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Unquestionably Mammon and Dionysus will never be able to be reconciled, being incompatible both in their form and their content.

In an irrefutable axiomatic manner we can—and must—define Mammon by means of two terms:

  1. Intellectualism.
  2. Money (gold, riches).

Correctly, and in a blunt and definitive manner, we must define a Dionysus as follows:

  1. Voluntary transmutation of the sexual libido.
  2. Mystical transcendental ecstasy.

It is appropriate to cite now among the grandeurs of this poor pygmy of a humanity, that date and hour—February 4th, 1962, between 2 and 3 P.M.—in which all the planets of our solar system got together in a supreme cosmic council, precisely in the brilliant constellation of Aquarius, to initiate the new Era surrounded by the august thundering of thought.

From that memorable date and under the regency of Uranus, the very venerable and most worthy Lord of Aquarius, the Dionysian wave vibrates intensely in the whole of Nature.

The following transcendental news should be emphasised: that this planet has  been, is and always will be the brilliant heavenly body that rules and governs intelligently the sexual endocrine glands.

Now you can understand by yourselves the intrinsic cause that at this moment gives rise to the intensive Dionysian vibration.

The concrete fact that the earth-dwellers, in their overwhelming majority, did not rise up to the occasion, and were incapable of polarising that wave positively is evident and obvious…

To define the two aspects—positive-negative—of this cosmic vibration is urgent, pressing and indispensable.

Positive Dionysian pole: subliminal sexual pleasure, voluntary transmutation of the entity of the semen, awakened Consciousness, objective knowledge, superlative intuition, transcendental music by the great classical masters, etc.

Negative Dionysian pole: sexual degeneration, all kinds of infrasexualism, homosexuality, lesbianism, demoniac pleasures in the infernal worlds by means of drugs, mushrooms, alcohol; infernal music like that of the new wave, etc., etc., etc.

It is urgent to understand deeply the intimate processes of the two poles of the Dionysian wave…

As a living example of such a diametrically opposed pair of poles corresponding to the above-mentioned undulation, it is appropriate here to cite as illustration two contemporary revolutionary movements.

In a delicate way I want to refer clearly and without hesitation to the “Universal International Christian Gnostic Movement” and also to the obverse of the Dionysian medal, known by the sadly famous name of the “Hippie Movement”.

Unquestionably, these two psychological antipodes are “per se” an unmistakable living demonstration of the pair of opposite poles of the tremendous Dionysian vibration.

Having arrived judiciously at this part of the present chapter, the need for a didactic confrontation becomes inevitable.

When one is trying to experience what is the Truth, the Reality, then Dionysian inebriation, ecstasy, shamadhi are obviously indispensable. Such an exaltation is a hundred per cent possible by means of the technique of meditation.

Psychedelia is different. This term should be translated as follows, Psyche = Soul. Delia = Drug.

Being more specific, we shall say: psychedelia is the antithesis of meditation. The drug hell is in the interior of the planetary organism in which we live, under the same skin of the earth’s crust.

The hallucinatory mushrooms, pills, L.S.D., marijuana, etc., etc., etc., evidently intensify the vibratory capabilities of the subjective powers, but it is clear that they would never be able to awaken the Consciousness.

Drugs fundamentally alter the sexual genes; this has been scientifically demonstrated. As a consequence of such negative genetic mutations, the evident result is the birth of monstrous children.

Drugs fundamentally alter the sexual genes; this has been scientifically demonstrated.

Meditation and Psychodelia are incompatible, opposite, antagonistic; they will never be able to blend with each other.

Unquestionably these two factors of the Dionysian inebriation indicate and point to a psychological rebellion.

Gnostics and hippies got fed up with the vain intellectualism of Mammon, got fed up with so many theories, arrived at the conclusion that the mind is worthless as an instrument for research…

Zen? Gnana-Yoga? This is superlative. There are inside us in latent state faculties of cognition infinitely superior to the mind. Through them we can experiment in direct form with what is Real, that which does not belong to Time.

The Hippie movement preferred the drug hell; it undoubtedly defined itself perversely.

We gnostics, totally disillusioned by Mammon’s futile intellectualism, drink the wine of meditation in the glass of perfect concentration.

Psychological changes, radical and deep, become urgent when the villains of the mind disillusion us.

It is necessary to go back to the starting point; only in this way is a radical transformation possible.

Sexology? Oh God and Hail Mary! Puritans are horrified by this subject…

It is written in letters of fire in the Scriptures that sex is a stumbling block and a rock of scandal2

The evidence stands out, that we are not the children of any theory, school or sect. At the bare source of our existence, we just find a man, a woman and a coitus…

We are born naked, somebody cut our umbilical cord, we cry and then look for the maternal breast…

Clothes? Schools? Theories? Erudition? Money? Etc., etc., etc. All this came afterwards, as an extra.

Beliefs of all types exist everywhere. However, the only force that can transform us in an integral and unitotal manner is that one that has brought us into existence. I wish to refer to the creative energy of the first instant, sexual potency.

By logical consequence, the amorous delight, the erotic enjoyment, is the greatest happiness…

To know how to copulate wisely is indispensable when one yearns sincerely for a definitive psychological change.

The hippies had a presentiment of all this when they rebelled against Mammon; however, they took the wrong road, and did not know how to synchronise with the positive pole of Dionysus.

We gnostics are different. We know how to enjoy, we like to transmute and sublimate the libido. This is not a crime.

The “Hippie Movement” marches resolutely by the involutive descending road of infrasexuality.

The “Universal International Gnostic Christian Movement” moves forward victoriously by the ascending path of the “Supra-sexual”.

Samael Aun Weor

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