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In dealing with transcendental metaphysical experiments, it would not be irrelevant to assert solemnly that I am completely satisfied with the intelligent use of the Eidolon…

Without being in any way conceited about certain esoteric discoveries, I am going to relate simply and humbly a very personal and remarkable event.

It took place on one of those nights when, finding ourselves absent from our dense forms, Master Litelantes and I decided to contact the Temple of the Zodiac.

It is well known and obvious, anyone can understand, that it would be more than impossible to find such a sanctuary here in the three dimensional, Euclidian world.

Therefore, it is not strange, unusual or uncommon that we used the Eidolon for this kind of experimental investigation.

In no way do I wish to boast of being a sage, I only put forth clearly that this contact was marvelous…

The virginal Zodiacal sancta sanctorum shines gloriously in the midst of the ardent rhythms of Mahavan and the Chotavan, which keep the universe firm on its course.

A cosmic temple, basilica of Zodiacal light with twelve shrines, a sidereal house of the Divine…

A sublime circular church with irresistible charm, opposing sanctums that complement each other, situated face to face…

Projecting ourselves into the future, far beyond our present reincarnation, Litelantes boldly entered the sanctum of the brilliant constellation of Libra.

At the threshold of that place of worship was an effigy similar to an Angel, with one hand holding the scale of cosmic justice and the other grasping a sword.

Litelantes took some steps into the holy chamber, finally settling on a venerable stone…!

“Will you continue with Libra?”


“But notice that the stone of that constellation is very cold!”

“It does not matter!” answered the Initiate…

As this Lady-Adept is at present preparing to complete a very special mission in a male body, it is obvious that the constellation of Libra will be very favorable, all the more so when her task lies in the field of law…

I, for my part, filled with profound reflection and tremendous veneration, went resolutely into the sublime sanctum of the constellation of Leo.

The threshold of that place of worship was radiantly adorned with a pair of brilliant lions of pure gold…

Ecstatic, I silently lay down on my back upon a delightful divan that had armrests shaped like shining lions…

My intention was to wait within that sanctuary for the sublime archons of destiny…

It is evident that they manipulate the Antakarana (the thread of life) connecting it to the fertilizing zoosperm.

When every living being dies, they carry the seed-atom from their physical body beyond death…

The Lords of Karma deposit this atom in the fertilizing zoosperm so that we may reincorporate….

The end of the magnetic thread is joined to that atom. Any creature can leave the body during normal sleep to travel often to remote distances; the thread of life extends as far as the infinite and always allows us to return to the physical body…

Upon dying, the Angels of Death cut this silver cord, and then, obviously, we cannot return to the physical body…

Advanced in time, I was aware of all of this and patiently awaited the Lords of the Law; I was eager to be reincarnated under the constellation of Leo…

However, reflecting a while, I said to myself, “What am I doing here? I have to await orders from my Father. And what is more, I have been told that I will not possess a physical body again during this Mahamanvantara…” Reflecting in this way I rose and left that sacred place.

Clearly, Masters can choose, at will, the zodiacal sign under which they are going to reincarnate.

In the Zodiacal temple, within the chosen sanctum, the initiates await the Lords of Karma with the purpose of psychically connecting with a fertilizing zoosperm which, sailing through the waters of life, will lead them to the physical world under the regency of the chosen constellation.

For unconscious Buddhatas (Essences) in the sorrowful vale of Samsara, everything is different; they disembody without being aware of it and automatically reincorporate under any sign…

At that point of return, injustice does not exist; the Masters of Karma select the zodiacal sign of those who sleep…

When we inhale for the first time, we become intimately impregnated by the star which will govern our new existence….

The destiny of every creature that returns to the world is written in the wonderful book of the Zodiac…

Not only is Karma paid for the evil done, but also for the good which was not done when we could have done it…

Each wrongful action is a debt we incur, to pay in a subsequent life…

The Law of Action and Consequence governs the course of our various existences, and each life is a result of the previous one…

In order to fully understand the basis and modus operandi of the Law of Karma, it is essential to guide the ship of our life in a positive and constructive way…

Clothed in an alb of white linen, a great Master of the Good Law very quietly approached and gave me the following teaching:

“When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law outweighs the inferior law.”

