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When dealing with transcendental and practical esotericism, we can—indeed must—emphasize the following:

Everything that has been said in pure occultism concerning geomantic tables, astrology, magic herbs, wonderful parchments with cryptographic languages, in spite of being absolutely true and noble, is certainly nothing but the kindergarten, the lesser part of the Great Wisdom inherited from the orient, that consists of the radical transformation of oneself by means of the revolutionary asceticism of the new Aquarian Age (an extraordinary mixture of sexual anxiety and spiritual yearning).

We gnostics are in reality the chosen, possessors of the three riches, that is:

  1. The Philosopher’s
  2. The Clavicle of Solomon
  3. The Genesis of Enoch

These three factors constitute the living foundation of the Apocalypse, as well as those of the collections of Pistorius, of the Theosophy of Porfirio and of many other extremely ancient secrets

The radical absolute change inside ourselves, here and now, would be impossible without the Philosopher’s Stone.

Speaking clearly and in plain language I declare: the ens seminis(the entity of semen) is that venerable matter—referred to by Sendivogius—with which we must prepare the Philosopher’s Stone.

Sexual magic is the way… Thus I understood in my present reincarnation when I undertook the preparation of the Philosopher’s Stone.

By means of that Blessed Stone we can satisfy that alchemist maxim that says,

“Solve et coagule”.

“Solve et coagule”

We need to dissolve the psychological Ego and coagulate in ourselves the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12 in the form of solar bodies, innermost powers, virtues, etc., etc., etc.

The Philosopher’s Stone is the one that valorizes the sexual seed and gives it the power to germinate as a mystical yeast that makes the whole metallic mass ferment and rise up, causing the King of Creation to appear in its integral form. I am referring to the authentic man, not to the intellectual animal incorrectly called man.

The Will (Thelema) acquires the power of transmutation that converts the base metals into gold, that is evil into good, in all circumstances of life.

For this reason, a minimal amount of the Philosopher’s Stone or Projection Powder is required for the transmutation.

Each base metal dissolved in the crucible of the Sexual Alchemy is always replaced by the pure gold of a new virtue. (Solve et coagule).

The “modus operandi” can be found in Chapter 11, fifth story, of this book. (More information can be found in my book The Mystery of the Golden Blossom).

To light the individual Fohat (Fire), the Flame of Eros, in our Sexual Alchemist Laboratory is certainly the basis of the dionysian wave; I deeply understood when studying at the feet of my guru, “Adolfito”.

Unquestionably I was always assisted during the metaphysical coupling. This other divine guru who was paid his salary in the Temple (see Chapter 12) did his duty well.

That Great Soul assisted me astrally during the chemical coitus. I saw him make strong magnetic passes over my coccyx bone, spine and superior part of my head.

When the erotic Igneous Serpent of our magic powers awoke to initiate its march along the spinal canal towards interior and upper regions, I felt extremely thirsty and experienced a very sharp pain in the coccyx that lasted for several days.

Then I was entertained lavishly at the Temple. I was never able to forget that cosmic event.

At that time I lived in peace in a small house, at the seaside, in the tropical region of the Caribbean coast.

The ascent of Kundalini from vertebra to vertebra happened very slowly, in accordance with the merits of the heart.

Each vertebra is very demanding; from this we can infer difficult trials. As a corollary we assert: the ascent of the Kundalini is not possible if we do not fulfil the precise moral conditions necessary for this to happen.

These thirty three vertebrae are designated in the superior worlds by symbolic names, such as cannons, pyramids, holy chambers, etc., etc., etc.

The mystical ascent of the Flame of Love from vertebra to vertebra and chakra to chakra along the medullar canal certainly happened on the basis of Sexual Magic, including sanctification and sacrifice.

The Mahatma that was assisting brought me help by guiding the Sacred Fire from the coccyx bone—at the base of the spine—to the pineal gland, situated, as is already known by the doctors, in the superior part of the brain.

Subsequently that Great Soul caused my Erotic Fire to flow into the region of the space between the eyebrows.

The First Initiation of Fire happened as a corollary, when the Igneous Serpent of our magic powers made contact with the atom of the Father in the magnetic field of the root of the nose.

Certainly it was during the mystic ceremony of the last supper when the cosmic date of the Initiation was fixed.

The Holy Grail! It shines as a sacred ember, burning on the table of the Easter banquet.

The true history of this Holy Grail is written in the stars and has its foundation; not in Toledo, as Wolfram von Eschembach claims…

The main known origins of these chivalric legends related to the Holy Grail are:

A)”Historia Rerum in Partibus Transmarinis Gestarum”, by William of Tiro, (circa 1184), a latin work translated into French with the title “Roman d’Eracle”, book that served as a basis to”The Great Conquest of Overseas”, translated in turn from French to Spanish at the end of the XIII century or beginning of the XIV. In this conquest are summarized the five main branches that refer to the cycle of the First Crusade: the “Chansó d’Antiochia”, the”Chanson de Jerusalem”, “Les Chettis” (or captives),”Elias” (the Knight of the Swan).

