The Germs of the Solar Man

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Gnostic brothers, we will study now what is related with the human being.

Some time ago, in the Oriental Tibet, in a monastery of the Dalai Lama, I had to line up with some monks with the intention of having a personal interview with that Master. There were many monks that wanted to speak with the Dalai. Obviously, I had to had patience, and certainly I did so. But in truth I say to you brothers, that it was not necessary to wait so long: the Dalai call me apart, and attended me first -I am not speaking about the actual Dalai Lama that is refuged in India, but his antecessor, the twelfth.

Of course, some of the monks were whispering among themselves, saying:

“We are also men, and how come that he was allow to pass first than us?”

I could listen their words – and also the Dalai Lama- and commenting it I say to him: “these monks think that are  men, but you know very well that men are only the Buddhas.”

Smiling, the Dalai said:

“Yes, that is truth, but we have to keep silence, we do not have to tell them anything…”

In the courtyard, we spoke about many important things. Many years have passed since that epoch, and now here, with you, I remember that event.

Man, is a very serious word…

It comes to my memory the case of that Diogenes of the ancient Greek, that walked with a lamp, at midday, though the streets of Athens, looking for a man, and he did not find one. He entered in the houses of the best philosophers; visited the great scientists, the famous people, the politicians, etc., and he did not find him.

Was asked: “What are you looking for, Diogenes?”, and he answered: “I am looking for a man!” “But if the streets of Athens are full of men; so what are you looking for?” And Diogenes answered: “Those are not men, those are beasts: they eat, sleep, live as beasts.” Certainly Diogenes did not find any man in Athens.

Now, it is convenient for us to think for a moment: does the men really exist? Are you sure that you have reached the human state? Do you feel being a man?

These are difficult and enigmatic questions. Are we perhaps wiser than Diogenes Laercio, the illustrious speaker and philosopher of the ancient Greece? In the name of the truth we have to say that there are men over the face of the Earth, but they can be counted with the fingers of the hands.

I know a group of men, they are an esoteric and divine circle; all of them are immortals. Among then I know two ladies of white race, Celtics; they remain young and full of an extraordinary beauty, their age is undecipherable, each one of them have ages that pass the 1.000, 2.000 or 3.000 years. I know them, they are men of flesh and bones, men in the most complete sense of the word.

I know the Count St. Germain, that man knows how to transmute the lead into gold and vivifying the coal he can create diamonds of the best quality. The Count St. Germain is well known in all the history of the world; his sacred name remind us the Egypt of the pharaohs. Obviously, St. Germain acted in Europe during the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries and even until the 19th century. I know him. In the eve of the 20th century, he disappeared from Europe with destiny to the Himalayas.

He came back to Europe in the year 1.939, precisely when the second world war was starting. I know him, I had a personal interview with him, in a trench of Austria. He said me:

“Today we have to work from downwards to upwards; before we used to work from upwards to downwards.”

It is truth! The great Master returned to the Oriental Tibet; he is there, he lives in a secret monastery and will return to Europe in the year 1.999.

Is a man and has to comeback in that epoch, because is written that in that year, there will be an extraordinary event. It is obvious that in 1.999 there will be a great eclipse that will bring tremendous consequences. Nostradamus, the great astrologer, affirms that Hercolubus, that giant of the space, six times bigger that Jupiter, will pass through an angle of our solar system, in the year 1.999.

He emphatically say that in “that moment, the Earth will  be taken away from its orbit” and that “there will be a great darkness;” and that “Hercolubus will be seen even at the midday,” that “will look like a second sun,” eclipsing this sun that illuminate us and gives life.

Obviously, Hercolubus will bring the total revolution of the Earth’s axis: the Poles will be transformed in Equator and the Equator in Poles.

When this happen, the fire announced by all the prophets of the ancient times, will spread everywhere, from the regions of the septentrion, and the water will change its location. These continents will disappear in the bottom of the oceans.

All of you have very beautiful buildings, elegant residences, ultrasonic planes, atomic submarines, fast ships that cross the oceans, etc. over the face of earth, but in truth I say to you brothers, that what you have will be useless, because everything will disappear with the great catastrophe and “the grand Babylon, the mother of all fornications and abominations of Earth,” will not last, not even the stones.

