Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, tonight I am going to speak emphatically about that which is called love. We have chosen to discuss this topic on the day of Saint Valentine, the patron of love.
Undoubtedly, Valentinus [Valentine] was a great master of love, and formed a school called the Valentinians.
They were dedicated to the study of Christic esotericism in all its aspects, and because of this, we will address you in a precise form to speak about the miracle of love.
In the name of truth, I must say that Love begins with a flash of sympathy, materialized with the force of affection and is synthesized in adoration…
To love, how great it is to love; only great souls can and know how to love!… For there to be love, there needs to be affinity of thoughts, affinity of feelings, identical mental preoccupations.

The kiss is the mystical consecration of two souls, eager to express in a sensitive way what they live inside; the sexual act is the consubstantialization of Love, in the psychophysiological realism of our nature.
A PERFECT MARRIAGE is the union of two beings: One who loves more, and another who loves better; Love is the best accessible Religion.
Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice great God Ibis of Thoth, said:
“I give thee love, within which the summum of wisdom is contained.”
How noble is the loved one! How noble are the man and the woman when they are indeed united in a bond of love.
A couple in love becomes mystical, charitable, helpful; if all human beings lived in love, Happiness, Peace, Harmony and Perfection would reign on the face of the Earth.
Certainly, a handkerchief, a photograph, a portrait, provokes in the lover, states of ineffable Ecstasy; in such moments he feels in communion with his beloved, even if he is too far away (that is what is called “Love”!)
In the United States and also in Europe, there is an Order called the “ORDER OF THE SWAN”; the members of this Order study and analyze in depth, all the scientific processes related to Love…
When a couple is truly in love, wonderful transformations occur within the organism. Love is an effusion or an ENERGETIC EMANATION that springs from the depths of the CONSCIOUSNESS; these radiations of Love stimulate the endocrine glands of the entire organism, and they produce millions of hormones that invade the blood channels, filling them with extraordinary vitality…
“HORMONE” comes from a Greek word meaning: “LONGING OF BEING”, “STRENGTH OF BEING”. A hormone is very small, but what great powers it has to revitalize the human organism! In reality, one is amazed to see a decrepit old man when he falls in love: Then his endocrine glands produce enough hormones to revitalize and rejuvenate him completely…
To love, how great it is to love; only great Souls can and know how to love! Love, in itself, is a COSMIC FORCE, a UNIVERSAL Force that beats in every atom, as it beats in every Sun.
And the STARS also KNOW HOW TO LOVE. Let us observe them on the delightful nights of the full moon: They come closer to each other, and sometimes they merge or integrate completely… “A collision of worlds!”, exclaim the astronomers; but in reality what has happened is that two worlds have been integrated by the bonds of Love.
The planets of our Solar System revolve around the Sun, attracted, incessantly, by that marvelous Force of Love. The atoms, within the molecule, also revolve around their nuclear center, attracted by that formidable Force of Love.
Let us observe the sparkle of the worlds in the starry firmament: Such a luminous sparkle, the Waves of Light, the Radiations, commune with the sigh of the flower… There is Love between the star and the rose that releases its delicious perfume into the air; Love, in itself, is profoundly DIVINE, terribly Divine…
In ancient times, LOVE AND WOMEN WERE ALWAYS WORSHIPED.; there is no doubt that woman is the most beautiful thought of the Creator, made flesh, blood and life…
In reality, women were born for a sacred mission, which is to bring children into this world, to multiply the species. MOTHERHOOD in itself is great; in ancient Mexico there was always a Deity consecrated precisely to those women who died during childbirth; it was said that “they continued, in the Region of the Dead, with their children in their arms”; it was emphatically affirmed that “after a certain time they entered TLALOCAN, the Paradise of Tlaloc.”

In fact, in Aztec Mexico, women, love and motherhood were always worshipped; that is why there were women who died in childbirth, and who were considered by the people of Anahuac to be true martyrs who gave their lives in the name of the Great Cause…
To love is something ineffable, divine; to love is an extraordinary cosmic phenomenon; in the Corner of Love only bliss reigns…
When a couple is united during SEXUAL COPULATION, with bonds of true Love, the most DIVINE FORCES of Nature SURROUND THEM (those Forces created the Cosmos, those Forces have come again, to create again); at that moment, man and woman are true Gods, in the most complete sense of the word, they can create like gods, that is how great Love is.
