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The rigorous trials of Initiation by ordeal are well known by those that have already crossed to the other side

It is not a crime to separate us from the monster with a thousand heads (humanity) so as to help it in an efficient manner…

I was thirty years old when I was submitted to terrible and frightful trials… It is worth the trouble to report what I then saw, what happened to me.

It was during the night of mystery when I felt near me the howl of a hurricane.

Then I understood…

How lonely I was that night! However…whenever I went, here, there, anywhere, I soon saw myself surrounded by multitudes. I do not know how the people came to me and then…

Again the hurricane howled. Then I understood what it was that was taken by the wind… Today I speak because…

“Which rumour sounds afar

that the silence

of the serene and black night



“Is it the swift run of the horse stretched in a flying escape,

or the harsh roar of the hungry beast, or the whistle perhaps of Achilles,

or the hoarse echo of far off thunder rumbling along the deep caverns,

or the sea threatening with its swollen trough

—a new Lucifer—the throne of his God?”


Because all those spectres from the night of mystery were also seen by that poet, who sang thus:

“Dense fog covers the sky and of spirits becomes full, wandering, here the wind

and there, they cross vaporous

and countless,

and here they take, and there they gyrate,


now they get together, they withdraw,

now they hide, now they appear,

they rove, they fly”.


“Vague swarm of vain ghosts

of diverse shapes, of varied colour,

on goats and serpents mounted and on ravens, and on broomsticks, with dull rumour…”


“They pass on and escape, return and grow,

they decrease, evaporate, colour,

and among shadows and reflections, near and far away, now they vanish, now they avoid me with fear,

now they get agitated with fury

in an aerial fantastic dance around me”.

All those screams, howls, whistles, neighs, chirping, moos, squawks, meows, barking, snorts and snores the clairvoyant poet goes on hearing, talking to us with words that are livid and phosphoric brush-strokes by El Greco, in extraordinary apparitions such as those in “Los Caprichos” by Goya.

Everywhere shields with rampant lions, shells from Compostela, beheaded moors, fleurs-de-lis and trout, everywhere palaces and old houses in ruins, poverty and more poverty.

Many times I had to confront bravely the black powers referred to by the Apostle Paul of Tarsus in Chapter II of the “Epistle to the Ephesians”.

Unquestionably the most dangerous adversary of that night had the ghastly title of

anagarika. I want to refer in an emphatic manner to the demon Cherenzi.

That repugnant and sinister creature had taught the world black tantrism (Sexual Magic with seminal ejaculation).

The result was apparent at a glance: diabolical tail and horrifying horns.

That Left Hand tantric demon arrived at my presence accompanied by two demons.

He appeared very satisfied with the abominable organ Kundartiguador, the satanic, magic, terrible tail, the sexual Fire projected from the coccyx towards the atomic hells of man, sequence and corollary of the black tantrism.

At point blank I asked him the following question, “Do you know me?”

Answer: “Yes! I saw you in the city of Bacatá when I was giving a lecture”.

What happened then was not very pleasant. That anagarika had recognised me, and enraged he emitted fire by the eyes and tail… He wanted to hurt me violently; I defended myself with the best conjurations from High Magic, and finally he ran away with his companions.

Lonely, I continued my course into the night of the mystery. The hurricane howled…

In the profound depths of my Consciousness I had the strange sensation of being in the process of saying goodbye to everything and everybody….

I entered the Gnostic Church panting, tired after having fought many times against the tyranny of the Prince of the Powers of the Air, who is the spirit that now reigns over the sons of infidelity.

Temple of luminous marble, it appeared to be made of crystal because of its rare transparency.

The terrace of that Transcended Church dominated invincible like a glorious acropolis over the solemn site of a sacred pine grove…

From here, the starred, shining firmament could be contemplated as in ancient times in the Atlantean temples, those yearned today in the extraordinary poetry of Maeterlinck, and from which Asura-Maya, the astronomer disciple of Narada, made the previous observations to discover the chronological cycles of thousands of years, teaching them to his beloved disciples at the light of the pale moon, and still being used by his devoted successors.

I advanced very slowly and in a reverent attitude into the holy place.

Something, however, surprises me. I see a certain person that crossing my path stops my progress. Another battle? I prepare my defence, but the person smiles sweetly and exclaim with a voice from paradise:

You do not frighten me, I know you very well!

Ah! I recognise him at last…he is my guru Adolfo who I have always called by

the diminutive “Adolfito”—By God and the Virgin Mary! But. what was I doing?

I am sorry, Master! I had not recognised you…

My guru leads me by the hand towards the interior of the Gnostic Church…

The Mahatma sits down and then invites me to sit at his side. Impossible to decline such a splendid invitation.

The dialog that took place then between Master and disciple was certainly extraordinary.

–Here in the Gnostic Church-–said the Hierophant solemnly—you can only be married to one woman, not two.

in the Gnostic Church-–said the Hierophant solemnly—you can only be married to one woman, not two

In the past, you gave vain hopes to a certain lady XX, who still waits for you in spite of the time and distance.

Obviously, you are unconsciously doing her a grave harm, because, waiting for you, she lives in a city in a total state of poverty.

This lady could well return to live in the bosom of her family in the country; thus her economic problems would be resolved.

Made aghast and bewildered by these words, I embraced my guru thanking him infinitely for his advice.

Master—I said—what can you tell me about my wife Litelantes?

–She can indeed help you with Sexual Magic (Sahaja Maithuna), with this lady adept you can work in the Ninth Sphere (the Sex).

–Oh, guru! I wish with infinite yearning the awakening of the Kundalini and the union with the Intimate, cost what it may…

–But, what have you said, my disciple? Cost what it may?

–Yes, Master, this I have said…

–Somebody has been paid here tonight, and has been given the task of helping you in the awakening of the Kundalini.

–You have passed the Direne Test—said the Hierophant. And then, putting on my head a white, immaculate turban with a golden button in front, said: Let us go to the Altar…

Getting up, I advanced with my holy guru towards the Holy Altar…

I still remember that solemn instant in which, kneeling in front of the Holy Altar, I had to swear solemnly…

“Cost what it may!” said my Master in a loud voice. And this sentence, intensely vibrating, was soon repeated from sphere to sphere…

I then covered my solar plexus with the palm of the left hand and extended my right hand over the Holy Grail saying: I swear it!

Terrible oath!

Genuine legends from Castille, such as that of Alfonso VII taking away from the hands of the moors from Almería the famous bowl or grail—better said, a cup— carved from an enormous emerald, and said to have been used by the Great Kabir Jesus in his last supper. It is terrifyingly divine…

To swear in the presence of the Holy Grail?

Ancient legends say that Joseph of Arimathea received in this Cup at the foot of the Cross in the Mount of the Skulls the Holy Blood that poured out of the wounds of the Adorable…

A similar cup was given before by the queen of Sheba to Solomon, the Solar King, and was an inheritance, according to others, of the Tuatha de Danand, a Jinn race of the Gaedhil (the British Galicia).

It is not known how this venerated relic happened to end up at the hermitage of  San Juan de la Peña, in the Pyrenees; from there it continued its pilgrimage, now to Salvatierra, now to Valencia during the reign of Jaime I the Conqueror, now to  Genoa, since in ancient times the genoese had received it as a reward for the help given to Alfonso VII during the siege of Almería.


Very early next day I wrote to the suffering noble lady who waited for me in that remote city…

I advised her with infinite sweetness to return to the country with her family and to forget my worthless insignificant person…

Samael Aun Weor

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