St. Germain, before saying good by to his friends in the past century, said: “I go to London, to perfect my invention (he was talking about the ships of vapor and the trains). He also said: “The seasons will change, specially the spring and summer, they will be the first that will have to pass through some transformations.” And we can see this: the weather is changing, the Earth in this moment is in a huge agony and no one can deny that. Humanity has fallen in the path of involution and degeneration, and obviously is mature enough for the final Karma.

St. Germain has been accompanying humanity since long time ago and will comeback in the critical point of 1.999.

Great events are coming: there will be wars and revolutions everywhere. In the next decade, you will see revolutions of blood and rum.

Continuing, I have to say to you that the true man does not exists yet; the few men that are over the face of earth, as the Count St. Germain, Alessandro Cagliostro, Raimund Lully, or Nicolas Flamel, form an esoteric circle.

Then, what does exist? The three-brained or three-centered biped, mistakenly called man. This means that we haven’t comprehended what a man is yet.

It is grave to know that all of the present here, think that are men, and within the term men, naturally I include, the partners, the women. Really, and even if is painful to you, I have to be a bit cruel: you have not attained the human state yet, you are intellectual humanoids. In other words, and please do not feel offended; rational mammals.

As within the chrysalis is formed the butterfly, in the same form, within the humanoid, the man can be formed. However, in order to the man be formed, to be born within the humanoid, in each humanoid has to be unfolded the germs of the man.

Friedrich Nietzsche made a serious error, when he spoke about the Super Man. He says in his book, “Thus Spoke Zaratustra.”:

“The time of the Super Man has arrived. The Man is for the Super Man, what the animal is for the man: a painful shame, a burst of laughter, a sarcasm and nothing else…”

How mistaken was in that!

Nietzsche, speaking about the Super Man when the man has not even born!

Hitler followed Nietzsche in a “dead letter manner;” the mystic of the that Germany, was the mystic of Nietzsche. In that time, any policemen, any soldier felt being a Super Man. Nietzsche made a big mistake, speaking about the Super man in those terms. That mystic, there is not doubt that helped as foundation for the second world war.

Hitler followed Nietzsche in a “dead letter manner;”

This is the moment when we have to be analytic and reflect profoundly. If we believe that we are already men, we are very mistaken. In order to be a man, it is necessary to have an Astral body, a Mental body and a Causal body, besides of the physical body.

When we examine carefully the humanoid, we see that has a vital base, a Linga-Sarira, as the Hindustani say, that helps as foundation for the mechanic of the living cell, but does not possess the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. Beyond the physical and vital bodies, the only thing that exists within the humanoid, is the Essence.

That is the most worthy and decent thing that we possess inside; but the Essence is trapped, enclosed, bottled up among the different elements that form the Ego, the myself, the oneself, the “I.” If we put a humanoid and a man face to face, are similar in the features; but let us observe the behavior and we will realize that they are different. So it is painful to say what I am saying, but is the truth.

Do not confuse the intellectual humanoid with the man.

The secret Doctrine of Anahuac says that “the Gods created the men of wood” and that “after having created them, fuse them with the divinity.” But later says: “Not all the men could fuse themselves with divinity.”

We need to create an Astral body, we need to create a Mental body, and we need to create the body of the Conscious Will. One knows that has an Astral body when can use it. One know that has hands, because can use them; one knows that has feet, because can walk with them. In same form, one knows that has an Astral body, because can go into and out of the physical body at will, in order to travel through the infinite.

Mental Body

One knows that has a Mental body, because can also use it at will, because can with this body, to travel through the world of the Mind, to go to other planets of the solar system or the galaxy, enter in the sacred temples of the universal understanding and to attain, through that body, transcendental knowledge.

One knows that has the body of the Conscious Will, because can with that vehicle live in the Causal world. Obviously, the true man, is the Causal man.

When one has created an Astral body, when has the luxury of having created the Body of the Mind, when has the luxury of having created for one’s personal use, the body of the Conscious Will, then one receives, within oneself, the psychic and spiritual principles and becomes a man.

