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My friends, the talk of today will be on the law of recurrence.

When the ego, returns, on reincorporating itself, everything happens as it has happened, plus the good and bad consequences.

Indubitably, there exist various forms of the great law of recurrence; in this talk, we propose to study these varied forms.

Diverse scenes of our previous lives repeat themselves, whether it be on more elevated spirals or on lower spirals.

The spiral is the curve of life and is always symbolized by the shell. We are bad shells in the bosom of the Father.

Obviously, we unfold, evolve arid involute on the spiral line of existence, another form of recurrence can be evidenced in the history of the Earth and its races. The first subrace of our actual Aryan race unfolded on the central plateau of Asia and had a powerful esoteric civilization. The second subrace flourished in the south of Asia, in the Pre-Vedic epoch and then the wisdom of the Rishis of India and the splendors of ancient imperial China, etc., was known. The third subrace marvelously unfolded in E Persia, Chaldea, etc. The fourth subrace shone with the civilizations of Greece and Rome. The fifth was perfectly manifested with Germany, England, and other countries. The sixth resulted from the mixture of the Spaniards with the native races of Indo-America. The seventh is perfectly manifested in the result of all the diverse mixes of races, such as can be evinced today in the territory of the United States.

Ostensibly the seven branches of the Aryan trunk already exist fully and this is completely demonstrated.

The studies that we have carried out in the causal world have allowed us to correctly verify concrete facts, surprising for our actual humanity.

Since each of the great races that have existed in the world has always ended with a great cataclysm, we can logically deduce that our Aryan race is to end very soon, also with another tremendous cataclysm.

We are talking about the law of recurrence in a superior form and we will continue to define this for better comprehension.

After the great catastrophe that is approaching, Earth will again be inhabited by select peoples.

On arriving at this portion of our talk, I should tell you in an emphatic manner, that the future race that is to populate the face of the Earth, is now intentionally being created by the brothers of the occult fraternity.

The modus operandi of this new creation is very special.

I want you to know that cosmic travelers, coming from other worlds, visit us constantly and that they are already taking the select seed from humanoids.

Some time ago some newspapers in Brazil gave a very interesting report. A certain Brazilian farmer that was feverishly working, plowing the soil, was suddenly surprised by some extraterrestrials that led him into the interior of a spaceship, the latter resting in a nearby place within the jungle.

Extraordinary scientists, brothers of space, examined him carefully and even extracted from him a small amount of blood with the purpose of analysis. Then they put him inside a special room on the ship. That peasant, perplexed, astonished, confused, resting on a bed, waited for he knew not what.

Something unexpected then happened, a strange woman with golden hair and yellow skin similar to that of the Chinese people, lacking eyebrows, lay down beside that worker and seduced him sexually; once the act was consumed, the peasant was taken out of the ship and the latter (the ship) moved away through infinite space.

Many other similar cases have occurred in diverse parts of the world.

Besides, there has been constant talk about mysterious disappearances, air and maritime crews that have been lost forever and without any explanation.

All of this invites us to reflection; all of this makes us comprehend that the elder brothers of humanity, are taking the seed to cross it with peoples of other worlds.

In this manner, the holy gods are already creating the future great race; the sixth root race that is to people the Earth, after the great catastrophe that is approaching.

It will be a new type of people, a mix of earthly beings with extraterrestrials, shining humanity. There then, is the personnel with which the future Jerusalem will be formed, of which the Apocalypse of St. John speaks about, distinguished brothers.

It is unquestionable that the glorious esoteric civilizations of ancient times will resurrect. In the first subrace of the future great root race, by the law of recurrence, there will come forth from the chaos the powerful cultures of the first Aryan subrace, but on a spiral of a superior type. In the future second subrace, there will resurrect the civilization that flourished in millenary India, before the Vedas, and in ancient China. In the third subrace, there will be a new E new pyramids, the new Nile and the E civilization will resurrect; then there will reincarnate the ancient pharaohs and the thousands of souls coming from that glorious culture will return from Arnenti with the purpose of reliving the hieratic mysteries of the sun-drenched country of Kern. There will also shine once more in that age the mysteries of Chaldea, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, etc., etc., but on a superior spiral within the great spiral line of life.

