The Cosmic Law of Solionensius

The great Russian sage, Georges Lakhosky, after having studied the sunspots deeply, came to discover that there is an intimate relationship between these and wars.


In this age of remote-controlled cosmic rockets, deep studies have been made of cosmic rays, and their influences on living cells and organisms in general.

The complex mechanism of the remote-controlled rockets can be remotely controlled by means of radio-active waves.

The radioactivity of the planets in space, and their electromagnetic influence on living organisms can no longer be denied.

There is a cosmic law called SOLIOONENSIUS which has been manifested on our planet earth forty times after the Submergence of Atlantis.


This cosmic law results from the electromagnetic tension of the worlds.

Our solar system of Ors has a neighboring solar system called “Baleooto”.

There is also in the cosmos the famous comet Solni that often dangerously approaches the resplendent sun Baleoto.

This shining sun has often been forced to develop strong electromagnetic tension in order to firmly maintain its usual cosmic path.

This tension, as it is very natural and logical, causes an identical tension in all the neighboring suns among which is our sun called Ors.

When our sun Ors is put in electromagnetic tension in order to not change the path it leads, it causes an identical tension in all the planets of the solar system of Ors, including our Earth.

This is the cosmic SOLIOONENSIUS, the great law that acts on our land in very long intervals.

Normally this great law produces intense religiosity and deep longing for intimate Self-realization, but when humanity is not prepared psychologically for the action of this law, the result is often catastrophic.

In 1917 the Cosmic Law was manifested very intensely, but as the Russian proletariat was filled with dreadful resentments and bitterness, SOLIOONENSIUS then combined abnormally and negatively with the psyche of each individual.

The result of this negative combination was the Bolshevik revolution.

Russia had been preparing psychologically for this bloody revolution.

By the autumn of 1905 the Bolshevik revolutionary movement spread over the whole country with an overwhelming impulse.

These Soviets, which appeared for the first time in 1905, were to be the prototype of Soviet power created by the proletariat under the leadership of the Bolshevik party in 1917.

The Soviets were the result of a desperate and resentful popular inventiveness.

The Bolshevik revolution was certainly the result of a terrible combination of SOLIOONENSIUS with the psychological idiosyncrasy of each individual.

One of the characteristics of this law in action is the longing for freedom.

The Russian proletariat only felt this longing, but combined it with Marxist Leninist theories and fell miserably into the arms of materialism.

However, there were in Russia, by that time of the Bolshevik revolution, a few people who knew how to intelligently use SOLIOONENSIUS to develop Objective Reason and individual self-awareness.

By the time of the Bolshevik Revolution a great Gnostic instructor founded a great school of regeneration in Russia. Several conquered self-realization with that school.

Many years have passed and we do not know yet when SOLIOONENSIUS comes back; what we do know is that we must prepare ourselves psychologically to receive it intelligently.

It is only logical to think that if SOLIOONENSIUS finds us without psychological preparation the result has to be a catastrophe. It is good to record in our memory and never forget that the Bolshevik revolution was really a great social catastrophe.

We must aspire to realize on the earth the Social Christ, and for that reason, it is necessary to prepare ourselves in the spiritual and social field as best as possible.

It would be unfortunate if the next SOLIOONENSIUS found us without psychological preparation of any kind.

In the past, whenever SOLIOONENSIUS was manifested, it was catastrophic when humanity was not prepared.

Remember the old Egypt, between dynasty and dynasty there were terrible events.

Twice the SOLIOONENSIUS manifested catastrophically in the sunny country of Kem.

In the first, the people in bloody revolution chose new rulers by blood and death, the candidate who had among his sacred vessel more eyes belonging to the legitimately constituted ruling class, would be elected new ruler. It is clear that the scenes of such revolt were horrible.

In the second manifestation of this cosmic law, the enraged Egyptian people rose up against their rulers and killed them crossing them side by side with a sacred and metal cable. Then, sex or age was not respected, and that cable looked more like a macabre necklace that was later dragged with beasts and thrown to the Nile.

There is no doubt that the French Revolution also resulted from another manifestation of this cosmic law.

The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was less bloody compared to the two revolutions of Egypt.

Nevertheless the consequences of the Bolshevik Revolution were immensely worse due to the disgusting materialist doctrine of Leninist Marxist type.

The two social catastrophes produced by SOLIOONENSIUS in the old Egypt of the pharaohs in spite of being bloodier than the Bolshevik Revolution did not infect the earth with the morbid epidemic of dialectical materialism.

The Bolshevik Revolution was a real disgrace, not only for Russia but also for the whole world.


SOLIOONENSIUS produces liberation cravings (Revolution of Consciousness), but when the human being is not prepared, it only occurs to him to kill the rulers, to assassinate others, to dethrone the kings, to end the government, etc., etc., etc.

We must prepare ourselves psychologically for SOLIOONENSIUS, we need to become aware of ourselves and realize on the face of the earth the Social Christ.

V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Translation from the original lecture done by The New Age of Aquarius

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