“The Gnostic Pentagram is the human figure with four members, and one unique point which is the head.
The sign of the Pentagram which is also known as the sign of the Microcosm, represents that which the Cabbalists in the Book of Zohar call, the Microprosopio.
When the superior point of the Pentagram is pointing upwards into the air, it represents the Saviour of the world.
When the two inferior points of the Pentagram are pointing upwards into the air, it represents the Male Goat of the Witches Sabbath.
A human figure, with the head pointing downwards, obviously represents a demon, meaning intellectual subversion, disorder or madness.
The Pentagram, which in the Gnostic schools is known as the Flaming Star, is the sign of the magic omnipotence.
The Five Impressions of the Great Light, and the Five Assistants, are contained within the Flaming Star. The Five Assistants are the Five Genii: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, and Samael.
The entire Treasury of the Light is contained within the Pentagram, and this allegorizes the man.
The comprehension of the Magic Pentagram is the key of the Two Spaces.
The sign of the Pentagram must be composed of the seven metals, or at list to be traced with pure gold over white marble. The seven metals are as follows: Silver, Mercury, Cooper, Gold, Iron, Tin and Lead.
The Pentagram, with the superior ray pointing upwards, forces the columns of demons to scatter. The Pentagram, with the two inferior rays pointing upwards, attracts the tenebrous.
The Pentagram, when traced with coal, upon the threshold (entrance) of the room, with the two inferior rays pointing outwards, does not permit the entering of the tenebrous.
The Pentagram must be consecrated with the four elements, while pronouncing the exorcisms of the fire, the air, the water, and the earth.
Five breaths must be blown upon the magic figure.
Five times must the ritual be sprinkled upon the Flaming Star. The figure of the Pentagram must be dried with the smoke of five perfumes: Frankincense, Myrrh, Aloe, Sulphur, and Camphor.
Once dried, the Pentagram must be placed on the floor, alternating to the North, to the Midday, to the East and to the West. The name of Aleph and the sacred name of Thau must be pronounced, reunited in the Cabbalistic name of Azoth.
While blowing five breaths upon the Flaming Star, the Five Magic Assistants must be invoked.”
[The Pistis Sophia Unveiled]
The Five Magic Assistants are the five genies: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, and Samael.
In the Pentagram is traced the signs of the seven planets, in its forehead, over the sign of the infinite that forme the eyes, is traced the sign of Jupiter, the father of the Gods. In its two superior points, the sign of Mars (the Force), in the two inferior points, the sign of Saturn (the Practical Magic), and in its center, the sign of Mercury (the Wisdom) which is wisely related with Venus (the Morning Star). Immediately below we can see the sign of the secret philosophy, that is to say: the Staff of Mercury.
The five points are the symbol of each one of the five elements of nature: Ether, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. The Chalice symbolizes the feminine sexual organs and the brain illuminated with the light of the Christ; the Sceptre of bamboo with its three tassels and the seven spaces with its seven knots, symbolize the spinal column with its Seven Churches of Saint John’s Apocalypse, and the basic forces: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Sword symbolizes the Justice, and the Phallus (the willpower of the initiate), the Seal of Solomon represents several things: the twelve zodiacal constellations, the androgynous or particular Elohim, etc.
The Tetragrammaton represents the sacred name or holy name of God with its four letters of immense power (Iod-He-Vau-He).
The seven metals are related with the seven planets and the protection of its regents:
- 1. Moon, Silver, Gabriel.
- 2. Mercury, Mercury, Raphael.
- 3. Venus, Cooper, Uriel.
- 4. Sun, Gold, Michael.
- 5. Mars, Iron, Samael.
- 6. Jupiter, Tin, Zachariel.
- 7. Saturn, Lead, Orifiel.
In the right arm the Hebrew letters from right to left: Iod-He-Vau-He (Jehovah, the Being that is, has been and will be). In the left arm the Hebrew letters from right to left: Aleph-Daleth-Mem (Adam). In the inferior right part: Kaf- Tau-Resh (Kether). In the inferior part, left side: Peh-Cheth-Daleth (Severity, Love, Law, Mercy and Justice).

If we analyze the Pentagram, we can see in the superior angle a Four, which is the symbol of Jupiter, the Father of the Gods, the symbol of the Holy Spirit and every creature that born, the symbol of the Eternal Living God.
Below that Four you will see the eyes always opened; they are the eyes of divinity, of God. The columns of Angels and Demons tremble before the symbol of Jupiter with its eyes always opened. That symbol forces the tenebrous to scatter.