The Cosmic Forces that surround the couple during the sexual act, in the bridal chamber, are extraordinary; if the human being knew how to RETAIN THESE extraordinary FORCES, if he did not waste them in the holocaust of animal pleasure that leads nowhere, if he truly greatly respected the Marvelous Force of Love.
MAN is the initial impulse of all Creation; WOMAN is the formal receptive power of any Creation.
Man is like a hurricane; woman is like the delightful nest of doves in the Temples, or in the Sacred Towers.
Man, in himself, has the capacity to fight; woman, in herself, has the capacity to sacrifice herself.
Man, in himself, has the intelligence that is needed to live; woman has the tenderness that man needs when he returns from work each day.
So, both man and woman are the TWO COLUMNS OF THE TEMPLE; those two Columns must not be too far away nor too close: there must be a space for the Light to pass through them…
Love in the Temples
THE SEXUAL ACT IS A SACRAMENT; this is how ancient peoples understood it… There were Temples dedicated to Love; let us remember the Temple of Venus, in the Augustan Rome of the Caesars; let us remember the Temple of the Moon in ancient Chaldea; let us remember, I say, the Sacred Temples of India, where worship was rendered to that which is called “Love”…
In LEMURIA, an old continent once located in the Pacific Ocean, Love was worshipped, there were actually, in the “Mu” Continent, two sexual processes or two forms of reproduction.
First, in the middle of Lemuria, the human races were led by the KUMARATS to certain Temples where the Sacred Sacrament of Sex was received; then sex was a Sacrament, no one dared to perform copulation outside the Temple…
Only at certain times, I say, was the human race led by the Kumarats to the Holy Shrines; long journeys were undertaken, at certain times of the Moon, all for the purpose of reproducing the species.
Still, as a memory of that, as a reminiscence, there remain the “HONEYMOON” trips (they have that origin, and it is quite ancient).
In the stone-paved courtyards of the Sacred Temples of the Lemurian Continent, under the guidance of the Wise Kumarats, men and women united to create and create again. At that time, the sexual act was most sacred, there was no morbidity as there is today; people had not entered into the decadent, descending process of sexual degeneration. Sex was regarded with profound respect, women were sacred, no one would have dared to even profane a woman with a glance, because as I said, she is the most beautiful thought of the creator, made flesh, blood and life.
Old scrolls, sacred papyri that still exist in some places on Earth say the following: “Then in Lemuria people reproduced with the power of KRIYASHAKTY”, that is, with the power of Will and Yoga those who have ever known the Science of Tantras will know what I am referring to.
Coitus Interruptus
At the supreme moment of METAPHYSICAL COPULATION, the ancient texts of Ancient Wisdom say, men and women withdrew from the Chemical Copulation, WITHOUT EJACULATING, they say, THE ENS-SEMINIS, that is, the Entity of the Semen (Sperm) was considered sacred; no one would have dared to profane sex back then; this is what today, doctors might call “COITUS INTERRUPTUS”.
It may seem exaggerated, but I limit myself to commenting only on what the ancient Traditions say, what is written in some papyri and in many books that currently exist in Eastern Tibet.
At this point, we must remember SIGMUND FREUD in his Psychoanalysis, he says that “it is possible to TRANSMUTE THE SEXUAL LIBIDO and SUBLIMATE IT” Professor Sigmund Freud, Viennese, son of Austria, was in fact truly an eminence, he produced a true innovation within the field of Medicine itself. Many doctors have commented on it, many Schools have accepted it, others have rejected it; in any case, it has been much discussed…

They say that in Berlin, Germany, before the Second World War, the Führer, Hitler, had the works of Sigmund Freud burned among many books…
I will therefore limit myself to the facts, to comment on what has been so much commented on in some texts. In any case, the Lemurians worked, let us say, with Freud’s system: they sublimated the Sexual Libido, unquestionably they had great Cosmic Powers…
We have all, in our lives, at some point in time, had a premonition of the existence of the SUPERMAN, as quoted by Friedrich Nietzsche in his work entitled “Zarathustra”. We Gnostics believe that the Superman really existed on the Continent of Mu (I am not referring to a particular individual; I am referring to all the inhabitants of Lemuria).
We are told that “there was no pain in childbirth; women gave birth to their children without pain”; this is stated not only in “Genesis,” but also in many ancient religious books.
