The Gnostic Schools

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People with a lack of comprehension mistakenly believe the Gnostic Movement is against Schools, Religions, Orders, Spiritual Societies and Sects.

Nothing could be more further from the truth. We are not against anybody; we only signal or indicate where the danger is.

The Masters of the Conscious Circle of the Solar Humanity are obliged to speak when it is necessary to do so, and to keep silent when it is necessary to do so. There are criminal silences and there are infamous words; it is just as bad to speak when it is necessary to keep silent as it is to keep quiet when we have to speak. However, this does not mean that the Masters are against somebody. We do not hate anybody, we attack no one; we just point to the danger, that is all.

There are four classes of schools:

1) schools that teach to Crystallize Soul;
2) schools that teach to Crystallize Soul and to Incarnate the Spirit (the Being);
3) schools that help as
Kindergarten to Humanity;
4) schools of Black Magic.

Let us examine these four classes of schools in a successive order.

  • Schools that teach how to Crystallize Soul:

To crystallize Soul is something unusual for the religious people. Many have calumniated us, qualifying us as materialistic people.

Really, we are not materialistic. We are Esotericists and that is all.

The intellectual animal, mistakenly called man believes that he already possesses the soul. Do not feel scared or scandalized; observe with patience, analyze, investigate…

The intellectual animal only has incarnated the Buddhata, the Inner Buddhist principle, the Essence, the Psychic Material, the Raw Material necessary to create Soul.

It is necessary to awake the Consciousness, to awake the Buddhata, to strengthen it, to individualize it. That action is called ‘to make Soul’.

The Schools that teach how to make Soul are governed by instructors that already have Soul.

Only one who has Soul can teach others the complete theory of the Fabrication of the Soul.

All Schools that teach how to make Soul, know very well that man has a pluralized “I”, which wastes the psychic material in a miserable way through explosions of Anger, Greed, Lust, Pride, Laziness, Gluttony, etc., etc., etc.

Seven Deadly Sins

As long as that Pluralized “I” exists within the man, we will be losing the forces of the Buddhata unfortunately.

It is necessary to dissolve that “I” if we really want to create Soul.

The true work of an instructor with Soul will be: to reform all of those that accept the reform, to make the people become normal, and to direct a School of Normality. Really, only the ‘normals’ can unfold themselves. Only the normals can become Super-Normal. The multitudes do not have Soul, they are controlled by the pluralized “I” and, therefore they do not have individuality. They are abnormal. This will be hard to accept for many, but it is the truth.

We have to say the truth at any cost.

Every instructor with Soul, has to teach to his disciples the Theory of Soul’s Acquisition. However, this is relative. The disciple has to do the work because the instructor cannot do the work for the disciple. Each one has to follow the path by him or herself.

The instructor of a School of Souls will work with embryos of souls, helping them in their growth, development and progress. Every School that teaches the Dissolution of the “I”, is a School of Souls. There are Schools of Souls in the teachings of Krishnamurti, Chan Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Christian “Quietude”, etc., etc., etc.

Every School of Souls teaches the technique for the I’s Dissolution. Really, only through the Creative Comprehension of all our errors, in all the levels of the mind, is the “I” inevitably disintegrated.

The Schools of Souls also teach systems and techniques to awake the powers of Buddhata. The Schools of Souls have very effective methods to awaken the Buddhata.

The Schools of Souls, teach the Science of Inner Meditation through which the Consciousness – the Buddhata – awakes. In this form we will attain the Inner Illumination.

The instructor of the Schools of Souls wants the annihilation of the pluralized “I” : Satan.

The instructors of the Schools for the Souls want for there to only exist one inhabitant inside of each human being, the Buddhata: the Soul.

Really, the nature of Buddhata is happiness. Buddhata itself is happiness.

Every School that teaches the Dissolution of the “I”, is a School for the Souls.

  • Schools that teach to Crystallize Soul and to Incarnate the Spirit

Every School that teaches how to fabricate Soul and Spirit, is a School of Regeneration. The Schools that teach to crystallize Soul only do good work, but those that teach how to fabricate Soul and Spirit do Superior Work.

The man that only fabricates Soul, can be mortal or immortal. He or she is immortal if he or she enters into a School of Regeneration; and is mortal if he or she does not enter in any School of Regeneration.

Every School of regeneration teaches the Maithuna; he that rejects the Sacred Fire becomes mortal. Soul that does not want to receive the Sacred Fire of the Third Logos, loses its inner forces little by little and after many reincarnations finally dies.