The Pentagram opens its arms in an extraordinary manner, like a man with his legs and arms opened. However, if we observe carefully the extended arms of the Pentagram, we will see the sign of Mars, the Planet of War, and we already know that the occultism of Mars is terrible. In the spheres, not superiors but inferiors of Mars we find terrible black magicians that tremble before the sign of the Pentagram.
Obviously the sign of Mars in the arms of the five pointed star, which is the man, give us strength. Not the physical strength, which is a very inferior type of strength; no, it give us the strength of the spirit, to defeat the wicked.
The two inferior angles which are opened, are the two legs of each one of us (when we stand up opening the legs), have the sign of Saturn, and we well know how it is the negative aspect of the Sphere of Saturn, how it is the terrible black magic.
Obviously, the tenebrous understand it, if this sign is placed with the legs downwards. If up there we have Jupiter with the eyes of the spirit always open, obviously the tenebrous at the moment of seeing it, feel horror, cannot resist, run away.
In the right side, we see the Moon and in the left side the Sun. But if we place the image not in front of us but in our side, it is clear that at the right side it will be the Sun, is not it? And in the left the Moon.
The Sun is represented by a circle with a point in the center. That radiant Sun of the spirit, illuminates our path.
In the left side is the Moon. The Sun represents the solar forces, the masculine, positive forces. The Moon represents the feminine, negative forces.
In the center appears the Mercury’s Staff, under the sign of Mercury. That Staff of Mercury is very important, and over it is the sign of the planet Mercury. Obviously, Mercury is “the Messenger of the Gods,” is the planet which is closest to Sun, is “the Minister of the Sun.” Without Mercury it would not be possible the attaining of the Inner Self- Realization.
Under Mercury appears the Caduceus, with the wings of the spirit always opened. That Caduceus is in the spinal column of man, in our spinal marrow, in that couple of channels known in the Orient under the name of Ida and Pingala: a couple of channels that coil themselves in the form that you see in the Staff of Mercury. Through those two channels ascends the creative energy to the brain.
In the Pentagram we also have, the cane of the patriarch, the Staff of Aaron, the cane of bamboo with seven knots, the sceptre of the kings, the blooming staff of Joseph which is the spinal column.
Obviously, the sacred fire has to ascend through the spinal marrow to the brain, to then pass to the Heart-Temple.
In the Pentagram also appears the Flaming Sword,which is the sacred fire in each one of us. Without the flaming sword, we would not be true disciples. When an Angel loses his sword, that Angel has fallen, therefore he falls into the atomic infernos.
In the Pentagram – in the superior part- also appears the Chalice. Therefore, we observe the Chalice, the Staff and the Sword. Obviously, the Chalice represents the Yoni, that is to say, the Womb. The Staff represents the Phallus, the masculine principle, and the Sword the sacred fire.
Undoubtedly, we have to learn to use the Staff and the Sword, we also have to work with the Glass of Hermes, if in truth we want to do the Great Work.
The word TETRAGRAMMATON is very interesting. Tetra is the unity within the unity of life. So, TETRAGRAMMATON is the number four. The Father is the number One, the Son the number Two, the Holy Spirit is the Three; however all of them emanated from the Ain Soph, that is to say, from “the Inner Star which has always smiled to us,” the three, emanating from the Ain Soph, forme the Four: the TETRAGRAMMATON. The word TETRAGRAMMATON is mantric.
One day I wanted to do an experiment with the Tetragrammaton: I vocalized it in the Superior Worlds of Cosmic Consciousness, afterwards many ineffable of the Ninth Skies: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, emerged in order to see what was going on, like saying: “Why do you have pronounced in vane the name of the Eternal?” I was perplexed, confused, dumb…
If we place the Pentagram with the superior angle downwards and the two inferior angles upwards, we have the symbol of black magic: instead to come to our invocations the legions of angels, it will come the legions of demons.
When an initiate falls, when he spills the Glass of Hermes Trismegistus, he is fulminated by the Arcanum 16 of Cabbala, so he falls head downwards, like the inverted star. In this manner the great initiates have fallen.
If the Pentagram is traced with coal, upon the threshold (entrance) of the room, with the superior angle within the room and the two inferior rays pointing outwards, the tenebrous will run away from our room; however, if we trace it with the superior ray outwards and the inferior angles within the room, the tenebrous will come to our room.
When one place the Pentagram in a frame, it frightens the evils terribly. If is painted in glass, it also makes them run away, if is carried on the chest, (made of gold or silver) we will be well protected against the forces of darkness.
