The dangerous COMMUNIST threatens LATIN AMERICA and the laments of pain can be heard everywhere.
The beautiful Caribbean island of Cuba has been invaded by the barbarous hordes of BRUTAL MARXISTS. The prisons of Cuba are full of miserable people. As we speak our beloved America is threatened to death by the overwhelming and brutal avalanche of the abominable communism.
The hour has arrived to seriously reflect on our own destiny, the great powers of the world have their eyes fixed on our dear Latin American land.
America is an appetizing dish and everyone wants to try it. America has suffered the unspeakable and loves its liberty. America has conquered it’s independence in the fields of battle. Independence has costed us a lot of blood.
We do not deny that there is hunger in Latin America, there is, but it is not with violence that we will overcome the fatal monster of hunger and misery. It is not by surrendering ourselves to the barbarous hordes of LENINIST MARXISM that we will resolve the problem of hunger.

Violence does not resolve anything. Violence only brings us failure. We need PEACE, SERENITY, REFLECTION, and COMPREHENSION.
Samael Aun Weor
The problem of the world is the problem of the INDIVIDUAL. The revolutions of blood and liquor do not solve anything. Only by means of intelligence will we solve the problem of hunger and misery. Only by means of INTELLIGENCE can we save our sacred Earth. Only with intelligence can we overcome the MONSTER OF COMMUNISM.
LATIN AMERICA is confused and disorientated. We know that the MARXIST MONSTER wants to devour us but we are not going to chain ourselves to slavery. We, the Indo-Americans are free and we want to conserve our liberty.
HUMAN SOCIETY is the extension of the INDIVIDUAL. If we really want a radical change, if we want a better world, a world without hunger, we need to change individually, to change within ourselves, to transform within our own individuality the abominable factors that produce hunger and misery in the world. We need to remember that the mass is a sum of individuals. If every individual changes, the mass would inevitably change.
The SOCIETY is the extension of the INDIVIDUAL. If the INDIVIDUAL IS GREEDY, CRUEL, PERVERSE, SELFISH etc., the society will be the same. We need to be sincere with ourselves, we, each one of us is evil, therefore SOCIETY is also inevitably evil. This cannot be solved by the COMMUNIST MONSTER, this can only be solved by the INDIVIDUAL.
It is urgent to put an end to SELFISHNESS and to cultivate Christ-centrism. It is the only way we can make a better world. It is indispensable that we eliminate the greed and cruelty that each one of us carries inside, it is the only way, only by changing the individual will society change because it is an extension of the individual. There is pain, hunger, confusion, but none of this can be changed by the absurd procedures of violence; those who want to transform the world by means of revolutions of blood and liquor or by coups or executions are totally mistaken because violence only engenders more violence and hate more hate. We need PEACE if we really want to save LATIN AMERICA.
We will not dispel the darkness with violence but rather by bringing light. Neither will we dispel error by combating it with violence but rather by spreading the truth.
Samael Aun Weor
There is no need to attack error. The more the truth advances, the more error retreats. It is not necessary to avoid evil but rather to unconditionally practice good, teaching its advantages in deeds. By attacking error we will provoke hate in those that we hurt and they will mistakenly react and do wrong.
By attacking evil we provoke revenge in people, making them worse.
It is urgent to analyze the fundamental principles of the MARXIST DIALECTIC and demonstrate to the world that it does not resist analysis because it is purely cheap tricks. We need to make light if we want to overcome the darkness, we do not need to spill more blood.
The hour has arrived to be comprehensive.

It is necessary for us to study our own I if we really love our fellow man. It is necessary to understand that only by putting an end to the factors of SELFISHNESS and CRUELTY that each one of us carries inside, can we make a better world, a world without hunger or fear.
Society is the INDIVIDUAL. THE WORLD IS THE INDIVIDUAL. If the INDIVIDUAL fundamentally changes, the world will also inevitably change.
AMERICA is in GRAVE DANGER and only by transforming ourselves radically as individuals can we save ourselves and AMERICA.
Samael Aun Weor
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