We limit ourselves, I repeat, to comment on these questions, respecting, of course, your opinion. In reality, we give the Teaching and leave the audience free to accept or reject or interpret this Doctrine as they wish.
At this very moment, I am only thinking of the Lemurians and what is said about sex, they lived from 10 to 15 centuries, they were tall men, up to four meters tall: the women, a little more average-sized, but also giants like them.
An Universal Language
They spoke in a language that was lost; I want to refer, emphatically, to the UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE, it is an extraordinary language, “PRESEN”, as it would be said in such a language, that is, superior. Obviously, such a language has its COSMIC GRAMMAR; I know that language, and it is preserved by tradition in some secret places and reserved sites…
If in those times we had to say “good morning”, we would not say it like today in Spanish or English: “Good Morning” or simply “Morning” or in French “Bonjour”, “Bonjour Monsieur” etc., but we would say, softly, “HAYBU”, and the other person would answer, putting their hands on their heart: “HAYBU” which is the same (it is a language that has its grammar and its graphic characters).
You will have noticed, for example, that the Chinese have their characters, and it is quite difficult to learn to make Chinese characters. The Greeks also have their characters, and Sanskrit has its own. Well, in the Universal Language the CHARACTERS are RUNIC, and they were preserved until recently by the Vikings of the North.
Well, in any case, whoever knows how to read these characters, whoever understands them, will undoubtedly possess great erudition and will be capable of understanding certain texts that refer to Lemuria.
I was recently given, or was sent from Tibet, a Sanskrit-Tibetan text, and I have it in my possession. Unquestionably, I have not seen anyone who understands it (it is written in Sanskrit characters).
They lived for centuries
So, in that time of Lemuria, those old books, written in ancient characters, say that humanity did not think like we do now; and they lived 10 to 15 centuries, they spoke in the Universal Language that, as I said, was lost; over time the different words of that language became corrupted, and from such corruption were born all the languages that today form and exist on the face of the Earth.
However, I can tell you that that language is very similar in its sounds to CHINESE; it seems that the phonetics of the Universal Language and Chinese are similar; I have studied both phonetics and they seem practically the same to me.
The Chinese, you will have seen that they speak among themselves with a certain chant, it is not the dry language as we use it, it has its melody. This is the Universal Language, it really has its melody.
However, there is a notable difference, very notable, between Chinese and the Universal Language; I am referring in a practical way to the PSYCHIC POWERS contained in the language; the Lemurian or Universal Language acts directly on fire, air, water and earth…
Very old traditions say that the Lemurians had power over the Elements of Nature; that is what we could call “the Superman” cited by Friedrich Nietzsche in his “Zarathustra”.
I understand that these powers were due, especially, to the fact that the Lemurians did not eliminate or extract the Sacred Sperm, that is, the EXIOHEHAI, from their organism; they only transmuted or sublimated it, as taught by BROWN-SEQUARD, a great North American scientist, with his experiments, or by KRUMM HELLER, a medical professor at the University of Medicine and also a medical colonel of our Mexican homeland…
There is no doubt that they knew about this Lemurian system and advocated it in their books. We only need to read, for example, the studies of a Brown-Sequard or a Krumm Heller to be able to corroborate this kind of scientific statements.
Obviously, when the ENS-SEMINIS is not ejaculated, IT IS TRANSFORMED INTO ENERGY, and this comes to revitalize the human organism. I understand that this type of Energy is very fine, that the Energy Waves of sex put into activity the enormous Powers that are latent in the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid glands, etc., etc., etc.
I am not trying to establish dogmas or anything like that; I am only referring to data that we have studied, and that we are discussing with you today, since we are in a Cultural, intellectual Hall. I understand that there are very cultured people here who can perfectly accept or reject these statements; I am only limiting myself to commenting on them…
Living 10 or 15 centuries would be inconceivable for us today; however, the Bible states that METHUSALEM lived 900 years, and this gives us something to think about… In any case, I understand that the Lemurian System gave good results, because these people lived long lives, and also possessed extraordinary faculties.
The Lemurians did not see the Physical World as we see it; for them the air was of different colors, the mountains were transparent, and those Gods of whom they spoke so much, were obviously perceptible for their Senses of Internal Perception, that is, they enjoyed scientific EXTRAPERCEPTION.
Galileo’s times
There has been much talk in our days about Extraperception. Undoubtedly, the people of the Third Dimensional Psyche would never accept Extraperceptions; but let us also remember that in Galileo’s time, it was never accepted that the Earth was round and that it moved.
