The Communist fanatics mortally hate everything that has the savor of divinity.
The materialistic fanatics believe that with their three-dimensional reasoning they can solve all the problems of the cosmos, and the worst of the case is that they do not even know themselves.
The Matter God of the materialistic gentlemen does not resist an in-depth analysis.
Hitherto the fanatics of the Marxist dialectic have not been able to actually demonstrate the existence of matter.
The entire last century and part of the twentieth century has been spent by materialistic fanatics discussing the already tired and boring subject of matter and energy.
Much has been said about force and matter, but these continue despite all these speculations being really the X, the Y, the unknown. So what?

The funny thing is that the reactionary henchmen of the famous dialectical materialism have always tried to define the one by the other, it is certainly and frighteningly ridiculous to define the unknown by the unknown.
The poor kidnapped children of Tibet are taught phrases like these in Beijing:
“Matter is that in which the changes called movements are carried out. And movements are those changes that are carried out in the matter “.
This is the identity of the unknown; X=Y, Y=X. A total vicious circle, ignorance, absurd and with this they want to cover the eyes of the men.
Who has ever had in the palm of their hand a piece of matter without any form?
Who has known matter free of all forms? Who has ever known the free energy of the concept of movement? Matter itself, energy itself, who has known it?
Nobody has seen matter, nobody has seen energy. The human being only perceives phenomena, things, forms, images, etc., but he has never seen the substance of things.
The materialistic gentlemen of the USSR totally ignore all that the given substance is and dogmatically call it matter when in fact they have only seen wood, copper, tin, iron, stone, etc., etc., etc.
Actually the so-called matter is a concept as abstract as beauty, goodness, courage, work. No fanatic of the materialist dialectic has ever seen the substance of things in themselves, as it is, “the thing-in-itself”. We do not deny that they use what they dogmatically call matter; the donkey also uses the grass for its food without knowing it in itself, and what is worse without being interested in knowing it; however, this is not science, this is not wisdom, this is nothing. Do the fanatics of the materialist dialectic want to turn all human beings into donkeys? By what we are seeing it is like this. What else can be expected from those who do not want to know things in themselves?
If there is something horrifyingly ridiculous in life, it is the much-vaunted historical materialism. We have studied it in-depth to laugh a little.
The Darwinian theory based on the idea that man comes from the monkey and that of the transformation of species with the dogma of evolution, are very good like Moliere and his caricatures.

We do not deny the transformation of the species, but it is ridiculous to suppose that this transformation is always of evolutionary type. We reject all Dogma. It is very funny how the materialists abuse the law of philosophical analogies, choose a few monkeys at random, appeal to comparative anatomies and then exclaim with that air of smugness that characterizes them: Eureka! Man comes from the monkey.
For many years, everything about monkeys has been discussed. Menittket demonstrated with his theories that monkeys descend from savage people.
In India the apes are worshiped as sacred because they are descended from the third race according to the sayings of the Indian sages.
Darwin established the dogma that man comes from the monkey.
This problem agitates permanently and with more or less long intervals the learned ones of the world.
Much has been discussed about the origin of the monkey and the origin of man; some suppose that man comes from the monkey and others believe that the monkey descends from man; the reality is that nobody knows who descends from whom.
A great Gnostic master affirms that women have the secret; in support of this teacher comes the great enlightened Nassr Eddin saying solemnly: «The cause of any misunderstanding must always be sought in the woman ».
The great Gnostic teacher, based on many investigations, came to the conclusion that the apes were the result of the sexual mixture of women, with certain beasts of nature.
The great master says that this happened after the great cataclysm that ended the Atlantean continent. The teacher affirms that many men and women were isolated after Atlantis was submerged; isolated women unable to get a husband, found it necessary to mix sexually with some animals of the jungle, from that mixture the monkeys descend (since almost all the inhabitants of Atlantis perished).
Other masters of the Gnosis affirm that the monkey comes from Lemuria . These Masters say that some degenerate Lemurians mixed with certain beasts and that monkeys come from that mixture.
We say that some kinds of apes come from Atlantis and others from Lemuria.
We affirm that if women were to blame for the existence of some species of apes, after the submergence of Atlantis, men were to blame at the time of Lemuria.
We affirm that if women were to blame for the existence of some species of apes, after the submergence of Atlantis, men were to blame at the time of Lemuria.
In conclusion men and women are the ancestors of the apes, they descend from the human race. Gnostics have methods and procedures to investigate in Time and really know who descends from whom.
In nature there is the Akasha. All the events of the earth and of its races have been recorded in the Akasha. Developing the spatial sense we can study the Akashic records. We investigate the Akhashic records.
Before the end of this century the Akashic records will be able to be televised, and then everyone will be able to see on the screen the living reality of the apes.
The materialists are so fanaticized with Darwin and his theories, that they already really want to mix the monkeys with man, that business about inseminating Russian women with simian semen is bestiality in the most complete sense of the word.
The first attempts failed with the hundred inseminated women, but there is no doubt that in the end they will see the fruit of their bestiality, the result will be the appearance of a degenerate human race with mediocre intelligence, proper for simple manual works as the fool scientists of the Soviet Union say.
We know the case of Juan the monkey. This case took place in Venezuela. An ape stole a woman from the village and took her to the jungle, there fertilized her, the son of this bestiality was Juan the monkey, a man like the one the Soviet Union wants; men of mediocre intelligence; if it were not for his hairy legs, it would be impossible to know that his father was an Ape.
Really the ape comes from the man and it is clear that when mixed with the human race the result is degenerate man, that’s all.
Many species are the product of Evolution and many are the product of Involution.
Currently there are many species that descend from man; not only the apes descend from man.
The ass descends from the man and it is certain that no one believes this, however it is true and wholly true that the ass or donkey descends from man.
In Lemuria there was a tribe of degenerate giants; said tribe mixed with certain beasts, the result was a race of gigantic creatures similar to the Chimpanzee.
These creatures in turn kept mixing with different beasts and the final result: the ass or donkey. There are many species that in one way or another descend from man.
That business about the evolutionary transformation of species in the dogmatic form of Darwin, is in fact absurd; the dogma of evolution does not resist an in-depth analysis . There are also involutive transformations.
Materialist rationalism is very subjective, very embryonic, it does not work.
The Scientism of Marx and Engels is not even the result of their own investigations, these gentlemen took from Feuerbach their doctrinal marrow to underdevelop it and convert it by degeneration into a fantastic theory, devoid of the wise principles that its true author gave it.
Historical materialism is a true laughing stock ; the fossilized bone, reveals the complete ignorance of the Marxist-Materialists .
It is absurd to assume that the human remains found in the ancient caverns of the earth correspond to the first human races recently detached from the monkey.
The reality is that the archaic human remains found in the ancient caverns correspond to degenerate survivors of the submerged Atlantis; the ancestors of these cavemen are not the apes, but the very civilized and glorious Atlanteans.
We the Gnostic have taken this data directly from the Akashic records, which will soon be able to be televised.
The word dialectic comes from the Greek dialegos which means dialogue or dispute. But it is absurd to say that through dispute the truth can be discovered.
The mind can only recognize what it knows. The mind does not know the truth. The mind cannot recognize the truth because it does not know it.
The mind cannot seek the truth because no one can look for what he does not know. The truth is not time. The truth is the unknown from moment to moment.
The clash of opposing opinions allows us to discover relative truths, but not the absolute truth as the idealistic Marx believed it.
Who wants to experience the truth must dissolve the ego. Only in the absence of the ego can we experience the truth.
Whoever achieves the stillness and absolute silence of the mind, can release the essence of the comprehension to experience what we call the true.
By developing the spatial sense we can see all things in themselves.
Developing the spatial sense we can see the body of a man in itself, as it is, and better than with X- rays.
The image of a man is not the man himself; with the spatial sense developed, we can see the vital body of man (the Lingam-Sarira).
This body is the basic seat of all biological, physical, chemical phenomena, etc., without the vital core the mechanics of the cell would be an impossibility.
The vital body is the “thing in itself”. “The body in itself” of man.
What it is the “Thing in Itself” of a plant ?, It’s vital body ; What is the “Thing-In-Itself” of an animal? It’s vital body. What is the thing-in-itself of a cube? It’s four-dimensional cube, that is, the hypersolid placed in the fourth dimension.
The inferior animals possess sensations; the superior animals possess sensations and perceptions; the Intellectual Animal so-called man possesses sensations, perceptions and concepts.
There are two kinds of animal cerebration. The first is the cerebration based on the mechanical association of ideas, words and thoughts . The second is the cerebration of the form based on the mechanical association of images, both types of cerebration are animal.
We need a new way of thinking, we need the fourth unit of reasoning.
Whoever wants to acquire the fourth unit of reasoning must liberate himself from three-dimensional psychology.