When we work in the fabrication of Soul, our work is done in the molecular world. When we work in the fabrication of the Spirit, we work in the Solar Electrical World. The common intellectual animals only really know this Cellular World (the physical world). Every Authentic School of Regeneration teaches the Three Basic Factors for the Revolution of the Consciousness. Those three factors are:

  • To Die,
  • To be Born,
  • To Sacrifice ourselves for Humanity.

The pluralized “I” has to die in order to create Soul.

We have to work with Alchemy, in order to have the right to attain the Second Birth.

Only when we are born as an Angel within ourselves, are we immortals.

One that does not know the Maithuna, cannot receive the Sacred Fire. If the Soul does not receive the Fire, little by little it becomes weak and dies after many centuries…

The Gnostic Movement is a School of Regeneration that has the three basic principles of the Revolution of the Consciousness.

Schools of Regeneration are: The Tantric Buddhism of Tibet, the Yellow Church of the Lamas, the Sufism with its dancing dervishes, the Chan Buddhism of China, etc.

In the past, there existed great Schools of regeneration. Let us remember the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Egyptian, Aztec, Mayan and Inca Mysteries. The Orphic Mysteries. The Mysteries of the Kambirs and Dactyls.

The worst enemies of the schools of regeneration are the Infra-sexuals. The infra-sexuals are the enemies of Regeneration. The Infra-sexual consider himself superior than the persons with Normal Sexuality and hate mortally the Supra-Sex.

The Gnostic movement is a School of regeneration that is mortally hated by the infra- sexuals. The degenerated of the infra-sex consider themselves more perfect  than  the Third logos and blaspheme against Him saying: “The sex is something so coarse,” “The materialistic Sexual Magic is something animal,” “we work for the spiritualization,” etc., etc., etc.

The degenerated people of the infra-sex consider themselves more pure than the Holy Spirit and talk horrors against the Sex and the Sexual Magic.

Let us remember that the three principal forces of Universe are:

  • 1st The Will of the Father.
  • 2nd The Imagination of the Son.
  • 3th The Sexual Force of the Holy Spirit.

Those ones that speak against any of these three Logoic Forces are as a fact a Black Magician.

The work with the Hydrogen SI-12 is really terrible, the initiate has to live the Cosmic drama. The initiate has to become the central personage of that Cosmic drama.

The initiate that has attained the fabrication of the Soul and Spirit has the entire right to incarnate his divine immortal triad (Atman-Buddhi-Manas).

“For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance; but whosoever hath not, from him  shall be taken away even that he hath.”

Matthew 13:12

It is absurd to affirm that the Divine Triad is already incarnated.  Only  fabricating  Soul and spirit we can incarnate it.

  • Schools that help as Kinder for Humanity.

There are thousands of schools that help as kinder for humanity. Those school do not lead to the Self-Realization, but are useful because teach the first elemental notions of the occult wisdom.

Among them we have the Theosophical Society, the pseudo occultist schools as the Max Heindel one, the Spiritual Centers, Yogi Centers, Mentalists, pseudo esoteric centers, etc.

All of those schools have a lot of good and bad, but are useful. In them we learn the first words of the knowledge. Through them we get information of the laws of Karma and Reincarnation. Through them we learned something about the superior worlds.

The kinder always is useful. The problem would be to stay in it all of our life. The kinder can not help us to attain the Self-realization. What the kinder can give us is the incipient, elemental information, that is all.

In the kinder we find hundred of theories and authors that fight each other, meanwhile some affirm to the student that respiratory exercises are good, others say that are bad. Meanwhile some say to the student that he does not have to eat meat, others say that he can do so. Meanwhile say to him that a determined thing is white, others affirm to him that is black, etc., etc., etc.

All the kinder schools believe to have the truth, promise to have the truth, but in reality, not kinder have it. The truth does not come to us for what we believe or stop believing, the truth only come to us when the “I” has died and when the Being has born in us.

Are thousands the students that spend an entire life in the Kinder, are thousands the students that live fluttering around from school to school: always snooping, always foolish, always injudicious. They full their head with contradictory theories, and if they are lucky not to loose the head, arrive to the oldness comp letely failure, not having attained the Inner Self- Realization.