When Galileo affirmed this, he was going to be burned alive, he was tried by the Inquisition, and when they put the Bible in front of him, they said to him:
– If you do not swear and retract what you said, you will be burned alive at the stake… Then came the question:
– Do you swear that the Earth is not round and that it does not move? He replied:
– I swear, eppur si muove, si muove!, that is, “but it moves, it moves”…
For having said this, for having made the oath in that way, they did not burn him alive, no; there was a little compassion for him; they just put him in jail and that was all…
So, in reality, the Universe always offers us unusual things, things that at first we reject because they seem absurd, but later we have to accept them…
Brown-Sequard demonstrated that many NERVOUS AND BRAIN DISEASES COULD DISAPPEAR IF, during Chemical Copulation, precisely what is called an “ORGASM” in physiology, or “spasm,” were avoided.
Naturally, Brown-Sequard was heavily criticized, considered “immoral,” etc., but there is no doubt that he came close to a GREAT SECRET, the Lemurian Secret.

The Lemurians, precisely due to their religious form and their special Chemical Copulation, enjoyed FACULTIES that human beings of this time do not know. The Lemurians could perfectly see the Higher Dimensions of Nature and the Cosmos. Today human beings do not see the Earth as it is, but as it apparently is.
Our planet Earth is multidimensional; this has been mathematically proven, but in reality, most people do not accept it. Everyone is free to think; unfortunately, the intellectuals of this time are stuck in the THREE-DIMENSIONAL DOGMA OF EUCLIDE. This dogma has always been much discussed; it is clear that it is already going out of fashion.
Very wise men have written extraordinary works of mathematics that are related in one way or another to the Fourth Coordinate; these men are respected, no one dares to dispute them, but there are still people who are skeptical. However, that work, “ONTOLOGY OF MATHEMATICS”, would be well worth the intellectuals knowing it thoroughly, profoundly…
The Lemurians, therefore, when they raised their eyes to the stars, could communicate with inhabitants of other worlds; for them, life on other planets of the Solar System was a reality; the plurality of inhabited worlds, advocated by Camillus Flammarion, was a fact for the Lemurian Race…
In Lemuria, before the Chemical Copulation, in the Temple, man and woman went through brilliant Mystical Ceremonies; they worshipped the Divine, the Great Alaya of the Universe, that which the Chinese called the “Tao”, that which we Gnostics call the “INRI”, that which is what it is, what it has always been and what it will always be… Obviously, they understood that nothing can exist in Creation without an Intelligent Directing Principle, and for this reason, BEFORE THE CHEMICAL COPULATION THEY WORSHIPPED THE ETERNAL.
Over time, the Lemurian Race gradually degenerated… There were enormous cities, cyclops cities; the walls of those cities were built with lava from volcanoes, etc.; in such cities there was an extraordinary civilization, there were ships propelled by atomic energy, ships that reached the Moon, ships that reached each of the planets in the Solar System.
Our modern civilization, with the famous rockets that “Tyrians” and “Trojans” send down to the Moon, is not really the first civilization, nor will it be the last; in truth, we need to understand that there have been many civilizations in the world, and that ours is not the only one…
The Lemurians had a great civilization, I repeat; they did not fear death, they knew well and in a direct way, the day and hour of their death; when that day came, they lay down in their grave (a grave that they themselves made with their own hands), and very smiling they passed into Eternity. The Psychic Values did not disappear from the sight of the mourners, obviously, there was no pain then.
This has been commented on in ancient texts, and I in turn allow myself to speak with you about these things, because I see that you have come here in a sympathetic manner. It is clear that not all those who listen to me will agree with what we are saying, it would be absurd if I were to suppose, for a moment, that all the people in this Auditorium accept or would accept these statements.
However, those who really KNOW HOW TO LISTEN understand very well that everything is possible in the Universe. The world of possibilities is always infinite, and if someone comments on ancient texts, it is worth listening to them; it is obvious…
I say that the Lemurians then Devolutionized in time; then, their faculties of perception atrophied, unfortunately. Many traditions tell that after some time, the Lemurians began to copulate outside the Temples; that they rebelled against the direction of the Kumarats; that they took the sexual act on their own and that they ejaculated the “Ens-Seminis”.
