The Hegelian Nodular Line

Nature does not make leaps, the Nodular point cannot mean a leap as Engels mistakenly supposes.

The Hegelian Nodular line of the proportions of measurement in which the simple quantitative increase or decrease determine a qualitative leap when arriving at a certain Nodular point, is in fact very badly interpreted.

The Nodular point cannot give rise to any leap because nature does not make leaps.

Water when heating or cooling, where the boiling point and the freezing point are the nodes in which the apparent jump to a new state of cohesion occurs, that is, in which the quantity apparently changes in quality, the leap is apparent because it is not really the quantity that has changed in quality, within the apparent leap there has been a whole process of selection within the concepts of time, space and movement.

The nodes of Hegel cannot cause leaps, but only orderly and methodical changes. Any change can be evolutive or involutive, and is always processed in the spiral line.

All transformation is realized through exact laws. The phenomena of nature are all correlated; reciprocal transformation and mutual feeding and exchange of Substances are the basis of all transformation.

The actions of sensation are provoked by the actions of stimulation, stimulation and sensation are intimately associated, there are repressed forces and free and living forces, we must distinguish the liberating forces and the liberated forces.

sensation are provoked by the actions of stimulation

There is a great difference between the liberation of one force and its transformation into another; there is a marvellous law that makes a certain kind of movement transform into another kind of movement; yet all this is done in an orderly fashion without leaps because nature does not make leaps.

When one force liberates another, the amount of liberated force changes in an orderly way; the free force of a stimulus releases the repressed forces from a nerve, and this release of repressed forces is performed at each and every point on the nerve.

The action of the sensation is not exactly equal to the action of the stimulus.

The Hegelian Nodular line exists in everything created but does not originate those instantaneous leaps which Marx speaks of.

The nodes of Hegel originate orderly spiraloid changes and that’s all.

The quality is not exactly equal to the quantity, a lit candle gives light but it is absolutely logical to say that it also gives more heat than light; the light is the direct fusion of the candle, the heat the indirect; the combustion process of the candle develops in an orderly within the concepts of time, space and movement, this process originates light thanks to combustion by the increase of heat and the incandescence of volatile bases.

The change of combustion and heat into light is not instantaneous, no change is instantaneous, in everything there is a process.

In the conception of the fetus there is only union of a zoosperm and an ovule, however six to seven million zoosperms are lost in a copulation; the quantity has not been transformed into quality, there has only been a selective process, and that is all.

Vital phenomena are transformed into other vital phenomena, multiply to infinity and can be transformed into physical phenomena giving rise to a whole series of multiple mechanical and chemical combinations.

Psychic phenomena are directly percieved and possess a potential strength immensely superior to that possessed by mechanical and physical phenomena; as an example we will cite the desire that can originate millions of new creatures.

The transformation of one phenomenon into another is processed dialectically without leaps, in an orderly fashion.

Samael Aun Weor

Really the materialist dialectic with its disgusting barbarisms is very far from the harsh reality of life.

The world is urgently in need of our Gnostic Dialectic.

Samael Aun Weor

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