fohat?
Master: No, there are simply many Fires classes and that’s it. THERE ARE MANY LEVELS OF FIRE!
Any other question? Go on, brother …
Student. Venerable Master, many years ago, when I…… had an experience…… And in my experience I saw…… and then it was like a Temple…… and I felt but Happy, at that moment, inside the dream, when I woke up I I felt deeply moved … … And I, then, was nothing more than a fornicator …
Master: Fire, undoubtedly, is compassionate and also tends to help those who are fallen, those who walk in darkness, that is why it has been said that “we must raise the torch high up to LIGHT THE WAY OF OTHERS”… That’s all.
Does any other brother need to ask a question? …
Student: What relationship does Aura have with Fire, Venerable Master?
Master: Well, the Aura is also Igneous Radiation. Obviously, the Fire is latent in the Water, in each atom, although in truth, there is only a Lower Fire. What WE MUST BE INTERESTED in is developing, in ourselves, THE FIRE OF VULCAN; we must be interested in taking the three steps within the seven Regions, if we really really want to become Soldiers of the Army of the Word.
Any other question? Talk brother…
Student: Master, for us single people, can we awaken the Fire without a partner?
Master: It is written, that the Fire of Vulcan ONLY AWAKENES IN THE FORGE OF CYCLOPES! However, singles can work on the Ego, and through transcendental efforts, with the help of the Divine Mother Kundalini (which is Fire), they will be able to destroy 25%, 30% and even 50% of the aggregates. However, later on, they will go down to Vulcan’s Burning Forge, if they really really want to finish 100 percent of the psychic aggregates.
Any other question?…
Student: Venerable Master, according to your chair, the Father is Fire, the Son is Fire and the Holy Spirit is Fire, the Divine Mother is Fire. Can we conceive of any difference in gradation…?
Master: Yes, THERE ARE GRADES AND GRADES; because one is the Father, Upper Flame; another is the Son, the Logos, the Christus, who is also Fire, it is the Igneous Fire that shines in the Consciousness, the Fire sizzles between the rocks, the Fire is crucified inside the Earth, the Anima Mundi; and something else is the Fire of the Holy Spirit, the Fire of Pentecost, the Sexual Fire that can only be known in the Ninth Sphere …
Student: Venerable Master, does Fire have its counterpart? The counterpart of Fire …
Master: FIRE HAS NO COUNTERPART! Fire is Fire, it is what it is, what has been and what will always be! What exists, yes, there are various gradations of Fire.
Any other words? Yes brother…
Student: Is our Real Being authentically Fire?
Master: As you say?
Student: Is our Real Being authentically Fire?
Master: That’s how it is! Undoubtedly He IS FIRE. Another question?
Let’s see, brother …
Student: Venerable, you was speaking to us of the One, the Manifested and the Unmanifested, is the reason for the existence of God Manifested is the knowledge of the Unmanifested?
Master: The Unmanifested or the Unknowable, is Aelohim. Moses worshiped Aelohim. The Manifested, second One, is the Demiurge Architect of the Universe, it is Fire, it is the Cosmic Chrestos, it is Vishnu, which can penetrate everything that is, has been and will be.
Obviously, the raison d’être of the Unmanifested Logos IS TO CREATE AND AGAIN TO CREATE. When we, all of us, after absorbing ourselves as Elohim into the profound bosom of the Unmanifest One, will then know the living secret of the profound manifestation of each Maha-Manvantara.
Because we already know that the Periodic Maha-Manvantaric Unmanifestations arise within the bosom of the Unknowable (this will not have a beginning, this will not have an end). But we only know its fundamental truth, its root, the day that after having become Flames, we definitively submerge ourselves within the bosom of the Eternal Common Cosmic Father.
Thus, my dear brothers, Aelohim is what he is, what he has always been and what he will always be; what is hidden behind the Fire is the Unspeakable. Blessed are those who dive, definitely and forever, into That which is the truth.
But now we have to work a lot on ourselves, now it’s up to us to engrave our SEVEN MINDS. Now it’s up to us to know the SEVEN TRUTHS contained in our Seven Minds.
It is also urgent, as I said in past talks, to know that within us there are the SEVEN SUBLIME LORDS (seven parts of our own Being).
Obviously, by the Law of Philosophical Analogies, and of Correspondence and Numerology, in the Microcosm there are Seven Minds, related to the Seven Worlds, and Seven Sublime Lords, Seven Buddhas of Contemplation. Thus, Seven Worlds up there in the Macrocosm, Seven Minds, to speak more clearly, and Seven Sublime Lords; and within us, here and now, Seven Sublime Lords, Seven Minds that we must chisel, chisel, and deeply perfect.
And this is only possible by reducing to ashes the psychic aggregates contained in the Five Cylinders of the organic machine, perfecting the Higher Centers of Being, of each one of us.
Understood that our Seven Minds must shine; understood that the Seven Sublime Lords must act within each one of us, who must be known; understood that within us there are Seven Truths, we have no choice but to work with Fire to become COLUMNS OF THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD.
In the “Apocalypse” it is written:
“To him who overcomes I will make a Pillar in the Temple of my God, and he will never leave there”.
Is there any other question? Yes brother…
Student: Venerable Master, what percentage of Consciousness is necessary for Self-Remembering?
Master: The Memory of ourselves, is the Memory of us. Many will start with the 3% they have, others will work with 5% and others with 10. At the end of the day, THE PERCENTAGES WILL INCREASE LITTLE BY LITTLE. The more the percentages of Consciousness increase in each one of us, it is obvious that we will remember ourselves more and more splendidly, better and better.
But they could not increase the percentages of Consciousness in each one of us, if we did not eliminate from ourselves the Red Demons of Seth, that is, those dark creatures, those spawn of Hell, living representations of our psychological defects.
