The Intellect

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One should become conscious of what one studies by means of spontaneous meditation, otherwise, it destroys the intellect.

One needs to practice undivided, integral meditation, at the hour when one feels like doing so. Meditation should not be mechanical.

We need to attain the mathematical equilibrium between the Being and Knowledge: 20 + 20 = 40; 40 – 20 = 20.

The intellectual only sees things through his theories. There are two types of intellect, the commonly known sensual intellect and the intellect which is given by the Being and which is a conscious intellect.

There are degrees in the objective reason of the Being and they are measured according to the number of tridents on the horns of Lucifer.

When one opens the inner mind, one does not need to verbalize theories, hypotheses and preconceptions.

Subjective science is that of those who are enclosed in the sensual mind and of those who live in assumptions. (See chapter XII of “The Great Rebellion” by the same author.)

Pure Science is only within the reach of those who have the inner mind and of those who unfold among triangles, octagons and squares…


One should not confuse intelligence with the mind. In every mind there is a certain sum of intelligent values.

We do not need to look for the intelligent values outside of ourselves; the latter are within ourselves.

The intelligent values of every human being do not change and neither do they become exhausted. The reserve of intelligence is a constant.

When a positive value appears, it is, in fact, received happily by the intelligence.

We need a new revolutionary pedagogy whose only objective is to make us conscious of what we already know.

Identification, values and image. To identify oneself, to imagine oneself and to value oneself exactly is undelayable when we want to make an inventory of ourselves.


Whoever manage to disintegrate the cadavers of the ego obtain enlightened intellection. Enlightened intellection is the intellect placed at the service of the spirit.

Jesus, the Christ, had enlightened intellection; he placed his intellect at the service of the spirit.

The great error of materialists consists, precisely, in believing that the great Reality needs physical phenomena, but their “reality,” after all, is a product of the materialistic intellect arid not of enlightened intellection.

Both the physical as well as the spiritual are energy and because of this, the spirit is as real as matter.

Matter is as sacred as spirit. As long as the materialistic intellect does not become enlightened intellection through the Revolution of the Dialectic, it will not be possible to comprehend that the material and the spiritual behave in a correlated and dialectical manner.


Time is life; whoever does not depend on time controls life.

The flow of existence presents itself in too short duration to allow it to transpire in trifles.

The brevity of life is sufficient reason to encourage us to make it greater with the Integral Revolution.

With Intelligence, we should take advantage of vital time to the maximum, in order for it to prolong its shortness; let us not make it smaller with the clumsy and mean actions of the Ego.

Samael Aun Weor – The Revolution Of The Dialectic – Chapter IV

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