Unfortunately today, it is painful to say, many children aged twelve and thirteen are already copulating and those who are not copulating commit the crime of masturbating; since with masturbation they eliminate their hormones, degenerate their brain, atrophy their pineal gland and become secure candidates for the asylum.
It is well known that, after intercourse, the phallus continues with a certain peristaltic movement leading to the collection of vital energies from the female uterus, to try to replace its eliminated genetic principles; but when there is masturbation, then it happens that with such phallic peristaltic movement, instead of assimilating female vital energies and useful principles for existence, COLD AIR is absorbed, which passes directly to the brain and the result is idiocy, mental degeneration or madness. The vice of masturbation, is unfortunately very popular, also among the female sex; obviously, with such vice, many women who could have been great or good wives, have degenerated prematurely, have aged rapidly, have lost their sexual potential, have become true victims of life.
Thus, it is good to understand all these aspects of sex.
That teenagers cohabiten is absurd, because they are only germs that have not finished their development.
The development in itself and by itself, concludes at the age of twenty-one.
Then, it is when the age of majority really begins, the responsible age as stated.
Samael Aun Weor