The Ninth Labour of Hercules, the Solar Hero, unquestionably turns out to be very complex: taking the girdle of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons, the feminine psychic aspect of our own interior nature…
When embarking with other legendary heroes, first he had to fight with the sons of Minos—the black sorcerers—, then with the enemies of king Lycus, whose exotic name reminds us of the analogy between the wolf and the light—it is a question, therefore, of the Lords of Karma, with whom we must transact some business— and finally with the Amazons—terrible temptresses—stirred up by Hera, even though Hippolyte had agreed to give her her girdle peacefully; the queen is thus uselessly sacrificed by masculine brutality, that pretends to take hold violently of her innate virtue.
That marvellous girdle, analogous to that of Venus and an emblem of femininity, loses its meaning and worth when it is separated from its legitimate owner. Love and not violence makes, therefore, its conquest really significant and worthwhile…
Having travelled around the coast of the Atlantic continent, the god Neptune, submerged now in the stormy waters of the ocean that bears his name, is said by tradition to have engendered several children with a mortal woman…
Everything was flat on the island where he lived, but in its middle there was a very special valley, with a small central hill fifty stadia26 from the sandy beach…
On that hill lived one of those great beings born on Earth, called Evenor, who had engendered in his wife Leucipe his only daughter, Cleito.
When the parents of Cleito died, Neptune married her, and enclosed the hill where she lived with several trenches with water, of which, according to the legend of centuries, three came from the sea and were equidistant from the ocean, walling in the hill to make it unconquerable and inaccessible…
This Cleito or Minerva-Neith built Athens in Greece and Sais in the famous delta of the Nile…
In memory of all this, the Atlanteans built the marvellous temple of Neptune and Cleito…
In thisSancta the bodies of the ten children of Neptune, a symbolic magical number, were deposited…
We cannot leave the study of the magic number 10 without referring to the Biblical obligation of the tithe, to which Abraham subjected himself voluntarily, in his relations with the initiate king Melchisedek…
According to the chapter XIV of Genesis 27
<<The king of Sodom went out to meet him (Abraham)… And Melchizedek, king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was a priest of the God Most High. And he blessed him, and said: “Blessed be Abraham by God Most High, maker of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!” And Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. >>
In its exoteric or public aspect, the obligation of the tithe in Jewish legislation is the universal duty that all the brothers of the Path have of contributing faithfully with a part of their income—it must not be less than a tenth—in such a manner freely chosen that they consider to be the most appropriate and effective way to sustain the Cause of Truth and Justice…
In its esoteric or secret aspect, the tithe symbolises the balance of payments in the sphere of Neptune…
It is unquestionable that there we must settle our accounts with the enemies of King Lycus (the Lords of Karma).
It is indubitable that all of us assassinate the god Mercury, Hiram, and it is not possible to resuscitate him inside ourselves before paying up for the abject crime…
Therefore, the tithe becomes a practical and necessary complement to the dynamical principle that originates from the deep study of the Tenth Commandment, that is: consider as a source, fountain and spiritual providence of the whole interior and divine centre of our life the Mysterious Iod that is hidden in the middle of the central delta of the Sanctuary of our Being…
This point concerning the tithe is clarified by the evangelic words (Mathew VI, 19- 21): << Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be. >>
The third chapter of Malachi says:
<<Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house; and thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing 28. >>
Excavating in the profound entrails of the Avern, intensely working in the Ninth Sphere, I searched with infinite yearning for the treasure of heaven, the Golden Fleece of the ancients…
The children of Minos, the Adepts of the Left Hand, the Levites of all ages, angrily and unceasingly attacked me in the frightful Abyss of Neptune…
During that hard struggle I yearned to conquest the girdle of Hippolyte, but the Amazons, stirred up by Hera, besieged me unceasingly with their subtle charms of the abyss…
A particular night, no matter now the date, the day, the time, I was transported to the castle of Klingsor, situated in Salamanca, Spain…
It is not too much to remember that, in that old castle cited by Wagner in his Parsifal, operates “the hall of witchcraft”.
It was certainly horrifying, what I saw then in the gloomy abode of those harpies…

Sinister, dismal witches, they attacked me many times inside the castle; however I defended myself with valour by means of the Sword of Fire…
My old friend, the angel Adonai—who at this time had a physical body— accompanied me in this adventure…
They were not in vain, no, the lucubrations of those great seers of the astral known as alchemists, kabbalists, occultists, etc. What we saw in this cavern was certainly dreadful…
Many times I unsheathed the Sword of Fire to throw flames over on the fatal abode of the necromancer Klingsor…
In an unwonted manner, Adonai and I approached some harpies that were setting up a table for the banquet…
In vain I pierced with the sword the breast of one of these witches; she remained impassive. Unquestionably she was awakened in evil and for evil…
In fact, I wanted to make fire pour as rain over that horrendous palace…
I made supreme efforts, and felt that I was passing out. At that moment angel Adonai approached the window of my eyes to look at what was happening inside me…
Imagine for a moment a person stopping before the window of a house to observe through the glass panes to see what is happening in its interior…
It is clear that the eyes are the windows of the Soul and the Angels of heaven can see through these panes what happens in the interior of each of us…
Once he made this singular observation, Adonai left, satisfied. The Intimate Fire had incinerated my own interior castle, the abode of Klingsor,
Each one of us carries inside a palace of sinister witches’ Sabbaths; the mahatmas never ignore this…
Later on I had clear experiential evidence of the dark aspects of existence. It is clear that Satan has the gift of ubiquity: watch him inside yourself, here, there, everywhere…
Once the esoteric works in the Hells of Neptune were completed, I then had to ascend to the Empyrean, the region of the Seraphim, creatures of Love, direct expressions of the Unity…
Thus I regained that hierarchic status in the Heaven of Neptune. This is the Universe of the Divine Monads…
Unquestionably I had obtained the Girdle of Hippolyte. One night I proved this in a cosmic celebration; I danced then with other Ineffables…
Another night, floating in the Empyrean in a seraphic state, I asked my Divine Mother Kundalini for the lyre; I managed to play it then with mastery…
Samael Aun Weor
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