This is what some authors say, as a consequence or corollary, they lost their Transcendental Faculties. When the Lemurian Race (in all corners of that gigantic Continent that once covered the Pacific Ocean) entered the Temples, the Priests or Hierophants expelled the devotees, telling them: “Get out, unworthy ones!”
Adam and Eve
It was then that the man truly LEFT THE “EARTHLY PARADISE” with his wife, for having “eaten” that “forbidden fruit”, which had been forbidden to him in other times…

I truly say this: ADAM is all the men of ancient times; EVE, all the women. And when they “ate” the “forbidden fruit,” men and women were expelled from the Temples of Mystery, their faculties atrophied, and then the man had to work hard to support his wife and children, and the woman had to bring her children into the world with pain.
What I am saying is well documented among the Nahuas, among the Mayas and in many peoples of Asia; the same thing has always been talked about. I have seen codices where these figures appear, where what I am saying appears represented in figures. I have carefully investigated such codices; so, what I am saying has documentation. I repeat, I am not forcing anyone to believe it, but it would be worth it for scholars to investigate a little, among Mayas, Toltecs, Zapotecs, etc. That the human being devolved, yes, that is mentioned or cited in ancient books.
So, there is a secret in Love, and it seems to me that this has been very well stipulated by Sigmund Freud (“SUBLIMATION, he said, of the Creative Energy, looking at sex with profound respect”). Obviously, man and woman, let us say, are like two parts of the same Being; man left Eden accompanied by his wife, and he must return to Eden with his same wife. In other words, we would say: Man left Eden through the doors of sex, and only through that door can he return to Eden. Eden is sex itself.
What enormous Powers would be awakened if humanity accepted the Brown-Sequard System or that of the “Oneida Society” or that of Dr. Krumm Heller, systems based on the old traditions of Lemuria! This is something that doctors and scientists could investigate; I simply limit myself to thinking that from the TRANSMUTATION AND SUBLIMATION OF CREATIVE ENERGY comes a radical Psychological-Physiological-Biological transformation.
Nietzsche’s Superman could be achieved through the transmutation of the Sexual Libido; however, the main thing is to KNOW HOW TO LOVE; without Love it is not possible to achieve all these wonders.
Note that next to the great men, there always appear great women: Next to Buddha Gautama Sakyamuni, there is YASODHARA, his beautiful wife-disciple; next to the Divine Rabbi of Galilee, there appears MARY MAGDALENE…

Obviously, it would not be possible for great men to accomplish gigantic tasks such as those that have changed the course of history, if they were not accompanied in turn by some great woman.
Man and woman, in reality, I repeat, are two aspects of the same Being; that is clear. Love, in itself, comes from the unknown of our Being; I want to say emphatically that within ourselves, there in the most intimate depths, we possess our Being. It has transcendental characteristics of Eternity; this is the Divine in us…
What is Love
Love, I say, is the force that emanates precisely from that DIVINAL PROTOTYPE, existing in the depths of our Consciousness; it is a special type of Energy capable of performing true wonders…
Valentine and the Valentinians had their School; it was a Gnostic School where the MYSTERIES OF SEX were studied, where they were carefully analyzed. Valentin and the Valentinians truly knew the Lemurian Secret: They sublimated the Creative Energy and achieved the development of certain psychic possibilities that are latent in the Race; we have been told that Valentin was a Great Enlightened One, a Great Master in the most complete sense of the word…
Love, in itself, is something Divine. Let us look at the Swan; the Swan KALA-HAMSA is the symbol of Love. It flies over the waters of the Lake of Life; a pair of swans, on some lake, how beautiful it is! When one of the pair dies, the other succumbs to sadness; and it is because Love is nourished by Love. But, one must know how to love; unfortunately, the human being does not know how to love.
Many times, men treat women very badly on their first wedding night; they do not want to understand that VIRGINITY IS SACRED, and that it must be respected; it could be said that they are raping their own wife. They do not want to understand that they must know how to treat women with Wisdom, that they must know how to lead them on the Path of Love…
In everyday life, men and women often argue, they argue over insignificant issues, they quarrel… The man says one thing, the woman another. Sometimes, it happens that a little word is enough for one of the couple to react, they do not know how to control themselves, they do not want to understand that HOME IS THE BEST PSYCHOLOGICAL GYMNASIUM.