The Schools that do not teach the Way of Christification, the Schools that do not teach people to work with the wonderful Fohat, which weaves and unweaves the entire Loom of the Universe, are dead Schools, where the lunar cold reigns.
Any other questions?… Talk brother.
Student: Master, in relation to … … in relation to that order of the Bhons, you explained to us that they acted, in that aspect, well, in a very radical way … … you were going to explain more fully to us on these aspects.
Master: Certainly, there are two orders in Eastern Tibet: one that of the Red-capped Dugpas, and the other that of the Bhons. Unquestionably, the adepts of the Dad-Dugpas Clan work with Hellfire, with Arsenic Sulfur, with Abyssal Poison Fire.
Another thing is the BHONS. I do not deny that they are one hundred percent radical, but they WORK WITH FIRE.
If someone were to knock on the doors of a Bhons Monastery for the purpose of requesting Initiation, they would then be greeted by a great Priest dressed in a blood-colored tunic, a red miter on his head, necklaces with the bones of the dead, and a bloody dagger on the right hand.
“What do you want?” It is the question the Priest Bhons …
When the Adept says: “I want to separate myself from this Universe and forever”…, Priest Bhons takes him to the courtyard. “Say such a mantram!” He says to him, and the Devotee does so, then he falls instantly dead. And the subject is disembodied.
In the Astral World, those Bhons put the subject in an intimate relationship with the Father-Mother and subject him to rigorous tests.
The Mother Kundalini, acting on the son, will help him; and thus the psychic aggregates will be annihilated. Hard work awaits the aspirant who has passed through that door. The Cosmic Mother will have to work severely with him, until he manages to disintegrate the entire Ego.
His Consciousness, free then, will submerge within the Bosom of That which is not of time.
But since he has not yet created the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, undoubtedly, he will not have reached the Adept-hood, he will be a Flame, yes, a small Star of the infinite Universe…
Madam Blavatsky has said: “If you cannot be the Sun, be content with catching even one Star” …
He will not be an Adept, but he will be able to separate himself from the cosmic stage and immerse himself within the Great Alaya of the Universe.
Another thing is when the aspirant, before the Bhons Priest, affirms, in an emphatic way, that he wants to follow the Path of the Adept. Then he is taken to the lonely forest, he is locked in a cabin (not a cabin of those luxury as they exist here in the lands of America, but a real cabin, those of palms and with vines of all kinds), there, the subject will have to go through dreadful terrors, through unspeakable tests …
A bugle will resound (and it will be made from the bones of the dead); the Priest Bhons will advise the aspirant to depart from that path, they will say to him:
“There are better paths; There is the Wheel of Samsara, there are other ways ”…
But if the disciple says:
“No! I only want the Adepted ” then his psychic aggregates will be invoked with special formulas, the Bhons crystallize such added, they make them visible and tangible within the hut, and they leave him alone (the Initiate).
This one will have to deal with those aggregates, some of those most beastly, monstrous.
He will have to fight with them, all night long, and if perhaps he manages to survive, if he is not strangled, in case he survives, he would already know what kind of attachments he has and would work them with full success.
If he passes the test, he is taken to another place, to a secret Temple where he is taught EASTERN TANTRISM, where he is taught the Secret Secretorum of Alchemy, where he is told how to work, with Fire to achieve the Adept.
This is the Path of the Bhons, a “Path of Violence and Death”, which is why the Blavatsky believed that such a School was of Black Magic. But it is not, it is radical and violent, very dangerous; that’s all, I’ve explained…
Any other questions? … Let’s see, brother …
Student: Venerable Master, how is it possible that the Gods being Gods, some are fallen and that at the same time …?
Master: They took the three steps, from top to bottom, through the Seven Regions of the Universe; they manifested themselves in the world of form; THEY MADE THE MISTAKE OF DROPPING THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE INTO THE WATER. That is why they are now down, they are dead. In the Superior Worlds each one is represented in the form of a statue, in a stone sculpture; that’s it. So it has been and so it will always be.
When they take the three steps upwards, when in them the Fire burns in the physical body, then in the Soul and finally in the Spirit, and at last they return to their Divine Prototype, they will continue to be the Gods of always, who will return now in a superior form, terribly Divine, more powerful than before, due to the experience acquired, understood?
Student: Yes Master…
Master: Well, any other questions?… Speak up!…
Student: Venerable, so, in a case like us, who are sleeping people, does our Real Being manifest itself in…?
Master: How is he going to manifest himself being like this in the state that each one is, with the ego moving and alive? THE BEING AND THE EGO ARE INCOMPATIBLE; they are like water and oil, they cannot be mixed! Either there is the Ego or there is the Being! If the Ego is present, the Being is absent and if the Being is present, the Ego must die, it must have disintegrated before.
So, you are nothing but robots programmed by the Law of Recurrence, machines managed by the Ego and that’s it, understood?
Let’s see, brother …
Student: Venerable Master, a person who is living a karma… …if he kills the Ego that originated that karma, is he liberated from it?
Master: This is only possible based on NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE LORDS OF THE LAW. If such a negotiation is achieved, the corresponding psychic aggregate is eliminated, there are psychic aggregates linked to the Law of Cause and Effect, and only through negotiations and corresponding payments, would the elimination of such aggregates be possible, but I do not mean by this that all the aggregates are linked to the Law of Karma, I clarify: only certain aggregates; that’s it.
When one has made a negotiation of those, and finally, has achieved the disintegration of the corresponding aggregate, it is obvious that he is free of that debt. Brothers, I believe that with this we have already spoken clearly. Now we are going to do the Gnostic Anointing.
Samael Aun Weor
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