The Legend of Zoroaster says “all those whose good works outweigh their sins, go to Heaven; those whose sins are greater go to Hell ; he who has the two equal remains in HAMISTIKAN until the future body or resurrection.”

The Molecular Region if the region of Paradise. Those beings who suffered greatly in life and who were relatively good become submerged in the happiness of the Molecular World, before taking a new physical body. The molecular regions are saturated in happiness.

The human Essences enjoy these ineffable regions in the absence of their PLURALIZED EGOS.

The EGOS of the essences remain meanwhile in the doorway of mystery, awaiting the new
reincarnation. In the absence of the EGO the essences develop happily in Paradise.

These beings use the Molecular Body. Those who possess the Astral Christ shine with glory and are even happier in Paradise. This happiness lies only in the sexual seed, in a germinal state. But it germinates and is born, when the initiate knows the mysteries of sex. The ASTRAL CHRIST is a marvellous body. People who possess this body are truly immortal, since they never lose their Consciousness.

As Paradise is molecular it enters and penetrates all earth’s atmosphere and is especially related to the IONISPHERE, which is found 60 miles above the earth’s surface. This region is especially pure. Even when the astronauts travel through this area they can never discover Paradise with their physical senses. We can only see Paradise with the Spatial Sense. The Gnostic movement teaches various scientific techniques for opening the Spatial Sense.

The Molecular Region has various ineffable countries. These are the planes and sub-planes that Theosophers and Rosacrucians speak of. In these regions of limitless happiness the disincarnate live happily until their time runs out. Dawn, day, evening and night, infancy, adolescence, maturity and old age govern the whole cosmos, and even the disincarnate are subjected to this law. In time, these fortunate beings have to return to the physical world.

Everything that the disincarnate see is in their minds. The Devakarnic states spoken of by the Theosophic and Rosicrucian books, affirm this. The state of unconsciousness into which the disincarnte fall under electronic shock is very regrettable because even when they enjoy the happiness of the molecular regions they are not sufficiently conscious, as an Adept of the White Lodge would be. Only those who have acquired Soul live conscious of the Superior Regions of the Universe.

The ordinary disincarnate project their own desires and aspirations into the molecular atmosphere, and dream of them, living in perfect happiness. Adepts do not dream because they have awakened Consciousness and live in this region dedicated to work, in accordance with the great Cosmic Laws, in the laboratory of Nature. This does not mean that the disincarnate do not enjoy the scenery of Paradise. Naturally they are infinitely happy in their surroundings of happiness.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, and the Art of Dying, from the Middle Ages, teach preparation for death. Men dedicated solely to material things will not have the good fortune of experiencing the happiness of the Electronic World, due to the state of unconsciousness into which they fall. When these people live in the Molecular World they spend their
holidays dreaming, they drink from the fountain of forgetfulness, and dream delightfully.

The molecular body is a microscope and telescope at the same time. With this body we can see the infinitely small and the infinitely large. In Paradise, the disincarnate participate in the intimate nature of everything created, penetrating the heart of all that exists. It is better to know things by penetration than by external perception. Life in Paradise would be better if the disincarnte did not project his own desires into the molecular world. There each projects images of his own mind into the atmosphere.

Samael Aun Weor

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