The electronic World is the Solar World of Light, the world of the Spirit.
Those who have Spirit, those who possess an Electronic Body exercise power over the molecular, cellular, and mineral worlds. Those who possess an Electronic Body are in a position to help their disciples to create their own Souls. Any true instructor teaches his disciples to create Soul. Any man with Soul is a true reformer. A man with Soul can help his disciples, teaching them the theory of acquisition of their Soul. But only a man who has an Electronic Body can work with the embryo Souls in the same way that a man with a Cellular Body can work with the earth’s minerals.

Certain affirmations saying that Human Beings have Soul and Spirit have been exaggerated. In fact, within the human Essence there exists a fraction of the Causal Being, but this fraction is only the Prime Material that life has given us to make Soul.

Whoever makes Soul fuses himself with the Great Universal Soul. Whoever makes Spirit is united with the Universal Spirit of Life. “Because unto everyone that hath shall be given and he will have abundance…..And throw the useless servant into the outer darkness.

There will be wailing and the gnashing of teeth .” (Matthew25, verses 29,30).

The fate of the human Essence in the Electronic World after death is fleeting, because the human being is still not prepared for living continuously in this solar region. There are schools for the creation of Soul and there are also schools of Sexual Regeneration for the creation of Spirit. The Gnostic Rosacrucian School is a Temple and School at the same time. The Gnostic Movement is closely united to the authentic and legitimate Rosacrucian school, which exists only in the Superior Worlds.

Our Universal Christian Gnostic Movement teaches the real path of REGENERATION. Our school teaches the creation of SOUL and SPIRIT. Our Movement has the most complete ESOTERIC school. Our Movement is INITIATING the new Aquarian Age, in the August Thundering of Thought.

The Electronic World is marvellous. In the Molecular World light and sound are diffused 100 times more rapidly than in the Cellular World, but in the Electronic World they travel instantaneously, not along a line like in the Cellular Region, nor across an area like smell, but across a volume of space, and, being independent of atmosphere they can travel to the Sun in seven minutes.

In the Electronic World we are Light and we live in all things. There, we experience the tremendous Reality of Unity of Life. Electronic bodies move freely with the Great Light in Divine Space. The human Consciousness dressed with an electronic body, includes within itself, the Life and Consciousness of all the beings of the Universe. This is YOGA, the Union with GOD. All those who acquire Spirit have to live the DRAMA OF THE INNER CHRIST, in their practical lives, their homes, in their towns, among their people. This is a Cosmic drama that has existed since before the coming of Jesus. The essence of the drama, its principal event is the death of the INITIATE and his supreme surrender to the FATHER.

This happening takes place amidst, lightning thunder and great earthquakes.

The transfiguration of the principal person to the Electronic World, the acquisition of Spirit, is something magnificent and terribly Divine. In these instants the electronic force is displaced and the vertical fracture of all Planes of Cosmic Consciousness opens the inner worlds to the ordinary perception of the man in the street for a moment. Then, all the marvellous things that the Gospels tell of when Jesus died on the Cross take place. The earth trembles, graves open, the saints are resuscitated and they all cry out :”Truly this is the Son of God.”

The Gnostic Movement is an organization with more than 3 million members throughout the world. The Venerable Master, Samael Aun Weor, is the Great Avatar of the AQUARIAN AGE, he is the founder -President. Samael Aun Weor is a Master of the Greater Mysteries, and all that has been hidden from human beings for centuries and has been the privilege of the few, the few initiates of humanity; all that is hidden in the sacred books of all the religions of all times, all that remained hermetically sealed in the Sacred Temples of the great civilizations that have preceded us in the course of history, all is revealed by this Master, without any veil for the Redemption of Humanity.

Gnostics are practical. With these teachings you will be able to develop your Occult Powers to see, hear, touch and feel the Angels, Archangels, Seraphims, Potencies and Virtues
etc. With our practices you will even be able to reach Union with God.

Samael Aun Weor

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