The true man is the king of creation. You might remember sometime ago the great event of New York: the famous blackout. Then, the entire New York fallen in darkness, and everywhere there were many disorders. All the actual technical systems were used in order to investigate what was the cause of the blackout, but everything was useless: New York remained in darkness for an hour.

Air Force planes of the United States, persecuted certain spaceships, just two only. One of them, went away, to the unalterable infinite; the other stayed over a control tower and as a result of it came the blackout. “This is the weak point of the United States,” declared the Generals of the staff; “it is enough to take off the electric power and the best weapons are useless…”

A small group of men, perhaps three or four, in a cosmic spaceship, submerged the United States of North America in darkness. Just a small group of men. Photographs were taken and was verified that were cosmic spaceships those that irrupted in the sky of the United States. Was then when the cosmic spaceships were taken seriously; was then when it was created a department of state in order to investigate this situation.

So those are the men. The Man is the king of creation; has power over the fire, over the airs, over the waters, over the earth. A group of men, three or four, dominated the United States. But, how someone could be called man, if does not has power over the fire, over the airs, over the waters and over the earth? The man is king, and if is not a king, is not a man.

“However, not all the man attain the fusion with divinity…”

It is necessary create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being in order to transform ourselves in men, and that only is possible transmuting the sperm in sexual energy; only through the sexual transmutation, is possible to do that creation.

The sexual energy is a very subtle and powerful energy; has its own system of marvelous channels. When that energy gets out of its respective channels, can generate a catastrophe. But if this energy circulates in the correct channels, if can ascend to the brain, then through induction can awake a third amazing force.

I want to point emphatically to Kundalini, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers. He that awakes that extraordinary power, can become a true man; he that awakes that power, can get out of an hermetically sealed box; he that awakes that power, can generate hurricanes and to make the earth tremble; he that awakes that power, can untie the lightning and the thunder; he that awakes that power, can stay alive during millions of years, as the Count St. Germain or as that other extraordinary man called Cagliostro.

Yes brothers, the time has come to understand that the sexual force is the key of all powers and the key of all empires. Really, the sexual force can free or enslave the human being. If is utilized correctly, if is raised to the brain, can give us all the powers; but if is wasted in fornication, in lust, can transform us in terribly malign beasts.

We, the presents here, are reunited because of the sexual force: our parents gave us this body of flesh and bones that we have. Obviously, is with this force how we can have the luxury of creating an Astral body, is with this force how we can have the luxury of creating for our particular use, the Mental body, is with this force how we can create the body of the Conscious Will, or Causal body.

With this set of vehicles we can receive, as I have already said, our Ethnic Principles and become real Men. But whoever spends the Creative Energy clumsily, will not be able to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.

If you want to know the maximum clues that are necessary for the creation of the  Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, you have to study my book “The Perfect Matrimony.” It is convenient for you to study also that work titled “The Mystery of the Golden Blossom.” With those books, you will have the necessary techniques for the use of the creative energy.

Within the sexual endocrine glands, there exist germs for the Existential Superior Bodies of the being. Those germs can unfold, if we cooperate; but it is also possible that those germs get lost; they could not unfold if we do not cooperate.

The sun is making a great experiment: has created this race, with the purpose of creating men. So if we do not cooperate with the sun, the germs for the man are lost.

I want you to know that all of us are chrysalides: the man has to be formed within ourselves, the king, the lord of creation. Until now, we are just mere creatures, poor thinking animals, condemned to the sadness of life.

The time has come to create the man; it is necessary, also, to understand the necessity of dying. If the germ does not die, the plant is not born; it is necessary the death of the germ, so the plant can be born.

We could even have the luxury of having created the man within ourselves, but if we do not eliminate all of those undesirable elements that we carry within, we become Hanasmussen, with double center of gravity.

Some years ago, I made a notable experiment; I wanted to investigate profoundly, that famous Conjuration of the Seven, of Solomon, and still comes to my memory the case of Andrameleck. I call him from a profound cave; I call him with the Grand Apellation of Peter of Apono.

Objective: investigation.

Finally, after a long time, came Andrameleck, took the form of a tenebrous personage.