Therefore, the Pentagram has an amazing power… We can see in the arms several Hebrew letters. It appears Iod-he-Vau-He. The word Iod, as masculine principle, divine spark, is terrible. Iod, masculine-divine principle; He, feminine-divine principle; Vau, masculine-sexual principle, that is to say, the Lingam; He, the feminine Yoni.
There exists a way for pronouncing the Hebrew letters Iod-He-Vau-He, but is terribly divine and those mantras do not have to be sung in vane because those four letters make vibrate the inner divinity. It is say that is the name of the eternal and do not have to be pronounced in vane ever. This invite us to reflect…
There appear other Hebrew letters which remind us some divine processes, but about it I will keep silent.
There appear numbers, like reminding us the trinity within the unity, the Tetragrammaton, but is not mandatory to have those numbers there; they are just conventional. What really counts is to have the Tetragrammaton, that we know is the trinity within the unity of life, the Holy Four.
Undoubtedly my dear brothers, the Pentagram is the human being, the microcosms, within -as I have said to you- is the infinite.
It is necessary to work with the Staff of Mercury of the Pentagram, that is, it is necessary to transmute the sperm into energy in order to awake the sacred Fire and to make it ascend through the spinal marrow to the brain. Only in this manner will be possible the unfolding of all our faculties and powers!
It is necessary to work with the Staff of Mercury of our spinal column. Obviously, when we know how to transmute the sperm into energy, when we do not make the mistake of spilling the Glass of Hermes Trismegistus, then the not ejaculated sperm is transformed in seminal energy.
Besides, this energy by-polarizes itself in solar and lunar atoms of a very high voltage that ascend through the two channels that coil themselves along the spinal column: the two channels that appear in the Staff of Mercury. Afterwards, the solar and lunar atoms make contact in the Triveni, near the coccyx, and then by means of induction, awakes a third force.
I want to talk emphatically about the Sacred Fire of the spinal column, the Pentecostal fire, the Jehovistic fire, the Sexual fire. That fire, ascending slowly, from vertebra to vertebra, awakes different powers in the man.
Undoubtedly, it is necessary to work with the Sun and the Moon, the masculine and feminine principles, that is to say, the man with his wife, the wo man with the man. Only in this manner it is possible to awake that Sacred Fire that will transform us radically.
It is necessary to learn to manage the Staff and the Sword, to learn to manage the Glass of Hermes, the Sacred Chalice. Only in this form is possible the total transformation.
In my last lecture I said that when a man marries a woman that does not belong to him, when he takes her capriciously, violating the Law, it is easy to recognize it because the day of the wedding she appears bald. She unconsciously covers her hair, she really looks as she would not have hair, as she were bald.
Of course, this is ignore by women. If they would know it, they would try to find a way to show all her hair.
It is also said that when a man is infidel with his wife, to the wife that the Great Law has given to him, the man is marked with a fatal star in the forehead, that is to say, with the inverted star, with the luciferic fire, so he falls head downwards and legs upwards like the inverted Pentagram.
In the Middle Ages, there existed great Gnostic Esoteric Mysteries. The neophyte who was a candidate to initiation, was delivered blindfolded into a great room in where the bandage was taken out. The first thing to see was the He Goat of Mendez, the devil…
If the neophyte was scared, he was blindfolded again and taken out through another door. He would never know from where he has entered or from where he had been taken out, reprobated.
They were Gnostic-Rosicrucians, that really knew the mysteries of the Rose and the Cross. I am not saying that they were already truly Rosicrucians because the Rosicrucians only exist up there, in the superior world. Here below, there only exist candidates to become Rosicrucians. In order to become member of the authentic Rosicrucian order, it is necessary to be a Gnostic.
However, what is the meaning of the Rose-Cross? Is not it the symbol of the Divine Logos? What is the meaning of the cross? We already know that is absolutely sexual. Do you know what one has to do in order to bloom the rose in the cross? Do you know what is the meaning of the blooming of the Logos within us by means of the sexual work? Is something terrible, unspeakable! Only when we reach that level, we are Rosicrucians, Gnostic-Rosicrucians. Before that moment, we are candidates to become Rosicrucians.
No one can enter in the Rose-Cross of Gold if he is not a Gnostic, without the “G” of generation. How could he enter, if is necessary the blooming of the Rose by means of the sexual work within ourselves? What is the rose? We have already said it: is the Logos.
However, have you ever seen something more terrible?… The blooming of the Logos in the sex and by means of the sex.