Precisely, in the life of the home we can DISCOVER OURSELVES; it is at home where we come to discover our psychological defects. Do they hurt us? Why do they hurt us? Is it because we are jealous, or because our self-esteem has been hurt, or because our pride or vanity has been hurt, or what? When one discovers that one has a psychological defect, one also has the opportunity to disintegrate it, to reduce it to cosmic dust.
By eliminating our errors, our defects, one of these many days we will be able to achieve the AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
Unfortunately, people do not want to eliminate their defects; they say: “I am angry, that is my way of being.” Another says: “Well, I am jealous, that is how I am, so what?” The other exclaims: “I am lustful, I like women; that is how I am, that is how I was born, so what?” With that way of thinking, with that way of feeling, it is not possible to achieve a true transformation…
When one recognizes that one has a psychological defect, one must eliminate it. But one comes to discover that one has this or that error, precisely at home, at the house, that is why the home serves as a Psychological Gymnasium for us.
Many people complain that their wives… are irascible, jealous; they want to find another woman who is a paradise, who is an angel descended from the stars, etc. They do not want to understand that the home is an extraordinary “gymnasium”, and that it is there where we can discover ourselves. It is precisely at home that we have the opportunity to discover our errors, and if we succeed, we will achieve the awakening of Consciousness.
We must know how to love, I say; in the home there MUST ALWAYS BE UNDERSTANDING between man and woman; the man must not expect the woman to be perfect; nor can the woman expect the man to be a “prince charming”; we must accept things as they are, and have the home as a School where we can discover ourselves.
As we eliminate so many psychological defects that we have, the happiness at home will increase; and if one day we had to suffer a lot, later that home will become a Paradise…
JEALOUSY, for example, is something that damages the home; the jealous man “turns a flea into a horse.” If a woman looks at someone, she is already suffering, she thinks that she is having relations with another man, etc., etc., etc. (errors of her mind, but she takes them as realities).
The jealous woman is the same: she makes the man suffer; he cannot look at any other woman, because she is already suffering and creating a terrible scandal inside the house; because of this path of jealousy, one suffers too much…
If one really investigates carefully the origin of jealousy, one will discover that it is due precisely to FEAR. One fears losing what one loves most: the woman fears losing the man, the man fears losing the woman; the woman believes that the man is leaving for another, the man supposes that the woman is leaving for another, and of course, suffering and pain come; but if we eliminate fear, jealousy disappears…
Elimination of the Egos
How could we eliminate the fear of losing the loved one? Only through REFLECTION, through MEDITATION. Let us think that in reality, we did not come into the world accompanied by the loved one, that only the doctor-midwife or the midwife received us; that we did not bring money or material goods into the world either; it is clear that at the time of death we will not leave accompanied either; the woman or the man, one will have to stay here, while the other departs for Eternity. So, death separates us from the physical point of view; that is why the Priests say when they perform a marriage: “I declare you husband and wife, until death do you part”.
In reality, death comes sooner or later. That’s right. When we die, we don’t take a pin, a coin, or anything we have with us to Eternity. We couldn’t take our loved ones with us, body and all. So, why are we afraid?
We must accept things as they are, we must not have material or personal attachments, because the moment of detachment is usually terrible. One suffers when one is attached to something, be it a person or something; one always suffers, that is why we must not have attachments of any kind, nor fear. What do we fear?
The worst thing that could happen to a man would be to be taken to the firing squad, and what of that? We were born to die! So what? Sooner or later we have to die. And those who love their money very much, who are attached to their fortune, will sooner or later lose it. Why would they fear, why should they fear, if that is the most natural thing?
In the same manner, why should we fear the loss of a loved one? This has a beginning; this has an end. When one understands that everything in life has a beginning and an end, fear disappears (even the fear of losing a loved one), and when such fear disappears, then jealousy is gone forever, it no longer exists; it cannot exist, since there is no fear…
Another factor of discord between couples at home is anger. The man says one thing, angrily, the woman responds, “with two stones in her hand”, and in the end they end up in a battle of broken plates and glasses, etc.; that is the harsh reality of the facts!
If the demon of anger were removed, there would be peace in homes, there would be no pain; but I say to myself and to you: Why should there be anger within us, why are we like this? And is it not possible for us to change? Yes, it is possible! I resolved to change, and I did change; I was angry, I also knew the process of anger, like you, but I resolved to eliminate it, and I eliminated it.