The fourth unit of reasoning is as different from concept, as concept is from perception.
The fourth unit of reasoning allows us to see the fourth characteristic of all things. The fourth unit of reasoning allows us to know directly the fourth coordinate, the fourth vertical, the fourth dimension of space.
In all things, in all organisms, and within our very organism, there is a fourth scientific characteristic totally unknown to the degenerate henchmen of Marx and Engels.
Space is multidimensional because it is infinite; denying the multidimensionality of space is equivalent to denying infinity; only a raving madman or an idiot could come up with the idea of denying infinity.
It is truly a fact that the three-dimensionality of space is a property of its reflection in our Consciousness. The three-dimensionality of the world is only a result of our own individual perceptibility.
Space depends on our spatial sense, we must know that there is a spatial sense inferior to the spatial sense of man, we must know that there is a spatial sense superior to the one normally used by man.
Each person sees the world according to the category of his spatial sense, this clearly means that in our environment and around us, beings living in different worlds can coexist according to the category of their spatial sense.
We will concretize these explanations with some examples; the snail sees the world with only one dimension because he is one-dimensional. The higher animals such as the dog, the horse, the elephant, etc.., they see the world with two dimensions because they are two-dimensional animals.
The Intellectual Animal sees the world with three dimensions because he is three- dimensional. True men, that is, men-Angels, supermen or geniuses, see the world with four, five, six and seven dimensions, because they have extraordinarily developed the spatial sense.
The snail is guided by the pleasure-pain compass and always tries to reach the edge of the leaf on which it delightfully rests, and instinctively moves away from the dead leaf.
All the movements of the snail are processed in a single line, going from the unpleasant to the pleasant; nothing exists for the snail outside of that single line; that line is all its world; the world for the snail is a single line.
The higher animals such as the dog, the cat and the horse see the world as a surface, as a plane, everything that is not in that plane belongs to time; a dog, or a cat, perceives any convex surface or angle as bodies in movement, the angle of the house through which the horse passes daily, is perceived by the horse like a body in movement that repeats itself in time ; the animal lacks the concept to correct its perceptions; the man who is going rapidly in a car perceives trees that move, houses that come and go, etc.., but since he is a three dimensional Intellectual Animal, he corrects his own perceptions through concept.
Currently, there are four-dimensional and five-dimensional and even six-dimensional beings in the world that see three-dimensional beings in the same way that those see two-dimensional and one- dimensional beings.
THE GNOSTIC MOVEMENT has scientific systems to develop the spatial sense. Every person who develops the spatial sense acquires the fourth unit of reasoning.
It is true that three-dimensional reasoning is right now outdated for the New Age that is currently beginning.
Samael Aun Weor
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