I repeat, in the Middle Ages, the candidates to become Rosicrucians were accepted after that initiation. However, what did symbolize that He Goat of Mendez? Obviously the Typhon Baphomet! I believe in the mystery of the Baphomet, states the Universal Gnosticism.
It happens that Baphomet-Lucifer, is one of the parts of our Being. Our Inner Being has many particles; one of them is Lucifer: the reflection of the Logos, the shadow of our Inner Logoi, projected in ourselves and within us, here and now, for our own good. That is the mystery of the Baphomet and the Oraab. The mystery of the Oraab is so Gnostic that is worth to be remembered; undoubtedly, represents the resurrection.
However, could be possible the resurrection without Lucifer? Impossible.
All of this was known by the Nahuatls: the Lucifer Nahuatl, (so beloved in the Temple of Chapultepec by the Gnostic-Rosicrucians) the Xolotl, is in each one of us. Is the living and philosophical fire which stays in the depth of our seminal waters, in the living profundities of our sexual metallic chaos.
At the bottom, could be possible to work without Lucifer? The Gnostics say INRI! That INRI is in the cross of the Saviour of the world. However, where is that cross? I repeat again: the Lingam-Yoni (Phallus-Uterus), sexually connected, forme the cross. So, the cross is carried by each one of us, we have to work with the cross, because on it is the INRI: Ignis Natura Renovator Integram (the fire renovates nature incessantly).
So, Lucifer-Nahuatl (Xolotl), the He Goat of Mendez, hidden in the bottom of our seminal system, is the living fire that can transform us radically.

In the Cathedral of Notre-Dame of Paris, there is a very interesting statuette: the raven. He observes a corner in where there is an small stone – it is called the “Stone of the Center,” the “Superior stone of the angle,” the “Master stone,” the devil-. However, how peculiar is that devil: all the people blow out the candles on it after their rites and prayers… Yes, that is the Philosopher’s Stone.
The ancient Sibyls used to say: “True philosopher is the one that knows how prepare the glass.” But, what glass? The Glass of Hermes Trismegistus. Where is that glass? It appears in the Pentagram: it is the sacred Chalice, the chalice with which Christ drunk in the Last Supper. Yes, it is the Holy Grail, that appears in so many adventures of knighthood. We have a copy of it in the Temple of Chapultepec, a copy of the one that shines in the Temple of Montserrat (Spain, Catalonia).
The Glass of Hermes Trismegistus has to be prepared: it is the glass in where is contained the raw matter of the Great Work, is the Glass of Hermes in where the sacred sperm, the Ens Seminis is contained.
Woe to the one that spills the Glass of Hermes, because after this, he falls like the inverted Pentagram: with the superior angle downwards and the inferior angles upwards! He falls to the bottom of the abyss, and that is really painful, my dear brothers.
Let us continue with the Seal of Solomon, which appears in the magic drawing of the Pentagram, with the two triangles interlaced. It is obvious that in order to understand it we need to be alchemists. How could we understand it without the sacred alchemy?
It come to my memory transcendental events of my present reincarnation… I was very young, and her name was Urania (the infinite sky). I was always in love with Urania, that sky plenty of innumerable galaxies, of worlds, that like drops of water fall into a never ending abyss…
One day been in state of Samadhi, I left all my vehicles to submerge myself into the Universal Paraclete, beyond good and evil, much more beyond the body, the affects and the mind. Been in state of super nirvanic blissfulness, among that immaculate region of the Universal Spirit of Life, I had to cross the doors of a Temple.
Afterwards I opened the Great Book of Nature and studied its laws. The ecstasy was becoming greater from moment to moment, there is not greater blissfulness than the one of feeling the Soul freed because the past and the future become just an eternal now.
When I return to my physical body, when I entered into my vehicle through that pineal gland quoted by Descartes as “the door of the Soul,” I received an extraordinary visit: some Adept-Ladies, from that Universal Paraclete, made them visible and tangible in the world of the dense form.
One of them, plenty of extraordinary sweetness, putting in the ring finger of my right hand a ring with the Seal of Solomon exclaimed: “You have passed the Test of the Sanctuary, very few are the human beings that have been able to pass that terrible test.”
She blessed me and left, remaining in my ring finger of the right hand, the ring. I stood up and since then on I always felt happy. Each time that I could escape of this dense body, I could see in my right hand the prodigious ring, made by that immaculate substance (very white and divine) of the region of the Universal Paraclete, in where the time is-not.
I lived a number of transcendental and transcendent events. One of those mysterious nights, after have been in a garden plenty of sublime flowers, living allegoric representation of the divine virtues, I had the happiness of entering in a Temple of Beauty.