The fanatics of the kinder are the ones that hate the Gnostic Movement and qualify us as “black magicians,” etc. At the bottom, they are just ignorant people that do not comprehend us, people that is unable to comprehend yet the initiative teachings of an school of regeneration. For this reason, they deserve compassion.

The problem with the kinder, the negative aspect with these schools, is that are full of infra-sexual people, of people that insult the Third Logos saying that “sex is something curse, dirty, materialist,” etc. We do not want to say that all the students of the kinder are infra-sexuals, but we affirm without doubts, that there is abundance of infra-sexuals in  the kinder.

  • Schools of Black Magic.

There exist three kind of tantrism: white, black and grey. The Schools of White Magic are based in the white tantrism; the schools of Black Magic are based in the  black tantrism; the schools of Grey Tantrism are incoherent, vague, but lead the aspirant to black tantrism.

White tantrism is the sexual connection without ejaculation of the ens-seminis; black tantrism is the sexual connection with ejaculation of the ens-seminis; grey tantrism is the sexual connection in where sometimes there exist ejaculation of the ens-seminis and sometimes does not exist ejaculation of it.

The Schools of Regeneration forbidden the ejaculation of the Ens-Seminis; the schools of black magic do not forbidden the ejaculation of the Ens-Seminis, and even justify (in their way) that ejaculation, with phrases and religious sentences.

The initiates of the tantric schools work with the Hydrogen SI-12 (this is the hydrogen of the sex). That hydrogen is processed in the human organism, according with the laws of the musical octaves, from the Do to the Si.

The entire human organism is gestated among the matrix with the notes Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si. The verb, the music, originate all creation.

The hydrogen SI-12, after being intelligently processed within the human organism, can (through the Maithuna, without ejaculation of the ens-seminis) receive a, additional shock that will put it in the note Do of a second superior octave. Then, after saturating completely all the organic cells, will crystallize in the splendid form of an independent, luminous and shining body: in the Astral body of the adepts and Angels of the great White Lodge (the solar Astral body).

The common human beings, do not have Astral body; only have the Ego that travels through the Astral world during the common sleep and after death. The Ego replaces the Astral body.

Really, the Astral body is a luxury that very few can have.

We need to transmute the lead into gold, we need create the Astral body. This only can be possible with the Hydrogen SI-12.

The Astral body is controlled by 24 laws and its basic aliment is the Hydrogen 24.

He that already posses the Astral body, can (through the sexual transmutation) put the Hydrogen SI-12 in the note Do of the third superior octave. Then, the marvelous Hydrogen SI-12 will crystallize in the splendid form of the Mental body. In this form the initiate will have the Christ-Mind of the Gnostic Arhat.

The Mental body is controlled by 12 laws and its basic aliment is the Hydrogen 12 of the mind, that does not have to be confused with the Hydrogen SI-12 of sex (I clarify this in order to avoid confusions).

The mind of the Gnostic arhat shines marvellously, in the world of the universal fire; it is the mind that does wonders and prodigies, is the mind that can do miracles.

Every initiate, in possession of a healthy physical body and an Astral and Mental bodies, has (through the Sexual Magic, without ejaculation of the ens-seminis) to generate an additional shock to the Hydrogen SI-12, in order to pass it to the note Do of a superior octave, action that will produce the crystallization of the Hydrogen SI-12 in the form of the Conscious Will Body. In these highs, we already have the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, of the Spirit.

The body of the Conscious Will is the Causal body that is mentioned by theosophy, that mistakenly suppose that is already possessed by all the human beings, when in true, only the adepts of the great White Loge possess it. That body is controlled by 6 laws and its basic aliment is the Hydrogen 6.

Only he that possess the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, can reach the incarnation of his divine immortal triad (Atman-Buddhi-Manas). A man like that, is a true man, a Master of Major Mysteries of the Great White Lodge.

A white adept, is of course, the positive crystallization of the Hydrogen Si-12; however, we have to explain that there exist negative crystallization: the one of the adepts of the black lodge. They also work with the Hydrogen Si-12, they have black sexuals tantric rituals, they ejaculate the seminal liquor during the sexual connection; they also project additional shocks to the Hydrogen Si-12, that put it in musical octaves (inferior than the ones of this world in where we live). Then, the Hydrogen Si-12 crystallizes in the Ego, strengthen and developing it, with all its tenebrous, submerged, diabolic powers…

In Tibet, the Dagdugpa clan practices black tantrism. The black initiates Dugpas, ejaculate the ens-seminis mystically; the Dugpas of red cape have a fatal system to retake the ens-seminis (charged with feminine atoms) from the very vagina of woman. Then, they inject it through the urethra and re-absorb it with the force of the mind to sent it to  de brain. In this form, the adepts of the left hand pretend to mix the solar and lunar atoms, with the purpose of “awaken the Kundalini.” The intentions are good, but the procedure is bad, because the spilled ens-seminis is charged of atoms from the secret enemy.

