1.Enter the temple of music, Oh! BUDDHA, to receive your lessons.
2.The Sun of the Father shines in all its splendor.

3.A bird gently flies, singing in the forest.
4.The Fifth Serpent ascends to the Fifth Spinal Vertebra of the body of Will.
5.Enter your Fifth Chamber, to celebrate the occasion.
6.You have already learned how to respect other people’s wills. This is the Fifth card of the TAROT: THE HIGH PRIEST.
7.You have already dominated the effect of jealousy, because you have learned, Oh! BUDDHA, to respect other people’s wills.
8.You have already learned to respect the Will of your family members, and the will of every living being.
9.You understand now, my brother, what it is to respect the free will of other people.
10.The FIRE is purifying bit by bit the Causal body or body of Will.
11.It is impossible to purify the physical body, or the Vital, Astral, Mental, Causal, bodies, or our Buddhic and Atmic vehicles, without the marvelous power of FIRE.
12.Those that wait to purify the Mind first and then begin to practice Sexual-Magic, resemble the garbage man that wants to purify the dung-heap without lighting up the Fire.
13.With the Fire we burn the slag and purify our internal vehicles.
14.However the Fire can only be lit by practicing Sexual-Magic.
15.INRI (Ignea Natura Renovatur Integram). Fire unceasingly renews Nature.
by Samael Aun Weor
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