I was floating blissfully with my Sidereal Vehicle among the aroma that escaped from the perfume burners. The infinite cosmos was trembling with the Music of the Spheres and each melody made me shake internally.
Suddenly, stopping before the sacred Altar, in front of the Mahatma of that divine place, in that corner of the love, I saw the ring (it was there) and with great curiosity I touch it with the left hand.
Then the Mahatma exclaimed: “That ring is not useful now, because you have touch it with the left hand. However, I will consult about it…!” Afterwards, he gave me some explanations about the ring. He said me that that ring represented the Logos of the solar system, that the masculine and feminine sexual forces work in it; that the six point are masculine and that the six profound entrances are feminine…
He explained me that the six points and the six profound entrances forme twelve radiations, and that those twelve radiations through the logoic alchemy crystallize in the Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac, which is to our solar system, a true cosmic womb.
The Mahatma kept silence and went away. The times passed and I never saw my ring in the hand again. I always asked, always claimed for that ring… I listened commentaries from different esotericists, but no one over the face of the earth could give me a satisfactory explanation.
When I was going to conquer the prodigious ring? The years passed and finally understood…
Friends: the superior triangle is the Sulphur of the Secret Philosophy, the living fire of alchemists. The inferior triangle that laces with the superior one, is the Mercury.
I had done the Great Work, there, in the Mu Continent or Lemuria, that submerged itself among the stormy waves of the Pacific Ocean about 18 millions years ago. Then I had attained the complete integration of the Sulphur and the Mercury; I have realized in myself the Philosopher’s Stone.
For that reason, I had received the prodigious ring. In those times I has passed the prodigious Test of the Sanctuary. Yes, I had done the Great Work, the one that Nicholas
Flamel did, the same that was done by Raymond Lully, Jeshua Ben Pandira, the Count St. Germain, the enigmatic Count Cagliostro.
But it is an absolute truth that after had been done the Great Work, that is to say, after had been passed the Test of the Sanctuary, after had studied the Great Book and untied the Seven seals, I made the mistake of touching it with the left hand, maybe one million years ago, plus and less, I do not say maybe; with security one million years ago.
That is to say, after had attained the union of the two triangles (the integration of the Sulphur and the Mercury) I did this: I fell as the inverted star, with the head downwards.The sex was forbidden to me and I made the same mistake of the Count Zanoni (to have sex again).
If the Count Zanoni fell in love with Viola, the great Neapolitan, I also made the mistake of falling in love for a beautiful lady in the First Sub-Race of the Fifth Root-Race, in the central plateau of Ashac, today Asia.
It was then when I lost the prodigious ring, it was then when I got the Metallic Reduction, and in that manner as a fallen Boddhisattwa I walked from existence to existence, until I took the decision in this existence to stand up again, to become an instrument of the Father, because He is the one that initiates the New Era of Aquarius “among the august thunder of the thought.”
The Sulphur is the sacred Fire that has to be awakened in order to untie the Seven Seals of the Great Book of the Wisdom, the Great Book of the Nature. Does that book is quoted in the Apocalypse of the prophet of Patmos? It is truth! When the First Seal is untied, it comes the great event, and with the Second, and the Third, and the Fourth Seal and the Fifth, etc., but when the Seventh Seal is broken, it come rays, thunders, hailstorm and huge earthquakes. Each one of us has the obligation of untie the Seven Seals of the Great Book, through the Sacred Fire.
In residual and elemental form we say that when kundalini ascends through the spinal column, it unties the Seven Seals (but that is elemental, is not it?).
We say that the First Seal is untied when the Church of Ephesus is opened, the Chakra of the coccyx that give us powers over the gnomes of the Earth.
And when the fire ascends to the level of the prostate, we say that we have untied the Second Seal, that give us powers over the waters of the life.
When the fire reaches the level of the Solar Plexus, we say that we have untied the Third Seal, that give us powers over the Fire.
And when it ascends to the level of the heart, we say that we have untied the Fourth Seal, that give us powers over the creatures of the air.
And when it ascends to the level of the larynx, we say that we have untied the Fifth Seal, that give us power over the Pure Akasa and the magic earring.
And when it reaches the level of the eyebrows, is opened the marvellous Lotus that allow us to see the great realities of the superior worlds (then it is said that we have untied the
Sixth Seal). And the Seventh, it is said that is when the fire reaches the pineal gland, because we attain the eye of Dagma and many other faculties. But that is elemental, completely elemental; that is just the first work. To untie the Seven Seals in masterly form, is something much more terrible.
Samael Aun Weor
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