The Kundalini

The Kundalini is the primordial energy enclosed in the CHURCH OF EPHESUS. This Church of the Apocalypse is a magnetic centre situated two fingers above the anus, and two fingers below the genital organs.

The Kundalini is the fiery serpent of our magical powers. The sacred serpent sleeps within its church coiled three and a half times. The Kundalini is the fire of Pentecost. The Kundalini is the Divine Mother.


The Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses within the Aura of the MAHACHOAN (The Cosmic Mother), (The Holy Spirit), (The Third Logos).

The dorsal fires are JEHOVISTIC. The fires of the heart are CHRISTIC. On the forehead sparkle the terribly divine rays of the Father.

The fires of the heart control the ascent of the sacred serpent through the medullar canal. Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses according to the merits of the heart.

Kundalini needs to rise to the brain and then must reach the sacred sanctuary of the heart.

Kundalini resides in the electrons. Sages meditate on Kundalini; devotees adore it; in homes of perfection it is worshipped.

When solar and lunar atoms make contact, we then drink the nectar of immortality because KUNDALINI awakens.

Solar and lunar atoms make contact in the Triveni near the coccyx, then Kundalini awakens by induction.

Kundalini is awakened with the Arcanum A.Z.F., with concentration and meditation, with very deep devotion, with will and understanding, and with sacred Mantras.

Kundalini can also be awakened by the work and grace of some Master of Major Mysteries of the White Brotherhood, or because the Divine Mother so wishes.

When the Yogi spills the semen, the Kundalini cannot awaken. The ascent of the Kundalini through the medullar canal is very slow and difficult. The passage of the fiery serpent from one vertebra to another means terrible trials, frightful sacrifices, and supreme purifications. We must not only kill desire, but even the shadow of desire itself. Our motto is THELEMA (Will).

When the Kundalini reaches the pineal gland, situated in the upper part of the brain, we then attain perfect ecstasy.

We must note that even when the Kundalini has the form of a serpent, it can appear before the devotee in the form of the DIVINE MOTHER, ISIS, RHEA, CYBELES, MARY, etc. etc.

When the Kundalini awakens, the devotee sees marvelous visions and hears multiple sounds. When the Kundalini awakens, all the powers of the soul are then developed. When the Kundalini awakens, the student sees a very bright light equal to ten thousand suns together shining with joy in unison with the Church of EPHESUS.

If the devotee spills the semen after having begun the ascent of the Kundalini through the medullar canal, the Kundalini then descends one or more vertebrae according to the magnitude of the fault. No fornicator could reach cosmic realization.

Water is the dwelling place of fire. If we spill the water we then lose the fire.

Chastity is the foundation of the Great Work. All the power of the Kundalini is found in the semen.

Anyone who manages to take this energy of the Kundalini to the pineal gland, in fact reaches Supra-consciousness (The State of Nirvanikalpa Shamadi).

The one who reaches these heights is an enlightened one, a GOD.


The marvelous temple of EPHESUS IS A SPLENDOROUS LOTUS. This lotus has four petals. The Church of Ephesus has the Luminosity of ten million suns. The elemental earth of the wise corresponds to this lotus flower. When the sacred serpent opens the Church of EPHESUS, we are given powers over the elemental creatures that live in the bowels of the earth. Then we can act on earthquakes.

When the serpent reaches the height of the prostate, the Church of SMYRNA opens. This chakra has six petals. The prostate chakra gives us the power to create. All creation would be impossible without the prostate chakra. The IMMORTAL BABAJI, the Yogi Christ of India whose body dates back many millions of years, is the supreme ruler of the prostate chakra.

Babaji controls all life, and has the power to create and re-create. The elemental water of the sages (the Ens Seminis) is the element of this chakra. Whoever opens the CHURCH OF SMYRNA has power over waters and storms.

The ascent of the Kundalini to the region of the navel gives us the power to act on the fire of volcanoes. The chakra of the navel region is the CHURCH OF PERGAMUS. This chakra has ten petals. The elemental fire of the sages is the element of this chakra.

When the Kundalini reaches the height of the heart, the CHURCH OF THYATIRA opens and we are given the power to act on the four winds.

The heart lotus has twelve petals and its element is the elemental air of the wise. Anyone who wants to learn to enter the super-sensible worlds with his physical body must awaken the heart chakra. This is what is known as Jinas science. The human body can leave the physical plane and enter the super-sensible worlds.

When the sacred serpent reaches the height of the heart, the CHURCH OF THYATIRA opens and we become intuitive.

The rise of the Kundalini to the region of the Larynx gives us the power to hear the voices of the beings who live in the super-sensible worlds. This chakra is related to the PURE AKASHA. Akasha is the agent of sound. The laryngeal chakra is the CHURCH OF SARDIS. When reaching these heights, the Kundalini blossoms on the fertile lips, becoming a word.

The throat chakra has sixteen petals.

When the Kundalini reaches the height of the eyebrow, the CHURCH OF PHILADELPHIA opens. This is the eye of wisdom. The Father resides in this magnetic center. The chakra between the eyebrows has two petals and is the throne of the mind. When the mind-matter is transformed into Mind-Christ, we receive the mantle of the Buddhas and the eye of Shiva. Everyone who awakens the frontal chakra becomes Clairvoyant.

When the Kundalini reaches the Pineal Gland, the CHURCH OF LAODICEA opens. This chakra has a thousand shining petals. This is the crown that shines like a halo of light on the heads of the saints. The atom of the Holy Spirit exists in the pineal gland. Then we receive the white dove of the Holy Spirit and we are filled with illumination, wisdom and omniscience.

In the CHURCH OF EPHESUS we conquer the earth. In the CHURCH OF SMYRNA, water. In the CHURCH OF PERGAMO, fire. In the CHURCH OF THYATIRA, air. In the CHURCH OF SARDIS, the Akashic Fluid. In the CHURCH OF PHILADELPHIA, we conquer the mind, and in the CHURCH OF LAODICEA we conquer the Light. This is how we become Kings and Priests of Nature, according to the order of MELCHISEDEC.

In the magnetic field of the root of the nose is the atom of the Father, in the Pituitary Gland the atom of the Son and in the Pineal Gland the atom of the Holy Spirit.

The fire of Kundalini awakens, evolves and develops completely with Sexual Magic.


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