The bad consequences of that procedure, is the negative awaken of Kundalini (the Kundabuffer Organ is developed) and the negative crystallization of the Hydrogen Si-12.

In the western world, the schools of black tantrism under cover themselves with the Christ and the gospels: speak ineffable things, bless and spill mystically the ens-seminis. They obtain the same result than the failure ones of the Dagdugpa clan.

Are thousands the schools that seem to be whiter than the snow and are more black than the coal. The most difficult is to recognize the black schools. Their tenebrous instructors, been demons, seem to be living Christs, and as natural, fascinate their parishioners. One get amazed listening those wolves, dressed with lambs’ leathers. Normally, are sincere and good intentioned mistaken people: speak ineffable things and even become charitable and sanctimonious.

How to doubt before so much sweetness?, how to doubt of their kindness?, how to doubt of their tenderness and charities? The most curious is, that normally, these adepts of the left hand speak against black magic (how to doubt of them?), however, are more black than the coal (the problem is terrible).

There exist schools of black magic that practice with blank mind. They want the blank mind, not knowing Zen Buddhism, not having used a Koan never, not having studied the science of Pratyara and the law of Mental bipolarity, not knowing the law through which the Essence of the mind is liberated from among the bottle of the antithesis, in order to mix itself with the Monad and to reach the Satori (illumination).

The fanatics of those black schools believe that the blank mind (or better to say the quietness of the mind) is something as easy as to blow and to make bottles, and wait the moment when the great reality will enter in them in order to expel the animal, bestial entities that form the pluralized “I;” they want the divinity enter in them, not having the solar vehicles (those vehicles only are possessed by those that have worked intensively

with the Hydrogen Si-12). To try to incarnate the great reality not possessing the solar vehicles, is like wanting to saddle before having the horses.

The fanatics of those schools want to become conscious the subconscious, not eliminating the “I” before neither working with the Hydrogen Si-12.

It is frightful to see them falling on the floor foaming, in the middle of epileptic attacks (are possessed, that think that are very well). There are many of them in the Subub, as in  all the spiritualist centers, cherenzians, etc.

These poor fanatics of the black schools do not want realize, that still are embryos, that still do not have Astral body, that only have Ego, and that if in the physical world are apparently men, in the molecular region are dreaming shadows, subconscious, colds, phantasmal.

These poor imbeciles ignore that do not have a Mental body yet, that only have the pluralized mental “I” that utilizes as vehicle the mental substance.

That poor silly people ignore that do not have the body of the conscious will yet and that only possess the desire’s force. Those tenebrous fanatics believe are semi- gods and think that divinity can express itself through the people that do not have the  Existential Superior Bodies of the Being yet.

The black magicians are lunar, in one hundred per cent. We have to free ourselves from  the lunar influence and become solar men; we have to work with the Hydrogen Si-12, transmuting it according the law of the octaves, in order to create the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being and transform ourselves in real and true men.

  • The Schools of Yoga.

In these times there is plenty of literature about Yoga, and groups of Yoga appear  everywhere.

It is necessary to clarify this aspect, for the good of all the light’s aspirants.

In the Hindustan, exist seven great schools of Yoga, and all of them are useful because help as Kinder for humanity.

In the schools of Yoga there is a lot of useful and also a lot of useless. It is necessary to distinguish between the useful and the useless, between the most useful and the less useless.

The serious students that have gone to Hindustan, know very well that the best of all those schools, the most transcendental, is in the Sex-Yoga, in the white tantrism.