B)”Dolopathos” by Jean d’Haute-Seille, written around 1190.

C)The legend of the poem that Paris calls “Elioxa” or”Heli-Oxa” (the Solar Calf), primitive name of the Insoberta or Isis-Betha of the Knight of the Swan, work this one of many analogies, according to Gayangos, with the famous “Amadís de Gaula”.

D)”Parsifal” and “Titurel” of Eschembach.

E)”Count of the Grail” by Chrétien de Troyes (1175),”The Lohengrin” or “Swan- Ritter” (the Knight of the Swan), anonymous Bavarian work of the XIII century published by Goerres in 1813.

F)”Tristan and Isolde”, by Godfrey of Strasbourg (1200-1220) and the many similar Tristans which can be found in the literature.

G)”The Demand of the Holy Grail” with the marvelous deeds of Lanzarote and his son Galahad (XIV century) with all its concordant works.

I waited with infinite anxiety for the date and time of the Initiation. It concerned a very sacred 27…

I wanted an Initiation such as that the commander Montenero received in the temple of Chapultepec, or as that Ginés de Lara, the reincarnated Deva, had in the Sancta Sanctorum or Adyita of the Templar Knights, in the extraordinary night of a Lunar eclipse.

But my case was certainly very different, and even if it appears incredible, that night of Initiation I felt defrauded.

Resting on my hard bed in a humble hut at the seaside, with infinite anguish, I spent the night in vigil, waiting uselessly…

My priestess wife slept, snored, sometimes she moved on her bed, or pronounced incoherent words…

The sea, with its furious waves, struck the beach roaring frightfully, as if complaining…

Dawn came, and nothing! Nothing! Nothing! What a dirty night, my God…! Good heavens!

What intellectual and moral storms I had to experience during those deadly nocturnal hours!

Really there is no Resurrection without Death, nor any dawn in Nature or man without being preceded by nocturnal darkness and sadness that make its light all the more adorable.

All my senses were put to trial, tortured in mortal agonies that made me cry, “My Father! If possible spare me this chalice, but not my will but yours be done ”.

When the Sun rose, like a ball of fire that appeared to grow out of the tempestuous ocean, Litelantes woke up saying to me:

–Do you remember the Party that was given up there for you? You received the Initiation…

What? But, what are you saying? Party? Initiation? Which one? I only know that I have endured a night more bitter than bile…

–What?—said Litelantes, astonished—then you did not bring any recollection whatsoever to your physical brain? Don’t you remember the Great Chain? Have you forgotten the words of the Great Initiator?

Troubled by these questions I interrogated Litelantes, saying: “What did the Great Being say to me?”.

You were warned—said the Adept-Lady—that from today on you will have double responsibility for the Teachings that you give in the world… Besides—said Litelantes—you were dressed with the tunic of white linen of the Adepts of the Occult Fraternity and you were given the Sword of Fire…

–Ah! I understand. While I experienced so much bitterness in my bed of penitent and anchorite, my interior Real Being was receiving the cosmic Initiation…

Good heavens! What is happening to me? Why is it that I am so slow? I am a bit hungry, it is time to get up for breakfast…

Moments later, Litelantes gathered some dry logs in the kitchen for fuel to light up the fire…

Breakfast was delicious. I ate with much relish after such a painful night…

A new day; I worked as usual to earn the daily bread; I rested in bed around midday…

I was feeling wakeful, so I thought that a short rest would be appropriate. Besides, in my heart I felt remorseful …

I had no difficulty to go to bed in the recumbent dorsal position, that is with the mouth pointing upwards, and with the body well relaxed…

Finding myself in a state of vigil, I suddenly saw that somebody had entered my room. I recognized him, a chela of the Venerable Great White Lodge…

This disciple carried a book in his hands, wished to consult me and asked for a certain authorization…

When I tried to answer, I spoke with a certain type of voice that astonished me.

Atman, answering through the creative larynx, is terrifyingly divine.

“Go—my Real Being told him—carry out the mission you have been entrusted”.

The chela left, thankful…

“Ah, how much I have changed… Now! I understand!” Those were my exclamations after the chela left…

Happy, I got up from the hard bed to talk to Litelantes; I needed to tell her what had happened…

I felt something superlative, as if a transcendental change of an esoteric, divine type had taken place in the interior of my Consciousness.

