The Dialectic of The Consciousness

In the esoteric work related to the elimination of the undesirable elements which we carry within, annoyance, tiredness and boredom emerge sometimes.

Without question, we need to always return to the original starting point and re-evaluate the basis of the psychological work, if we truly yearn for a radical change. To love the esoteric work is indispensable when a complete inner transformation is really wanted.

As long as we do not love the psychological work which leads to change, the reevaluation of principles is absolutely impossible.

It would be absurd to suppose that we could be interested in the work if in fact we have not come to love it.

This means that love is unpostponable when we are trying once and again to re-evaluate the foundations of the psychological work.

Above all it is urgent to know what is that which is called consciousness, for there are many people who have never been interested in knowing anything about it.

Any ordinary person would never ignore that a boxer loses consciousness when he is knocked out in the ring.

It is quite clear that when the unfortunate boxer comes round, he regains consciousness.  Consequently, anyone can understand that a clear difference exists between personality and consciousness.

When we come into this world we all have in the existence a three per cent of consciousness and a ninety-seven per cent which can be distributed among subconsciousness, infraconsciousness and unconsciousness. The three per cent of awake consciousness can be increased as we work upon ourselves.

It is not possible to increase consciousness by exclusively physical or mechanical procedures.

Undoubtedly, the consciousness can only awake through conscious work and voluntary suffering.

Various types of energy exist within us, we must understand:

First. – Mechanical energy.

Second. – Vital energy.

Third. – Psychic energy.

Fourth. – Mental energy.

Fifth. – Energy of the will.

Sixth. – Energy of the consciousness.

Seventh. – Energy of pure spirit.

No matter how much we multiplied the strictly mechanical energy, we would never awake consciousness.

No matter how much we increased the vital forces within our own organism, we would never come to awake consciousness.

Many psychological processes take place within ourselves without the consciousness taking part at all.

However great the disciplines of the mind may be, mental energy can never achieve the awaking of the diverse functionalisms of the consciousness.

The strength of will, even if multiplied infinitely, can never achieve the awaking of consciousness.

All these types of energy are graded into different levels and dimensions which have nothing to do with consciousness.

The consciousness can only be awoken by conscious work and upright efforts.

The small percentage of consciousness which humanity possesses, instead of being increased is usually futilely wasted in life.

It is obvious that by identifying with all the events of our existence, we uselessly waste the energy of the consciousness.

We should see life as a film, without ever identifying with any comedy, drama or tragedy, thus we would save conscious energy.

Consciousness in itself is a type of energy with a very high frequency of vibration.

We should not confuse consciousness with memory, since they are as different from each other as the light of the car’s head lamps in relation to the road upon which we drive. Many acts take place within ourselves with no participation whatsoever of that which is called consciousness.

Many adjustments and readjustments take place within our organism, without the consciousness taking part in them.

The motor center of our body can drive a car or direct the fingers which play the piano keys, without even the most insignificant participation of the consciousness.

Consciousness is the light which the unconscious does not perceive.

A blind person cannot perceive physical solar light either, however, it does exist in itself.

We need to open ourselves for the light of the consciousness to penetrate the terrible darkness of the myself, of the oneself.

Now we will understand better the meaning of John’s words, when he said in the Gospel: “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not understand”.

It would be impossible however, for the light of consciousness to penetrate within the darkness of the self, should we not previously use the marvelous sense of psychological auto-observation. We need to make way for light to illuminate the tenebrous depths of the “I” of psychology.

We would never auto-observe ourselves if we did not have an interest in changing, and such interest is possible only when we truly love the esoteric teachings.

Our readers will understand now the reason why we advise to re-evaluate, time and time again, the instructions concerning the work on oneself.  Awake consciousness allows us to experience reality directly.

Unfortunately, the intellectual animal mistakenly called man, fascinated by the formulative power of dialectical logic, has forgotten about the dialectic of consciousness.

Unquestionably, the power to formulate logical concepts is basically terribly poor.

From thesis we can pass onto antithesis and through discussion reach synthesis, but the latter remains in itself an intellectual concept which in no way can coincide with reality.

The Dialectic of Consciousness is more direct, permitting us to experience the reality of any phenomenon in itself and by itself.

Natural phenomena in no way coincide exactly with the concepts formulated by the mind.  Life develops from instant to instant and when we capture it to analyze it, we cause its death.

When, observing this or that natural phenomenon, we try to infer concepts, in fact we stop perceiving the reality of the phenomenon and we only see in it the reflection of theories and stale concepts which have nothing to do at all with the observed fact.

Intellectual hallucination is fascinating and we forcibly want all natural phenomena to coincide with our dialectical logic.

The dialectic of consciousness is based on lived experiences and not on mere subjective rationalism.

All of nature’s laws exist within ourselves and if we do not discover them in our interior, we will never discover them outside of ourselves.

Man is contained in the Universe and the Universe is contained in man.

Real is what we experience within ourselves, only the consciousness can experience reality.

The language of the consciousness is symbolic, intimate, and profoundly significant and only those who are awake can understand it.

Whoever may want to awake consciousness, must eliminate from within all the undesirable elements which constitute the Ego, the “I”, the myself, within which the essence is bottled.

Samael Aun Weor

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