Everything seemed to be filled up with darkness; was then when Andrameleck spoke and said:

“I did not know that were you the one that was calling me, I would have come before. What can I do for you? “

Give me the hand Andrameleck, he shaken hands with me. After that he left and so did I…

After some time, with another Boddhisattwa and a group of brothers, we made an esoteric, magic invocation, we made a chain in the place.

A cold and gloomy hurricane reached us. The letter M resonated as vowel and finally appeared in the threshold Andrameleck. His body was gigantic, big. I introduced him to everybody: “This is my friend Andrameleck…” The Boddhisattwa that was with me run away terrified. Andrameleck had wide forehead, his noise was straight, his lips fine and delicate, small ears, in his blue eyes reflected the starry sky; hands of a Francis of Assisi, or like that Jesus of Nazareth; in his right hand had the scepter of white magic and over the heart, the wings of the eagle.

He wore a black tunic and a white strip crossed that tunic, covering the body. He saluted the members of the great chain harmoniously, his aspect was marvelous. He took seat in the office of that place and let me to speak. He gave me some wise advises.

“Place yourself in the best possible atmosphere, remember that we are Angels and that, we do not have to roll in the mud…”

I was speaking with Andrameleck, and even though his appearance was harmonious, at bottom one could feel an strange presence, it seems that he himself suffered. He was a Throne, yes, of resplendent beauty, but there was another personality that was related with him, a gloomy personality that obviously, was painful for him.

Later I looked for my friend, the Boddhisattwa and I said to him: “Why did you run away?” The answer was: “I could not resist the hypnotic force of Andrameleck…”

Would be that man a Black Magician, a White Magician? An enigma!

We reflected about what kind of man would he be, for an entire day. He appeared in the Conjuration of the seven of Solomon the sage. It was extraordinary, marvelous, however, what kind of man could he be? Only much later we could verify that he was a Hanasmussen, with double center of gravity; a throne: part Man, par Angel, part Devil.

Well, I have narrated this to say you that not all the men attain the fusion with divinity. If someone of us create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, but does not eliminate the ego, he becomes a Hanasmussen with double center of gravity, an abort of the Cosmic Mother…

Second Part

Distinguished Gnostic brothers, distinguished sisters, I say goodbye to you today saying, simply, see you later …

In the name of truth we must say that “we say goodbye”, because we will return. Every year we will go on a tour. And these tours are very necessary, to be able to bring to all the Gnostic groups of our beloved Mexican homeland, this Esoteric-Christic Wisdom.

The time has come to understand the need to CREATE MAN.

Nietzsche said:

“I have come to tell you about the Superman; man is nothing more than a bridge between the animal and the Superman, a dangerous step on the road, a dangerous look back, everything in him is dangerous ”…

Nietzsche forgot about Man… Before being able to speak of SUPERMAN, it is necessary to speak of Man. In truth, Nietzsche believed that Man already existed and that we should immediately become Supermen.

We have taught all the Gnostic brothers the Way of the Revolution of Consciousness. Only through the Deep Inner Revolution, is it possible to create Man; We have indicated the THREE FACTORS of the Revolution of Consciousness: DIE, BE BORN and SACRIFY OURSELVES FOR HUMANITY.

We have said emphatically, many times, that Man does not yet exist and that we must create him within ourselves, here and now.

In truth indeed, for Man to exist it is necessary that the GERMS that are disposed in him be duly worked.

Within man is the seed of Man (within the man-animal I mean), that is to say, within the Intellectual Animal, there are the germs for Man, but the AVAILABILITY TO MAN is needed.

When we transmute the SACRED SPERM into the CREATORY ENERGY, when we sublimate that wonderful Force that is contained in the sexual endocrine glands, the germ for Man then develops and unfolds.

It is necessary that Man be born in us and this is possible, exclusively, sublimating that wonderful Force that exists in each one of us.

I have already said many times that the SUN, at the moment, is doing a great experiment: it Wants to CREATE MEN!

In the time of Abraham, the Sun made some creations; During the first centuries of Christianity, the Sun managed to also make some creations; and in these precise moments of world crisis and bankruptcy of all principles, the Sun is doing a new experiment: he Wants to create Men! But we need to cooperate with the Sun, only in this way can Man emerge within us. The man…


Samael Aun Weor

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