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For some people of a very superficial nature, the theory of reincarnation is a reason for laughter; for others, who are very religious, it may be a taboo or a sin; for the pseudo-occultists, it is a very firm belief, and for the intellectual rascals, a crazy utopia. It is, however, a fact for those of us who remember our previous existences.

In the name of truth I must solemnly swear that I was born remembering all my past reincarnations; to swear this is no crime. I am a man with an awakened Consciousness.

Obviously we must make a frank differentiation between Reincarnation and Return, two very different laws. This is not, however, the objective of the present chapter. After this preamble, let us go directly to the facts, and come to the point.

In days gone by, when the seas of the world were infested with pirate ships, I had a very bitter experience.

At that time, the boddhisattwa of the Angel Dióbulo Cartobu was reincarnated.

It should be asserted, with some emphasis, that that Being had a feminine body of magnificent beauty. It is a fact, that I was her father.

Unfortunately, at an ill-fated time, the cruel pirates that respected neither lives nor reputations, after laying waste the European town where we, together with many citizens, lived in peace, kidnapped the beautiful women of the town, among which was my daughter, an innocent maid of days gone by.

In spite of the terror of the inhabitants, I bravely managed, putting my own life in danger, to confront the treacherous captain of the pirate ship.

“Take my daughter away from that hell where you have put her, and I promise you that I will take your Soul from the hell in which it is now!”

Such were my painful exclamations.

The fearful corsair, looking at me fiercely, took pity on my insignificant person, and with an imperative voice ordered me to wait for a moment.

With infinite anxiety I watched the buccaneer return to his black vessel. I understand that he shrewdly managed to deceive his ruthless sea dogs. Anyhow, some moments later he gave me my daughter back.

Oh God and Hail Mary! But who could have thought that after several centuries I would find again the ego of this fearful pirate reincorporated in a new human organism!.

Thus is the Law of Eternal Return of all beings and things, and everything is repeated according to another law, that of Recurrence.

One night of great spiritual restlessness I joyfully found him among a select group of aspirants to become Rosicrucians.

That old corsair spoke English, and told me of his many travels; he had been a seaman working for a North American shipping company.

This friendship became, however, a will-o’-the-wisp, because soon I could verify that this man, in spite of his mystical yearnings, continued being, in his most intimate depths, an ancient corsair—the only difference being that he was now dressed in a modern fashion.

This gentleman got very excited telling me about his “astral experiences”; it was a fact that he could project at will.

One day we arranged a metaphysical transcendental session at the S.S.S. of Berlin, Germany.

This was a relatively new experience, because until then it had not yet occurred to me to carry out the experiment consisting of the voluntary projection of the eidolon; however, I knew I could do it, and therefore I dared to accept the appointment.

With total clarity I remember those solemn moments in which I became a spy of my own dream…

In a mystical ambush I waited for that instant of transition which exists between vigil and dream; I wanted to seize this moment of wonders to escape from my physical body.

The state of weariness and the first dream-like images were sufficient to warn me in an integral manner that the sought for moment had arrived…

In a delicate way I rose from my bed, and walking very quietly I left my home, feeling full of a spiritual, exquisite, delicious voluptuousness.

It is unquestionable that when I rose from my bed instants after starting to doze,  the astral separation took place, the natural separation of the eidolon…

Exhibiting that singular shine of the astral body, I left these surroundings, wanting to go to the Temple in Berlin…

Delightfully, I was able to travel over the stormy waters of the Atlantic Ocean…

Floating serenely in the radiant astral atmosphere of this world, I arrived at the lands of ancient Europe and immediately went to the capital of France…

I walked silent as a ghost around those old streets that had served as a stage for the French Revolution…

Suddenly something unusual happened: a telepathic wave arrived at my solar plexus, and I felt the categorical imperative to go into a beautiful home…

There is no way in which I could regret crossing the opulent threshold of that noble mansion, since there I had the immense happiness of finding a friend of my past reincarnations…

This friend floated happily, submerged in the fluid astral environment, outside the dense body that lay asleep in the perfumed mahogany bed …

