The Ex-personality and Quantum Theory

The sparkle of the atoms is due to the packets of energy called quanta.

In the diamond, the quanta move at half their speed, decreasing their speed in a progressive manner in the air, water and earth.

An atom is like a vibrometer that produces waves with velocities of their own according to their type.

The emotional attachment of the disembodied diminishes the velocity of the quanta in such a manner that the ex-personality of the deceased can be accessible to the retina of a living person. Then, the personality of the deceased person rem palpable.


On a certain day I found myself on the 5 de Mayo street, in Mexico City, with an old friend; I greeted him raising my arm and I continued on my way. A few days later I met a relative of my friend and, to my surprise, he told me that Mr. Garcia Pena, the one whom I had greeted, had died two months ago. Undoubtedly, this friend’s ex personality, attached to this world in which we live, made itself tangible repeating the same actions that he was mechanically accustomed to.

It is indubitable that a close relationship exists between the energetic and atomic personality and the quanta which posses their own vibratory frequency. The disembodied, due to their emotional attachment to this three-dimensional world, customarily decrease the quantum vibration of their personalities in an unconscious manner, thus making themselves palpable and perceptible.

When the quanta are fast they are not perceived. When they are too slow, they are not perceived either.

Normally, the quanta travel at the velocity of light and in a circle.

The secret of time is hidden in the atom. The concept of time is negative. No one could demonstrate the velocity of time, it cannot be enclosed in a laboratory.

We, between one event and another, place the time concept; the proof is in the great number of different calendars.

What decreases the velocity of the quanta is the attitude that we have at a given instant. In spiritualistic meetings, the same phenomena of the quanta occurs.

The processes of the Cosmos is carried out in an eternal now. The rising and setting of the Sun is carried out in an eternal instant.

We should develop our own way of thinking. From the energetic point of view, each of us is a mathematical point that agrees to serve as a vehicle to specific values, whether they be positive or negative.

Image, values and identity in someone who annihilated the ego, are positive. Death ought to be considered as a mathematical subtraction.


Reincorporation is the new principle that explains the incessant incorporation of values in mathematical points.

Energy is indestructible. I do not believe that the quanta can be destroyed, but it is possible to manage to transform them. Every man who likes the psychological revolution should reflect on all that the quantum phenomena is, in order to extract from it the sell-concept and the evident self-reflection of the Being.

The study of the quanta can be carried out by the one who lives mental dynamics in his own flesh and that, with it, has emancipated the mind.


The super-discipline and perfection of the physical body is achieved by means of naturopathic medicine.

When a super-discipline exists, it is obvious that we will be able to obtain direct Wisdom from the archeological documents.

By having a super-discipline we will comprehend and accept that we have to take life as a gymnasium, at will.

Great triumphs await the one who subjects himself to a super-discipline.

Those who live a super-discipline will have to be strong in order to bear the “solitude of the path”.


In order to comprehend evident self-reflection, one needs to study the Epistle of James which is for those who work in the Great Work, in the Revolution of the Dialectic.

It is necessary for the Great Work and the psychological work to be supported with faith, because faith is manifested in deeds.

The one who knows how to handle the tongue will dominate the body and will dominate others and, thereby, will be marching in an ascending manner in the Great Work and in the psychological work.

As we advance in the practice of these psychological teachings. We should avoid falling into another psychological error which is that of becoming boastful; we should also not become conceited in order to triumph in the Great Work and in evident self- reflection.

Samael Aun Weor

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