The Mercury of the Secret Philosophy

In these moments of mysterious joy, it is not irrelevant to remember that subliminal poem of Horace, the author of the Epodes and the Satires, which saw the light between the years 35 and 30 B.C.


Mercuri, facunde nepos Atlantis, Qui feros cultus hominum recentum Voce formasti catus et decorae More palaestrae,

Te canam, magni lovis et deorum Nuntium curvaeque lyrae parentem, Callidum quidquid placuit iocoso Condere furto.

Te, boves ohm nisi reddidisses Per dolum amotas, puerum minaci Voce dum terret, viduus pharetraRisit Apollo.

Quin et Atridas duce te superbos Ihio dives Priamus relicto Thessalosque ignis et iniqua Troiae Castra fefellit.

Tu pias laetis animas reponis Sedibus virgaque, levem coerces Aurea turbam, superis deorum Gratus et imis.

Mercury, grandson of Atlas, thine eloquence for the primeval man, was the master:

his rudeness thou polished with utterance and the finishing use of the palestra.

Nuncio of the Gods and highest Jove was thy glory to invent the curving lyre, and thy grace is to ride on a graceful

carriage, as much as the impulse of thy audacious genius inspires.

When child, the flock of Apollo thou robbed, and with furious voices he upbraided thee; yet, he had to laugh when seeing, astonished, that even his quiver thou had stolen.

With royal gifts Priamus left Illion, when him, the Greek host was circling: Pitiless Atridas, Thessalian bonfires, everything was deceived by thy guidance.

The pitiful souls, airy shadows, escort thy golden wand to eternal joy.

For all the Gods, an affable Deity, a delight for Olympus and the Avernus“.

Thus, having chanted such a sublime poem from the Horacean lyrics, it is now important  to know what Mercury is…

It is unquestionable and any Gnostic can comprehend that Mercury, as an Astrological Planet is obviously even more mysterious than Venus itself and is identical to the Mazdeist Mithra, Buddha, the Genie or God who is formidably situated between the Sun and the Moon. Mercury is the sublime eternal companion of the solar disc of Divine Wisdom..

Pausanias, in his fifth book, shows Mercury having a common altar with Thundering Jupiter, Father of those divine ones and humans…

Ancient legends state that Mercury was displaying radiant wings of fire in order to express that he was assisting the Christ-Sun in its eternal course. This is why, by his own right, he was called in other times Nuncio and Wolf of the Sun: ‘SOLARIS LUMINIS PARTICEPS.”

As a sequence or corollary we must affirm that he was the chief and the evocator of the souls, the Arch-Magi and Hierophant.

Virgil, the illustrious poet of Mantua, intelligently describes Mercury holding his Hammer or Caduceus with two serpents, in order to invoke the unhappy souls to a new life, those souls who were precipitated into the Orco or Limbus: “TUM VIRGAM CAPIT, HAC ANIMAS ILLE EVOCAT ORCO”, with the purpose of having them enter into the celestial militia, as he shows it in VENDIDAD…

Mercury, the esoteric auric planet, the ineffable one, is the one which the austere and sublime Hierophants prohibited to name. Thus, by studying dusty millenary manuscripts, we can verify that Mercury is symbolized in Greek Mythology by the famous hare- hunting dogs, or guardian dogs of the celestial cattle that always drink from the very pure crystalline wells of Occult Wisdom. Therefore, Mercury is also known as Hermes- Anubis, as well as the good inspirator, or Agathodaemon.


Remember that the emperor Juliano was praying every night to the Occult Sun through the intersection of Mercury..

For as Vossius, by his own right states:

“All Theologists asseverate that Mercury and the Sun are one…”

This is why that planet was considered to be the most eloquent and wise of the Gods, a fact which is not strange since Mercury is found so close to the Wisdom and to the Word (or LOGOS), that is frequently mistaken for both.

Samael Aun Weor

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