The wise author of the book Specimen of British writers, Barnett, presents an extraordinary case of Sorcery:

“Fifty years ago there was an old woman who lived in a village in the county of Somerset and who was generally considered to be a witch.

“Her body was withered and bent over with age, and she walked on crutches.

“Her voice was hollow and mysterious but feigned solemnity. A penetrating gleam sprang from her eyes and silenced, from fear, the people upon whom she gazed.

“Unexpectedly a young and healthy man of about twenty one years old and from the same locality, began to have persistent nightmares that affected his health. Within three or four months he became pale, weak and thin, with all the symptoms of a life that was about to drain away.

“Neither he nor his family and friends doubted the cause and after holding consultation, he decided to keep watch for the witch.

“The following night, at about half past eleven, he noticed some soft, stealthy steps on the stairs.

“Once the frightening being had arrived in the room, she went to the foot of the bed, climbed upon it and slowly pulled herself towards the young man.

“He allowed her to reach his knees and then seized her hair with both hands, holding her with convulsive strength. At the same time he called his mother who slept in the next room, to bring a light.

“Whilst the mother went to look for a light, the young man and the unknown being were struggling in the darkness; both of them rolling violently about on the floor. When the first glimmer of light appeared on the stairs, the woman broke loose from him with supernatural strength and disappeared, in a flash, from his sight.

“The mother found her son standing, still panting due to his efforts, and holding a bunch of hair in his hands.

“When this phenomenon was related to me,” says Barnett, “I asked the young man out of curiosity from where he had got the hair.” The answer was, ‘It was clumsy of me not to have managed to keep hold of her; it would have better proved the identity of the person. ‘However, during the whirl of sensations I made her fall to the floor, and the witch, whose hair I still had hold of, was very careful not to appear in my sight again nor to come to trouble me at night anymore because she received a very good thrashing.

‘It was strange,’ he added, ‘that whilst I had hold and was struggling with her, although I knew who she was, her breathing and her whole body seemed to be that of a young girl.’ “The man who experienced this occurrence is still alive; he has recounted this episode to me more than once, besides, I can certify to the authenticity of the matter, believe what you like.”

Commenting on this case the wise Waldemar says: “This account contains two important points: Firstly, the young man knew for sure that his nightmare was caused by the witch who lived locally. He knew this witch from brief encounters during the day and at night in her astral visits.

“Secondly the witch bent over as she was by age and supported by crutches transformed herself over several months into the image of a sprightly young girl, whilst he was getting weaker and wasting away. Where could the cause for the evident rejuvenation of the old woman lie?

“To answer this question,” continues Waldemar, “we must keep in view the mechanism of the Eidolon, the double.

“The aura that surrounds and envelopes human beings also represents an accurate reflection of the body in such a way that its defects and weaknesses can be found to correspond exactly.

The “double body” presents, so to speak, increased evidence, which, for example, can often be seen in seriously wounded people who, years after a limb has been amputated, can feel intense pain as though that limb still existed.

“This invulnerable completeness of the double body is founded in the “creator principle”, in that the form given by Nature, the intrinsicality of each being, is contained in a kind of primary germ.

“In this, as in the acorn in which is contained the structure of a complete tree, is concealed the living image of its being.

“Through many false actions and deviations the vibrant astral tissue which is connected to the primitive body, reflects itself during the course of life.”

‘In relation to “primitive bodies” we would like to point out that professor Hans Spemann of the University of Edinburgh received the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Psychology in transcendental studies for verification of the existence of an active sculptor of life, a “chemical ideo-plastic” that forms the protoplasm according to a predetermined image during the first stages of embryonic development.

“From the results of Spemann’s studies, Professor Oscar E. Shotte of Yale University managed to demonstrate through experiments with salamanders that the sculptor of life does not disappear in any way during embryonic development, as Spemann had thought, but is present throughout the whole life of the individual.

“A small piece of tissue from any normal wound of a man and grafted onto living, virgin ground could completely reconstruct an identical creature to the wounded man in question. Maybe laboratory experiments in cloning could one day, in unsuspected proportion, reproduce the results of Professor Shotte.

It is obvious that the abominable harpy of this gory story could through some method of suction or vampirism absorb the vitality of the young man and transplant it within her own “primitive body” in a way unknown to common people. Only in this way can the unusual rejuvenation of the old woman’s body be scientifically explained.

Unquestionably the “chemical ideo-plastic” once impregnated by the vitality of the young man, managed to reconstruct the invalid organism of the old woman. Whilst the youth’s life amazingly wore out, the fatal old woman with her sinister witch’s Sabbath, was regaining her lost youth.

Clearly the young man could have captured her if he had not made the mistake of seizing her by the hair; it would have been better to grasp her waist or arms.

Many of these abysmal harpies taken by surprise, have been captured by other procedures.

Some ancient traditions say: “If you put a pair of steel scissors on the ground in the shape of a cross and scatter black mustard around this metallic instrument, any witch can be trapped.”

It is astonishing that some illustrious occultists ignore that these witches can elude the law of universal gravity!

Although the notion may be unusual, we emphasize the idea that it is possible to transpose the physical body to the fourth dimension.

It is not at all strange that these harpies having entered the unknown dimension with their physical bodies, can levitate and travel within seconds to any place in the world.

Certainly they have secret formulas with which to escape from the three dimensional world of Euclid. In strictly occult terms we can label these sinister creatures as black “JINAS”.

The human organism certainly offers amazing possibilities. Remember, dear readers, the execrable Celenus and his foul harpies; monsters with the necks and heads of women.

Horrible kinds of bird from the Strofadas Islands encountered in the Ionian Sea.

They have long claws and their faces are always pale with hunger. Terrible furies that used to be beautiful young women and now ruin everything they touch.

The principal capital of these abominations is in Salamanca, Spain.

The famous Klingsor castle lies there – that hall of sorcery – Sanctuary of darkness suitably mentioned by Richard Wagner in his Parsifal.

God and Holy Virgin Mary bless us! If people were told this, they would search for Klingsor castle through all the old streets of Salamanca.

However it is well known by Gods and humans that the castle of the black Grail is to be found in the land of “Jinas”, the unknown Dimension.

On Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight, is the reunion of these HAGS with their DRONES to celebrate their orgies.

When one of these harpies becomes trapped, they get a good hiding, thrashing or beating because poor people, they do not yet know how to return good for evil.

It is necessary to be understanding, instead of getting stuck in the mire of infamy, we should surpass these harpies with love, bravely confront the problem and admonish with wisdom.

“Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

“How can you say to your brother: ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

“You hypocrite! first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

“He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone…”

However incredible it seems; it is as well to know that many honorable and religious people carry the Ego of Sorcery within them.

In other words we can say that honest and sincere people know nothing about occultism, esotericism, etc. in their present existence; nevertheless they carry within them the Ego of Sorcery. It is obvious that this EGO can travel through time and space to cause harm to others.

Any fleeting interest in sorcery in whatever past life could have created such an Ego.

This means that there are many people in the world who without knowing, unconsciously practice sorcery.

In truth, I say, that there are many devotees of the Path who also carry within them the EGO of Sorcery.

We conclude this present chapter by saying: “All human beings, although they are upon the Path of Edge of the Razor, are more or less black inwardly as long as they have not eliminated the PLURALIZED EGO.”

Samael Aun Weor

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