  1. Hatha Yoga becomes a kinder, when only attend the physical necessities, when practices the gymnasia, however, the tantric Hatha Yoga is not a kinder: is, by its own right, an school of regeneration because is related with the Maithuna (sexual Magic) and all the Tantric Shadanas or wise sexual- magic positions.
  2. Raja Yoga is kinder, when is only related with the Chakras or magnetic wheels of the occult anatomy of man, but when is combined with the Kundalini Yoga and the Sexual Magic, not longer is a kinder and as a fact, becomes a school of regeneration.
  3. Gnana Yoga is kinder, when its ma in concern is just the mind and its powers; but when is combined with the white tantrism, as a fact, is not longer a kinder, and becomes a school of regeneration.
  4. Bakti Yoga or devotional path, is kinder when is related only with the devotional practices, but when is combined with the Maithuna is not a kinder and becomes a school  of regeneration.
  5. Karma Yoga is kinder, when only studies the path of the straight action (in theoretical form), when the devote is unable to modify the circumstances of life yet, when does not possess the Being yet. Let us remember that only the Being can do. The intellectual animal only has the illusion that does, when in reality does nothing: everything happen through him. Only the Being can modify the circumstances of the life, and in order to possess the Being it is necessary to practice Sexual Magic, to dissolve the  “I,”  and sacrifice ourselves for humanity.
  6. Laya Yoga is kinder, when only works in the field of respiration and meditation. Is not longer a kinder when is combined with the maithuna (Sexual Magic).
  7. Samadhi Yoga is kinder when is not combined with the Maithuna, because the most elevated form of ecstasy is attained with the maithuna (Sexual Magic).

Those that have travelled through India, Tibet, China, Japan, Great Tartary, etc., know very well that the most serious of Yoga is in the tantrism. Really, without the tantrism (Sexual Magic) is absolutely impossible to reach the initiation.

The exoteric or public circle of every school of Yoga, is kinder. The esotericism, or secret circle of every school of Yoga, is not kinder, is a school of regeneration.

In the ancient times it was taught publicly, in all the Ashram of hindustan, the Maithuna; but then the little brothers and sisters abused, created scandals. The Gurus of those Ashram had to close the curtain of esotericism and today the Maithuna is taught only in secret form in some Ashram. That dramatic decision of the Gurus of those Ashram, transform those Ashram in kinders. However, those Gurus practice Maithuna and teach it to the most prepared (in this form avoid scandals).

In the western world the Yoga has not been comprehended correctly, and naturally have appeared many infra-sexuals that hate sex.

Really, Yoga without sex, without Maithuna, is like a garden without water. The Yoga without sex, is kinder, not a school of regeneration. Yoga without Maithuna, cannot self- realize anyone.

Let us remember the school of Yogananda. We know the Kriya of Yogananda, we have studied profoundly, and is incomplete, it lack the tantras, needs the tibetan tantrism. Yogananda did not receive the complete Kriya; for this reason, that Kriya cannot self- realize anyone.

With this, we do not want to say that such Kriya is useless; it is clear that is useful as kinder, and that is all.

It is absurd to adulterate the Gnosis, to adulterate the knowledge, putting that Kriya within the Gnostic Movement (the adultery is absolutely forbidden in the christian gospel).

Really, the Kriya of Yogananda is just a branch of the Laya Kriya, or Tantric Sadhama of Tibet. Without the tantras, that Kriya is incomplete, and for this reason no one can attain self-realization with that Kriya. Not even Yogananda attained the self-realization. Yogananda needs to reincarnate and work with the Maithuna, only in this form will he attain the Inner Self- Realization…


The grave situation with the fanatics of the infra-sex is that are completely convinced that can attain the self-realization renouncing to sex, or fornicating.

The Theosophy and the pseudo Rosicrucian schools, have make believe to the pseudo occultist students, that the intellectual animal possess the seven bodies already. That concept is false. What happens is that the clairvoyants of that theosophical society, because of a lack of cosmic initiation, have given a deficient information, confusing the astral substance and the Ego with the legitimate Astral body, and the legion of “I’s” thinkers, with the authentic mental body, and the Essence or Buddhata with the Causal body, etc.

In this conditions, and with this hypothesis in the mind, is clear that the fanatics of Yogism, pseudo esotericism or pseudo occultism, etc., have not comprehended the necessity of creating the inner bodies (they believe that already have them, are misinformed).

If they could comprehend profoundly, the inner bodies and would base themselves in the Law of the Philosophical Analogies, they would work with the Maithuna or Sexual Magic, because they could comprehend that “as beyond, so below,” and that if with a sexual act we engender sons, also (by the Law of Analogies) with that same act we engender the inner bodies.

Unfortunately, our pseudo occultist brothers, are terribly misinformed. The ignorance is the mother of all the errors…


Samael Aun Weor

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