During the esoteric, initiatic processes of fire, I fully understood the following postulates:

“The Lion of the Law is combated with the Scale.”

“Whoever has capital with which to pay, pays and does well in business.”

“Whoever has nothing with which to pay, must pay with pain…”

“Do good deeds in order to pay your debts…”

It is possible to earn credit from the Masters of Karma, and this is something many do not know…

However, it is imperative to know that all credit must be written off with good deeds or with supreme pain.

I owed Karma from former lives and was forgiven. I had already been told that I would have a special meeting with my Divine Mother Kundalini. I knew well that on reaching a certain esoteric grade I would be taken to her.

And certainly the day I had so longed for arrived, and I was taken before her; an Adept of the Occult Fraternity brought me out of my physical body in the Eidolon and took me to the place of worship.

I saw on the wall of the sanctum a mysterious obelisk where a terribly divine Madonna shined; it was my Mother…

Kneeling down, prostrate in tremendous adoration, I wept; I cried out; I begged…

That Madonna stepped out of the obelisk and came to me like a marvelous synthesis of Wisdom, Love, and Power…

It is impossible to explain in human words what I felt in those moments of ecstasy. In her was expressed the best from all the beautiful mothers I had in my varied reincarnations.

Yet… it is obvious that due to her infinite perfections, she was far beyond them.

In a pair of comfortable armchairs we sat, facing each other, very close, Mother and son… I had to ask something and I spoke in a voice which surprised me.

“I ask that I be forgiven for all my crimes committed in previous lives, for you know that I would be incapable of making the same errors now.”

“I know, my son,” responded my Divine Mother in a heavenly voice, full of infinite tenderness.

“I would not make the same mistakes again for a million dollars,” I continued to say…

“What is this about dollars, my son? Why do you talk this way?…”

“Forgive me, Mother, the trouble is that in the physical, vain, illusory world in which I live, this is how they speak…”

“I understand, my son,” replied my Mother. And with these words from the adored one, I felt comforted…

“Now, Mother, I ask that you bless and forgive me,” I cried out, full of supreme beatitude…

It was an awesome moment when my Mother knelt down, and with infinite humility, blessed me, saying, “My son, you are forgiven…”

“Allow me to kiss your feet, Mother,” I exclaimed. And so, oh God! by depositing the mystic kiss on the divine soles of her feet, I discovered a certain symbol equivalent to that sacred washing at the Last Supper.

It is evident that I intuitively captured the deep significance of such a symbol…

I had dissolved the pluralized ego in the mineral regions of our planet Earth; yet, I had to continue dying in the infernos of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune…

Much later, after having investigated a certain very lamentable error from my previous reincarnation, I was nearly knocked down by a car in Mexico City.

Without question, if previously I had not been forgiven Karma, I would have ended up in the hospital or a cemetery.

When I held the book of my own destiny in my hands (every person has their own), I found its pages blank. The outstanding accounts had been erased by my Divine Mother Kundalini, except that on a certain page I found the name of a mountain where much later I would have to live…

“Is this some Karma?” I asked the Lords of the Law.

“It is not Karma,” they answered me. “You will go there to live for the good of the Great Cause.” However, this last one is not mandatory, I am granted the freedom to choose…

I do not owe ordinary, everyday, human Karma, but it is clear that I must pay a tax to the Lords of the Law. Everything has a price, and the right to possess a physical body and to live in this world must be paid for; we adepts of the Occult Fraternity pay with good works…

It is possible to negotiate with the Lords of the Law through meditation: pray, meditate and concentrate on Anubis, the most exalted Regent of the good Law…

All doors except one are closed to the unworthy: that of repentance…

“Ask and it shall be given; knock and it shall be opened.”

Samael Aun Weor

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