The Great Problem

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It is necessary to solve the living problem of the individual and the society. It is urgent to know if the individual exists for the society, or on the contrary, the society exists for the individual.

If the individual exists for the society then the society will be his executioner, and he will be a slave.

If the society exists for the individual then it will work for the freedom and happiness of every individual, of every citizen.

The conscious resolution of this problem does not depend on any type of political ideology of the right or the left-wing, on Communism or on capitalism. This problem is not a question of opinions or of ideas. Ideas change constantly and the opinions emitted on so weighty a problem can be disputed.

The issue is more serious than that. We must solve the great problem of the individual and the society.


The opinions of the intellectuals of the right or the left-wing will not be able to solve this problem because these kinds of intellectual opinions are conditioned by the theories that they have read and studied. The mind of the leaders of right or left-wing it is in fact bottled up in what they are studying, and unsurprisingly, their thoughts and opinions are a function of whatever they are bottled up in.

In truth, only we will be able to solve the great problem of the individual and the society, by getting rid of the influence of all propaganda.

The problem cannot be solved by opinions nor by political propaganda. We should solve the problem ourselves. We need learn how to think for ourselves. No leader, nor any book, can solve this problem for us.

The individual is the result of the environment of religion, culture, family, etc.

The individual is the result of the social influences that surround him, this is undeniable, whatever the religion or political party that an individual professes, is the result of these social influences.

If we want to investigate a little more, if we want to know if whether we are something more than a simple result of social influences, if we want to know if in addition to the social influences something else exists inside of us, we have to begin by being freethinkers.

It is necessary to begin by questioning the social, political, economic, environmental influence, ideologies, etc., etc., etc. Only those persons that proceed in such a way, and think, and analyze, can in reality initiate a new era of peace, abundance and perfection.

The world today finds itself close to the Third World War and it is necessary that we understand the problem of the individual and the society. If the individual exists for the society, he will be a slave.

However, if the matter is otherwise, if the society exists for the individual, it will be free, and the society being in fact the extension of the individual will also be free and happy.

If we want to solve this problem we should abstain from holding an opinion. All opinion can be discussed. We must solve the problem by meditating on it. It is necessary to solve the problem by meditating on it. It is necessary to solve it with the mind and the heart. We should learn how to think for ourselves. It is absurd to repeat like parrots opinions of others.

When we consciously discover with the Mind-Heart that inside man exists something more, something that is not the product of the society nor the environment, then a total, radical and wonderful change in our Inner Consciousness is ascertained.

Who knows himself, can in fact transform the world, who becomes aware of that something which exists within the personality of every man, can ascertain for himself that he has lived as a slave of society and it’s customs. Nowadays the individual is a slave of the society and exists for his master: The Society.

It is necessary for the individual to become free in order that the society also be free. Only a free society will work for the first and the last citizen of a nation.

At present the society only knows how to use the individual as in instrument to satiate his desires for pleasure, or as the vehicle to get power (fame, riches, or as a beast to work on his domains).

It is urgent to reflect a little to discover, than in addition to being a product of the social influences and the environment in which we live, there exists inside of us the essence, the consciousness, which is not a product of the environment.

It is essential to have the courage to break with all the propaganda and customs that have enslaved us.

We need to be free. The day in which each individual becomes free we will in reality have a human society of freedom and happiness.

It requires great courage to break away from all habits, opinions, ideologies, systems and customs of the society in which we live, yet another way to become free does not exist.

The world is the individual, only by changing the individual the world changes. History shows us that it is not the masses that transform the world but the individual. When an individual has been transformed he can play with the multitudes.

When Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla understood the Mexican people’s slavery and had the courage to break away from the customs of the epoch, he became the father of the Mexican land.

When Simón Bolívar profoundly understood the slavery of Latin America he swore under oath to liberate her and became the liberator of five countries.

Whenever an individual has transformed, the world has transformed. Thus it is proven that an individual has transformed himself, that he has transformed the world. Thus it is proven that the individual is the world and that only in transforming the individual, the world is transformed.

It is necessary to know than in addition to the individual who is a product of social influences, something that does not come from the environment exists within our personality.

When we discover this something, this Essence, we transform. Then we will have the courage to break away from the bad customs, vices, liquor, habits, our grandparent’s old ideas, etc.

Every man who transforms in reality becomes a hero, transforms everything he touches, transforms the world.

The time has come to understand that we are slaves of society, of fashions, of customs, of what others may say.

The time has come to set ourselves free, to start a new age and realize the Social Christ on the face of the earth.

Samael Aun Weor

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