The Dragon of Darkness

After the Alchemical Wedding with that ineffable woman whose name is Guinevere, the Queen of the ‘Jinn’ knights, I had then to courageously confront the Dragon of Darkness.

I already stated in the former chapter that the delightful Walkiria always demands from her Knight all types of unbelievable prodigies of sacrifice and boldness…

Indeed, exceptions do not exist within the flaming fire of the universe. Even the Adept- Ladies must fight in many battles, as epic amazons, when indeed they yearn to betroth themselves with their Beloved One (Buddhi).

I thought that after the Alchemical Wedding with my Beloved One I would fully enter into a paradisiacal Honeymoon. But, I did not even vaguely suspect that hidden within the submerged dens of my subconsciousness was the leftist and tenebrous Mara, the father of the three classic Furies.

It is a gigantic monster with seven infrahuman heads that bitterly personify the seven capital sins…

The “I” of the “I” is a horrifying engender of the abyss within which a good percentage  of my consciousness was bottled up.

When writing these lines we cannot avoid remembering the apocalyptic verse which textually states the following:

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels (the ‘I’s which constitute the Ego) were cast out with him.

If the Archangel Michael and his luminous Angels from the Divine Light fought heroic battles against the Drago n, why should I precisely be an exception to the general rule?

Bless my soul, oh God, and Hail Mary! Even Buddha Gautama Siddharta himself had to fight frightful wars against the horrifying Dragon Mara and his three loathsome Furies…

It is not irreleva nt to transcribe here in this opportune moment a certain verse from the Buddhist gospel which literally states:

MARA (the Dragon of Darkness) uttered fear-inspiring threats and raised a hurricane so that the skies were darkened and the ocean roared and trembled. But the Blessed One under the Bodhi tree (the Fig Tree symbol of sex) remained calm and feared not. The Enlightened One knew that no harm could befall him.

Ah! If the Adept could exclaim: “I am not the Dragon.. If he could say: ‘That monster has nothing to do with me…”

However, it is clearly written in the book of all enigmas that Mara is the Myself, the Itself in the states of most profound infraconsciousness.

Zeus governs the world from the Olympus and many times the Gods do what is not expected; yet, what is expected does not happen. Thus, the heavens give to the human affairs an unthinkable end. This is what has happened now.

To fight against the Dragon after the Wedding? What a surprise, oh God of mine! What has befallen is very strange…

Smooth is the descent, and easy is the way into the Infernal Worlds. But it is not easy to retrace our steps and return. Here is where the difficult task and difficult trial lies!

Some few sublime heroes indeed have succeeded to triumphantly return. Between those regions and our upper world of light, deep and impenetrable forests occupy the middle space: and the waters of the pale river, the Cocytus, with its sable waves, trace labyrinthic convolutions within that penumbra, whose mere image makes us shudder.

So, the great beast frightfully howled, as when a lion roars and the potencies of darkness  do quake with horror…

In the immense Silano forest, in the splendid shade of the Taburno, two infuriated bulls with sharpened horns run one against the other in order to fight. The humble shepherds withdraw with fear, and as it is natural, the whole flock remains there immobile and mute with terror.

The bulls with all of their strength become filled with terrible wounds, since, with all of their weight, they shove their sharpened horns inside their flesh. Thus, their necks and backs pour blood and the whole profound forest trembles with their bellows.

Likewise, the Dragon of Darkness and my longing soul were running one against the other protecting themselves with their armor, and the abyss was filled with clamor…

While contemplating the hard battle, Jupiter, the venerable Father of divine ones and humans has in equilibrium the two marvelous plates of the cosmic scale, and he places upon each one of them the destiny of the two combatants. Which one will succumb? In which part will death fall upon? The perfidious Mara feels himself invulnerable in his audacity. Hope and excess of hatred agitates him.

The Monster grasped the dreaded Lance of Longinus with his sinister hand. In vain, he intended to hurt me three times, and desperately, he threw the Holy Spear against me. I evaded the strike of the hard pike. Immediately, in those instants, my Divine Mother Kundalini intervened. She took hold of this singular relic and mortally wounded that abominable engendering of hell.

The Red Dragon then lost, little by little, his gigantic stature. He frightfully diminished himself, he reduced himself to a mathematical point and disappeared forever from the tenebrous den…

The secrets of the old abyss are terrible. It is a gloomy and unlimited ocean where the primogenitor night and the Chaos, grandparents of Nature, keep perpetual anarchy in the midst of rumors of eternal wars, and which are sustained with the help of confusion…

Heat, Coldness, Humidity, and Drought are the four terrible champions who dispute superiority in this abyss. They lead their embryonic atoms to combat, which when gathering together around the ensign of their legions and when reunited into many tribes (lightly or heavily armed, being sharp, round, fast or slow) are moving innumerably in a swarm, like the sands of Barca or like the sands of the ardent beach of Cirene, which are pulled in order to take their place in the battle of the winds and in order to serve as a ballast for their speedy wings…

The atom which adheres to the major number of atoms is the one which momentarily dominates. Chaos is the one who governs as a referee, and his decisions increase disorder each time more, thanks to the one who reigns after him. It is ostensible that in those Infernal Worlds ‘chance’ is directing everything…

The horrifying abysmal engendering exhaled his last breath before this savage abyss, the cradle and sepulcher of Nature, before this den (which is neither sea nor earth, neither air nor fire. It is formed by all the elements that in confusion mix themselves in their fertile causes and that must always do combat in the same way. This is unless the Creator Logos determines to form new worlds from these black materials), before this barbarian Tartarous…

Then something unusual, marvelous and extraordinary happened. That fraction of my consciousness that was previously bottled up within that abominable monster returned into the depths of my soul…

Samael Aun Weor

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