Also in that nuptial bed slept the delicious physical body of his love. Her sidereal soul, outside its mortal receptacle, shared the marvellous joy of her husband, and floated…

And I saw two tender infants of marvellous beauty happily playing among the magical charms of that dwelling…

I greeted my old friend, and also his ineffable Eve, but the children got scared at my unusual presence…

It appeared to me that it would be better to go out, to the streets of Paris, and my friend did not disagree with this idea. Talking, we moved away from the house full of delights…

We walked slowly, slowly, along those streets and avenues that point away from the center towards the periphery…

In the outskirts of this great metropolis, I proposed—point blank, as they say—that together we visited the esoteric temple of Berlin, Germany. This Initiate declined the invitation in an amiable manner, arguing that he had a wife and children and thus wanted to concentrate his attention on the economic problems of life…

With great regret I left this awakened man, lamenting the fact that he was postponing his esoteric work…

Suspending myself from the astral light of the wonders and marvels, I passed above some very old walls from antiquity…

Happy I travelled along the tortuous road that, serpentine, twisted and turned here and there…

Inebriated with ecstasy, I arrived at the Temple of the transparent walls. The entrance to this holy place was certainly very peculiar…

I saw a kind of Sunday park, full of beautiful plants and exquisite flowers that exhaled a breath of death…

The temple of splendours shone, solemn, at the end of the enchanting garden…

The lattice iron doors that gave access to the beautiful park of the Sanctuary sometimes opened so that somebody could enter, sometimes they closed…

The whole of that delicate and wonderful ensemble stood out, illuminated by the immaculate light of the Universal Spirit of Life…

In front of the Sancta Sanctorum I found many noble applicants of various nationalities, countries and tongues…

Mystical souls that at that time when the physical body sleeps, moved by the strength of their yearning had escaped from the dense mortal shape to come to the Sancta…

These devoted people talked about ineffable themes. They reflected on the law of Karma, argued about extraordinary cosmic affairs…the perfume of friendship and the fragrance of sincerity arose from them…

In a state of goodwill I moved from here to there—everywhere— looking for the audacious buccaneer that had dared to make this tremendous rendezvous…

I interrupted many groups asking for this gentleman, but nobody could give me an answer… I understood then that this old pirate had not kept his promise. I knew not why, and I felt let down,,,

Silently, I decided to get closer to the glorious door of the Temple of Knowledge. I wished to enter the holy place, but the Guardian closed the door, telling me: “It is not time yet, go away…”

Serenely, and understanding everything, I sat down joyfully on the symbolic stone very close to the portal of mystery…

At that moment of plenitude, I self-observed wholly. It is a fact that my psyche is not subjective; I was born with an awakened Consciousness and have access to objective knowledge…

How beautiful the astral body appeared to me! (the splendid result of very ancient transmutations of the libido).

I remembered my physical body that was now asleep in the remoteness of the western world, in a small town in America…

While self-observing I committed the error of confronting the astral and physical vehicles. Because of such comparisons I lost the ecstasy and returned immediately to the interior of my dense material sheath.

A few moments later I got up from the bed; I had achieved a marvellous astral split…

When I asked the old pirate in a severe manner the reason why he had been unable to carry out his promise, he could not give a satisfactory answer.

Thirty five years had passed since that time in which that old sea dog and I had agreed to that mysterious rendezvous….

Far away in time and distance, that strange character was only a memory lying among the dusty pages of my old chronicles…

However, I confess that after so many years I was amazed by something quite unusual…

One spring night, being absent from my dense mortal form, I saw the Lord Shiva, the Holy Ghost, my Sacred super individual Monad, with the ineffable appearance of the Ancient of the Days…

The Lord was admonishing the old corsair of the seas with great severity. It is unquestionable that his physical body was asleep in his bed at that time of the night…

Eagerly, I wanted to intervene as third party in the discord. The Old Man of the Centuries ordered me in a strong manner to be quiet…

Years ago the pirate had given me back my daughter, had taken her away from the hell in which he himself had put her…

Now my Real Being, Samael, struggled to free and emancipate him, to take him away from the infernal worlds…

Samael Aun Weor

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