In the fourth subrace of the Earth of tomorrow, there will resurrect the mysteries of Greece and of Rome with the advantage of the superior spiral of existence. In the fifth subrace there will again appear a certain dangerous mechanicity; the civilization of the English, Germans, etc., will resurrect once more, etc., with the advantages of being more spiritual, by the concrete fact of being placed on a superior spiral. In the second to the last subrace of that great root race of tomorrow, there will be seen something similar to the Latin world, but with a more elevated, more dignified, more spiritual aspect. The final subrace of that future root race, although very technological, will not have the gross materialism of this black age of Kali-Yuga. In this manner, friends, is how the law of recurrence works, moving on the spiral of existence.

Let us think now on the law of recurrence of the worlds, on the starry spaces, on the unalterable infinite.

Everything that happened on the old Moon, on that satellite that illuminates the face of the Earth during the night hours, is being repeated right now on our planet.

In other words, I affirm the following: all the history of the Earth and of its races, from the dawn of life, is a repetition of the history of the Selenites that once inhabited that satellite when it was still alive and had life in abundance.

See then ladies and gentlemen, how the law of recurrence works in all the corners of infinite space.

Let us now study the modus operandi of this great law on the intellectual animal mistakenly called man.

On reincorporating, on returning, on coming back, we repeat in detail all the happenings of our past, and of past existences.

There exist subjects of rigorous repetition, concrete cases of egos that return during many centuries in the bosom of the same family, city, and nation.

Those are the ones that due to incessant repetition of the same, can predict with absolute clarity what awaits them in the future. Those are the ones who can say, for example, I will get married at 30 years, I will have a wife of such a skin color, of such a height, I will have so many children, my father will die at such an age, my mother will die at such an age, my business will prosper or fail, etc., etc., and it is clear that all of this comes to happen with surprising exactitude.

They are persons who know their role because of repeating it so many times, they do not ignore it and that is all.

There also enters into this matter the child prodigies that so astonish people of this era; usually, they are egos that already know their trade by memory and upon returning do it marvelously from the first years of their infancy.

The law of recurrence is surprising. Normal, everyday persons, always repeat their same dramas; the clowns over and over again, in each of their successive lives, repeat their same tomfoolery; the perverse continuously reincorporate to incessantly repeat the same tragedies.

All those events proper of repeated existences are always accompanied by good and bad consequences, in accordance with the law of cause and effect.

The murderer will return to see himself in the horrifying occasion of murdering, but he will be murdered; the thief will once again see himself with the same opportunity of stealing, but will be thrown in jail; the bandit will feel the same desire of running, of using his legs for crimes, but he will not have legs, he will be born invalid or will lose them in some tragedy. The blind person will want from birth to see the things of life, those that possibly led him to cruelty, etc., but he will not be able to see; the woman will love the same husband of her previous life, he whom she possibly abandoned on the sick bed to go off with any other person, but now the drama will be repeated inversely and the object of her love will leave with another woman, abandoning her; the highway robber will feel the desire to run, to flee, will possibly plead in his state of mental delirium, dressed with a new body of nature, possibly feminine, he will have strange deliriums, he will not be able to flee from himself, he will go crazy, he will be a mentally sick person, etc., etc. In this manner, friends, in this manner, the law of recurrence works incessantly.

Question:  Master, is it due to the law of recurrence that a country is affected by violence for so long?

Answer:  Obviously, the violence of the masses in that country is the repetition of similar violence that occurred in a chaotic past; think of the civil wars that occurred in epochs prior to the violence that has occurred; the war of political parties of left and right, repeating themselves in the present as a result of the past; therein lies the law of recurrence.

