This sad rational homunculus incorrectly known as man is very similar to a fatal ship full of many sinister and shadowy passengers. I wish to refer to the Egos.

Unquestionably, each of these has its own mind, ideas, concepts, opinions, emotions, etc., etc., etc.

Obviously we are full of infinite psychological contradictions. If we could see ourselves in a full-length mirror the way we are internally, we would feel full of horror at ourselves.

The type of mind that at a given moment is expressed in ourselves through the various brain functions depends exclusively on the quality of the Ego in action (see Chapter 3, paragraph entitled: the Ego).

The existence of many minds in the interior of each of us is evident, obvious and manifest.

We are certainly not the possessors of an individual, particular mind; we have many minds.

Deadh of ego

We need with maximal, pressing urgency to create the mental body, but this is only possible by transmuting the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12.

By means of the Sahaja-Maithuna (Sexual Magic) we can—and even must—pass on the excess Sexual Hydrogen Si-12, not used in the fabrication of the astral body, to a second octave of superior order.

The crystallisation of such Hydrogen in the splendid and marvellous form of the mental body is an axiom of Hermetic Wisdom.

Obviously this crystallisation of the Sexual Hydrogen is solemnly processed according to the do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si6 in a second transcendent octave.

Nourishment is different. It is evident that every organism that progresses into existence needs its specific food and its nourishment. The mental body is not an exception to the general rule.

The surplus Hydrogen 24 not spent in the nourishment of the astral body is converted into Hydrogen 12. (Do not confuse this with the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12).

As a consequence or evident corollary, it is valid to assert clearly that the Hydrogen 12 is a cardinal and definitive nutriment for the mental body.

It is not possible to achieve the total individualisation of the intellect without the creation of the mental body.

Only by creating such a vehicle will we possess organised inferior manas, a concrete particular individual mind.

The foundation of this creation can be found in the Ninth Sphere (the Sex). It is indispensable to work in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan.

It is evident that one knows that one has a mental body when one can travel with it consciously and positively across the super sensible worlds.

My particular case was something very special. I was born with a mental body; I had created it already in a very remote past, much earlier than the dawn of the mahamvantara of Padma or Golden Lotus.

With maximal urgency I needed now to recapitulate the Fourth Initiation of Fire, and restore the powers of fire in this vehicle.

The shining Dragon of Wisdom—I wish to refer to the Logos of the solar system of Ors—gave a specialist the noble mission of assisting and helping me.

To raise the Fourth Serpent along the medullar channel of the mental body, from vertebra to vertebra and chakra to chakra, is certainly something very slow and awfully difficult.

“Before the flame of gold can burn with a serene light, the lamp must be taken care of, and be in a place free of the wind”.

“The terrestrial thoughts must fall dead in front of the doors of the Temple”.

“The mind that is a slave to the senses makes the soul as much of an invalid as the boat that the wind leads astray over the waters”.

Astounded I perceived the multiple splendours of the marvellous Pentalpha over the very sacred chandeliers of the Temple.

I happily crossed the lintel of the Sanctuary; my thoughts burned glowingly.

I understood clearly that during the work in the Ninth Sphere I should separate very carefully “the smoke from the flames”.

Smoke is horror, bestiality; the flame is light, love, and transcendent chastity.

Any exterior impact gives rise to undulatory reactions from the mind. These have their fundamental nucleus in the Ego, the I, the Myself.

It is certainly indispensable to exert absolute control over these reactions.

We need to become indifferent to praise and vituperation, to triumph and defeat.

It is indispensable to smile at those that insult us, to kiss the whip of the executioner. Remember that hurtful words have no value other than that given to them by the offended party.

When we give no value to the words of those that insult us, these words become something akin to a check that bounces.

The Guardian of the Threshold in the world of the mind evolves into a personification of the Ego.

It is indispensable in the Fourth Initiation of Fire to confront heroically the terrible trial, to defeat the Terrible Brother, as it is known in Occult Masonry.

With no fear I unsheathed the Sword of Fire. What happened then was extraordinary: the Larva of the Threshold ran away, terrified.

It is clear that such a trial always takes place, after the igneous wings have been opened.

It is a tremendous truth that when the ascending Sacred Fire reaches the level of the heart, the radiant angelic wings are always opened.

Unquestionably the burning wings allow us to enter instantaneously in any department of the Kingdom.

Another marvellous cosmic event experienced by myself during the multiple processes of the Fourth Initiation of Fire was that of the victorious entry by Jesus into the city beloved by the prophets.

Whoever wants to enter into the Jerusalem above (the superior worlds) must liberate himself from the body, the affections and the mind.

It is urgent, indispensable, to mount the symbolic ass (the mind), tame it, control it; only in this way we can liberate ourselves from it to enter the worlds of the Spirit (the celestial Jerusalem).

I felt that my worn physical body was disintegrating and would die. At that moment the Divine Rabbi of Galilee said in a strong voice, “That body is of no use for you any more”.

Happily I escaped from the destroyed shape dressed with the To Soma Eliakon, the golden body of the Solar Man.

When the Sacred Fire shone solemnly in the Star of Fire and in the star-shaped Cross, my particular, individual Divine Mother Kundalini was honoured in the Temple.

The Kundalini flourished in my fruitful lips and became the Word when the Fire reached the creative larynx.

I still remember that time when the festival was celebrated. The Adepts of the Occult Fraternity rewarded me with a marvellous symbol that I still possess.

The moment when the Fire of Kundalini reached the level of the cerebellum was extraordinary. Then my mental body went through the symbolic Crucifixion of the Lord.

The ascent of the erotic Flame to the thirty-second vertebra was very noticeable. At this moment of great solemnity I understood the mysteries associated with the grade of Lion of the Law.

“When a superior one transcends an inferior law, the superior law washes the inferior law”.

“The Lion of the Law is fought with a Balance”. “Do good deeds to pay your debts”.

When the Divine Fire opened the lotus of the thousand petals (the Sashastra chakra) a certain metallic bell solemnly made all the confines of the Universe tremble.

During those instants of supreme beauty I heard ineffable choirs that resonated in the Sacred Space.

Later on I had to guide patiently the erotic Flame towards the magnetic field at the root of the nose.

Taking intelligent advantage of a certain secret nervous filament, I managed to lead the Fire towards the region of the Thalamus; here is located the Capital chakra, controlling the heart.

Finally I made intelligent use of the Anahata Nadi, to take the sexual Flame to the Heart-Temple.

The final ceremony of that Initiation was really extraordinary, sublime, terrifyingly divine.

That mystical night the Temple was clothed in glory. It is impossible to describe such beauty…

Sanat Kumara, the Great Hierophant, was waiting for me, stern, in his regal throne.

I entered in this sacred enclosure with deep veneration…

In front of this great Immolate, as H.P.B. used to call him, my Divine Mother Kundalini put on my head the yellow cloak of the Buddhas, and the extraordinary tiara in which glows the Eye of Shiva.

“This is my beloved Son!”—Said my Mother—, and then added, “He is a Buddha”.

The Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, the illustrious founder of the Great School of Initiates of the White Lodge on planet Earth, came close to me, put in my hands the symbol of Imperator (the sphere with the cross on top).

At that moment we could hear angelic chords, regal symphonies based on the rhythms of the Mahavan and Chotavan that keep the universe firmly on its way.

Samael Aun Weor

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