I was eager for the coming night. That tropical day was for me like the waiting room of Wisdom. I wanted to see as soon as possible the Sun sinking once more into the stormy waves of the ocean like a ball of fire…

When the Moon started to shine on the tempestuous waters of the Caribe, as the birds from the sky were taking shelter in their nests, I had to press Litelantes to finish her household chores.

That night we went to bed earlier than usual. I yearned for something, and was in an ecstatic state…

Lying down again on my hard bed of penitent and anchorite, in that hindustani asana of the dead man (recumbent dorsal position, mouth pointing upwards, body relaxed, arms along the sides, feet touching by the heels, the tips of the fingers open as a fan) I waited in a state of vigilant perception, alert to novelty…

Suddenly, in a matter of a few thousands of a second, I remembered a mountain far away. Then something happened that was unusual, unwonted…

Instantaneously I saw myself there, on the far off mountain top, very far from my body, my feelings and my mind…

Atman without bonds, far from the dense body and in absence of the super sensible vehicles…

At such moments of shamadi, the Cosmic Initiation received the previous night was a palpable fact, a raw living reality that I did not even need to remember…

When I put my right hand on the golden belt, I was happy to see that the Sword of Fire was there, exactly on the right hand side…

All the facts that Litelantes had given to me had turned out to be accurate. How happy I felt now as Spirit Man, dressed of course in the white linen tunic!…

In a full dionysian rapture I threw myself into the infinite sidereal space; I happily moved away from the planet Earth…

Submerged in the Ocean of the Universal Spirit of Life, I wanted to return no more to this valley of sorrows, and then visited many planetary places…

When I alighted softly on a gigantic planet of the unalterable Infinite, unsheathing the Sword of Fire I said, “I dominate all this!…”

“Man is destined to be the governor of all creation”, answered a Hierophant that was next to me.

I sheathed the Sword of Fire in its golden scabbard, and submerging myself even further into the sleeping waters of life, I carried out a series of extraordinary invocations and experiments: “Buddhic body, come to me!…”.

Answering my call, the Beautiful Helen, Ginebra, the Queen of jinas, my adorable Spiritual Soul came to me.

She came into me and I in her, and formed the famous Atman-Buddhi which is much referred to by the oriental Theosophy.

Quite rightly, it has always been said “that the Buddhi (Spiritual Soul) is like a vase made of delicate and transparent alabaster, inside which burns the flame of Prana (Atman).”

Continuing in successive order those singular invocations made from the bottom of Chaos, I called then my Human Soul, saying: “Causal body, come to me!…”

I saw my Human Soul dressed gloriously in the causal vehicle (Superior theosophical Manas).

How interesting that moment turned out to be, when my Human Soul entered happily into me!…

At that instant the theosophical triad known by the sanskrit terms, Atman-Buddhi- Manas, became integrated in an extraordinarily lucid form.

Unquestionably Atman, that is the Intimate, has two Souls. The first is the Spiritual Soul (Buddhi) which is feminine. The second is the Human Soul (superior Manas) which is masculine.

Later on, drunk with ecstasy I called my mind as follows: “Mental body, come to me!…”.

I had to repeat this invocation several times, because the mind is slow to obey, but finally it turned up with much reverence, saying:

“Lord, here I am, I have obeyed your call, please forgive me for my lateness! Did I carry out your orders well?”

At the moment when I was going to give an answer the solemn voice of my Pythagorean Monad came out of my deep interior, saying:

“Yes!… You have obeyed well, come in…”.

That voice was like that of Ruach Elohim, that according to Moses worked on the Waters at the dawn of Life…

It is not too much to say emphatically that I finished these invocations calling the astral body. This one also took its time in answering my esoteric call, but at last he came into me.

Covered already by my super sensible vehicles, I could have called my physical body from the Chaos or Primitive Abyss; at this moment it was on its hard bed of penitent and anchorite, and it is obvious that this body would have also obeyed the call.

This is never impossible: my physical body, which in such interesting moments was on its hard bed, would have been able to abandon the three-dimensional region of Euclides, helped by the fourth aspect of Devi Kundalini, to obey my call.

However, I chose then to leave that “Void”—in the sense of full, unlimited and deep space—to return to the planet Earth…

I appeared at that moment as a solitary ray coming out of the Abyss of the Great Mother…

The return to this planet of sorrows governed by the forty eight laws was achieved in a relatively quick manner.

Frankly and in plain language, I declare: I returned to the physical body in total consciousness, coming into it by that marvellous door to the Soul cited by Descartes. I wish to refer to the pineal gland.

It is a pity that the cartesian philosophy ignores what is Objective Knowledge.

Since such a type of pure knowledge is actually accessible to my cognitive faculties, I have been able to write these lines for the benefit of my beloved readers…

Samael Aun Weor

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