Question:  Master, if a person has been upright, has behaved as a citizen in the fulfillment of his duties, how would the law of recurrence operate in his next return?

Answer:  Friends, friends, do not tell me that so and so has been a paragon of virtues, a pool of sanctity. As magnificent a citizen as he might have been, he had his very human errors, his scenes, his dramas, etc., and it is clear that in all of this there is a repetition of his new existence, plus the consequences; in this manner operates the law of recurrence.

Question:  Venerable Master, there is certain confusion in relation to the law of karma and the law of recurrence, because I have the concept that with the termination of karma the law of recurrence also ends. Can you clarify this point?

Answer:  Friends, in no way, can there be confusion between the laws of recurrence and karma, since both are the same with a different name. Indubitably, karma works on firm bases; it is but an effect of the cause that we ourselves sow; therefore, the same deed has to repeat itself arid also the good or bad results.

Question:  Master, persons who apparently have not done evil to anyone suffer due to financial hardships. Is this related to the law of recurrence?

Answer:  Distinguished friends, ladies, and gentlemen, the Father who is in secret can be close to us or far from us. When the son is doing badly, the Father goes away and then he (the son) falls into misery, he suffers because of lack of money, he goes through terrible necessities, and he cannot explain by himself the motive of his -misery. Ostensibly such persons believe that they have not done badly to anyone; if they could remember their past lives they could evince for themselves the concrete fact that they wandered in lost ways; possibly they surrendered to alcohol, to lust, to adultery, etc.

The Father who is in secret, our own divine Spirit can give to us or take away from us. He knows very well what we deserve and if we do not actually have money, it is because He does not want to give it to us; he punishes us for our own good.

“Blessed is the man whom God punishes.” The Father who loves his child always punishes him for his own good.

In the concrete case in this question, the victim of sufferings will repeat scenes from the past, plus the consequences; poverty, pain, etc., etc.

Question:  Master, does the law of recurrence end with the 108 lives?

Answer:  Friends, once the cycle of human existences assigned to every soul concludes, the law of recurrence also concludes in the infernal worlds with humanoid scenes, animal-like states, vegetable-like and mineral-like states repeating themselves.

Before reaching the humanoid state, we go through the mineral, vegetable and animal states; but once exhausted the cycle of human existences, on entering the abyss, the animal-like, vegetable-like and mineral-like states are once again repeated. This is how the law of recurrence works.

Question:  Master, he who is able to liberate himself from the wheel of Samsara no longer repeats the law of recurrence?

Answer:  With great pleasure, I will answer the lady that has asked the question. I want you to know ladies and gentlemen, that the law of recurrence in its superior form corresponds to the law of Katancia, superior karma.

The holy gods have to repeat cosmic scenes of ancient Mahanvantaras in each new great day that dawns, plus the consequences.

Remember that the gods also make mistakes. Those sacred individuals who in the present earth period gave the abominable Kundartiguador organ to humanity, on repeating similar drams will pay their future mistakes in the future Mahanvantara.

Our actual Earth, along with the humanity that peoples it, is the result of cosmic karma and incessantly repeats the historic periods of the ancient moon, along with the cosmic results.

Any great initiate will be able to verify for himself the concrete fact, clear and definitive that the ancient inhabitants of Selene were certainly cruel and merciless.

The results are plainly seen, in the black pages of the black history of our afflicted earth world.

Question:  Master, who are those who are free of the law of recurrence?

Answer:  Look at the law of recurrence in its superior and inferior aspects of the great life. We can solemnly affirm that those who remain free of the law of recurrence, are only those who are able to crystallize in their intimate nature the three primary forces of the universe.

The Sacred Absolute Sun wants to crystallize in each of us those three primary forces; let us collaborate with him and his holy designs and we will remain free of the law of recurrence forever.

Samael Aun Weor

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