The human organism has three brains which are the following :
- First: Thinking brain.
- Second: motor Brain.
- Third: feeling Brain.
The first brain is in the head, the second in the spine, the third in the heart and specific nervous centers of the human organism.
The intelligence of nature has deposited in each of these three brains its famous Bobbinkandelnosts (cosmic values).
Each of these three brains lives while the Bobbin-kandelnosts are alive.
The psychological ego has created an abnormal life system that causes the death of each individual to be realized by thirds.
Whoever makes the mistake of ending the Bobbinkandelnosts of the thinking center, it is clear that he dies mentally. The asylums are cemeteries of the mentally dead.
Who abuses the motor center wears down the Bobbinkandelnosts of the spine. Hemiplegia, paraplegia, progressive paralysis, etc., they really are names that are put to the deceased of the motor center.
Whoever wastes his energy on the boards to make a wonderful debut or to represent different artistic roles, it is clear and only normal that he should wear down all the capital of his Bobbin- kandelnosts corresponding to the feeling brain.
These dead are called psychopaths and neurasthenics. Modern intellectuals miserably exhaust the thinking center.

Footballers, bullfighters, wrestlers, baseball players, etc., etc., etc., they wear down all the vital values of the motor center.
The modern pseudo-artists with all their foolishness of existentialism, comedians, rebels of rock, police and detectives and thieves who play the role of Gangster, it is only logical that they wear down the values of the third center.
Death is done by thirds and the world is full of undead that walk, and torment their fellow being. The psychological ego, the myself, has created systems of anguished and horrible life.
The result of such abnormal forms of life is death by thirds.
In the time of Lemuria, any citizen could normally live twelve to fifteen centuries of life.
In the old Egypt of the pharaohs the normal life span of any human being had an average of one hundred and forty years.
Now the race is so degenerate with the disgusting materialism, that to live sixty or seventy years, is really to have lived a lot.
The Russians supposedly invented serums to prolong life, however the poor old Khrushchev is not eighty years old and he has to ask permission of one foot to raise the other.
In the center of Asia there is a religious community that knows how to extend life, any monk of that community can normally reach four hundred years.
All the secret of these Asian monks consists in knowing how to handle the cosmic law known as Equalization of the Vibrations of Many Sources.
Actually these monks do not abuse the three brains, they have the perfect vibratory balance, they do not wear down the Bobbin-kandelnosts (vital Values).

If the socialist system of the USSR were as perfect as they paint it to be, each citizen could save his Bobbin-kandelnosts for the luxury of living even two or three hundred years.
The scene has been exposed and the Soviet paradise does not exist. In the suburbs of Moscow there is hunger, poverty and desolation.
The streets of Moscow, like any other city in the world, are full of distressed and sick people. In Moscow also people die little by little and by thirds.
The serums invented to extend life are purely Soviet propaganda.
When man dissolves the ego, the three centers of the organic machine will march in perfect equilibrium.
It is only normal to think that when the three brains function in a balanced way, the fundamental values known as Bobbin-kandelnosts are not lost.
Only by knowing how to manage the basic centers, only by knowing how to save their values, can life really be extended.
Samael Aun Weor
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