In these dark moments of confusion and world agony we are going to share a few words in relation to the ninth sphere …

Much has been written and disseminated on the social networks of these times about the wonders of the Great Arcanum. Although all this is wonderful and even necessary, I consider that few are those who really practice the connection of lingam-yoni without the ejaculation of Ens seminis, that is, of semen.

In the book “The Perfect Matrimony”, Master Samael transcribes the following esoteric statement:

“The descent into the ninth sphere has always been the ultimate test for the Supreme Dignity of the Hierophant”

Descending to the ninth sphere is very serious, it is a very long and intense process of trials, sacrifices and ordeals that the aspirant to initiation must patiently process, in that process the soul is tempered and ascends to the corresponding heavens, which conquer with the practice of the Maithuna in a home that has been legitimately constituted.

Loyalty to Gnostic teaching and being faithful to the Aquarian Avatara is primordial, if the aspirant is not faithful to the one who gave him the teaching, that is; to his Guru, then he will never pass the tests and will never know what suprasexuality means. Will go on living self deceived as thousands of Gnostic students of these times who believe that only attending a group, or watching video lectures on YouTube are already on the esoteric path, we regret to tell all of them that they are foolishly fooling around.

Being loyal to Gnosis means caring for it, respecting it and spreading the word with all our soul, despite the difficulties one finds in its path, and even against our own family, emotional and economic interests.

In the descent to the abyss we learn many things … the most valuable is the power of concentration in Meditation, because with that faculty we get to detach the ego from our body and our mind, understanding it we can pray to our Divine Mother so that She can do the favor of eliminating it radically…

Until now everything is fine, and then we read the following:

“When the inhuman elements of greed are annihilated, it (GREED) revives more strongly in another of the heads (7) of the beast and so on …”

Samael Aun Weor

So we can not think that this is something easy, rather we must prepare for the longest day of our life, the road for self-discovery and the elimination of the ego is the neverending story

Ramon T Juarez

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