Of course, I had to make certain sacrifices in order to eliminate anger: I visited places where someone might insult me, I went there with the purpose of being insulted. I knew of an individual XX who did not like our Teachings, and I visited him intentionally so that he would insult me; the man would insult me. He would spend half an hour or an hour insulting me; in the meantime, I would observe myself: I would observe my internal and external reactions, the impulses that come from within and those that come from without; I would observe the causes that motivate anger.
I was able to prove that in some circumstances, anger was produced because my PRIDE was hurt; I was able to prove that in other occasions, anger was produced because my SELF-LOVE was hurt; I loved myself very much, I thought I was a great person, without understanding that I was only a miserable worm in the mud of the earth; I thought I was great, and if someone touched the wound that was there inside, then I reacted furiously, I “thundered” and “lightned”, “I tore my clothes” and protested…
I set out to study all these factors of anger, and through great efforts and sacrifices, I managed to eliminate anger. So, the idea that “I am like this” has no value; if “one is like this”, one can change, and if one changes, one benefits oneself and one benefits others. One must learn to eliminate one’s own mistakes; and this is possible with much reflection.
How happy couples would be if they knew how to truly love each other! If men never had anger, if women never had anger, I understand that “Honeymoon” can be preserved. Unfortunately, human beings, those who get married, are determined to put an end to the most beautiful thing there is: the “Honeymoon”.
If you really want to keep the “Honeymoon”, you have to get rid of anger, jealousy, selfishness; you have to become understanding, learn to forgive the loved one for all his mistakes… No one is born perfect; the man must know that the woman has her defects, the woman must understand that the man has his. They must FORGIVE EACH OTHER FOR THEIR DEFECTS of a psychological kind; if they do so, they will keep the “Honeymoon”.
Xochipilli God of Song, Love and Beauty
Among the ancient peoples of Anahuac, XOCHIPILLI was the God of Song, Love and Beauty; Xochipilli teaches us to preserve the indisputable delights of the “Honeymoon”. It is a pity that people do not understand the Doctrine of Xochipilli!

It is possible to preserve the “Honeymoon” when you learn to forgive the mistakes of the loved one; but if you do not know how to forgive the mistakes, the “Honeymoon” is lost.
Marriage Perpetuation
When a couple gets married, they should understand psychology better. Usually, one of the partners starts by hurting the other; the other reacts and hurts back, a conflict arises. In the end, the conflict passes, the two are reconciled and everything continues apparently peacefully; but there is no such thing, the resentment remains…
Another day there is another conflict, husband and wife argue over some nonsense (maybe jealousy, anyway, anything). Result: the conflict passes, and another resentment remains, and so, from conflict to conflict, the resentments increase and the “Honeymoon” ends. Finally, there is no such “Honeymoon” anymore, it is over, what there is, is resentment on both sides; and if they do not divorce, if they continue together, it is because of a duty, or simply out of animal passion, and that is all…
Many marriages no longer have anything to do with Love; Love today smells of gasoline, celluloid, bank accounts and resentments…
The most serious mistake a man and a woman can make is to end the “honeymoon.” It could be preserved, provided you know how to preserve it…
Did the woman insult you, did she say harsh words to you? You remain calm, peaceful; do not react for anything in life, bite your tongue before answering; in the end, she, seeing you so calm, without any kind of reaction, will feel tremendously ashamed and will ask for your forgiveness…
Did your husband insult you, wife? What did he say to you? Is he being jealous of your former boyfriend? What happened? Is the man in a bad mood today? Did he come home from the street terribly neurasthenic? You stay calm, get him his food, his clothes; help him bathe, kiss him, love him, and the more he insults you, the more you love him!…
What will happen in the end? You can be sure, women, that the man will finally feel tremendously repentant; he will feel remorse breaking his heart, and he will even kneel down to ask for your forgiveness; he will see in you a saint, a martyr; he will consider himself a tyrant, a villain… You will have won the battle!
If both man and woman proceed in this way, if they act according to this formula, I can guarantee that the “honeymoon” will not be lost. The man gradually learns to control himself, as he understands that his wife is a saint, and the woman gradually learns to control herself, as she realizes that her man is tremendously noble.
The time comes when neither of them wants to hurt each other, they idolize each other, the “Honeymoon” continues throughout life that is the ART OF LOVING AND BEING LOVED.
Is your wife crying? Kiss her tears, caress her… She doesn’t accept caresses? Well, wait a little while, until her anger passes; anger has a beginning and an end. Any storm, however strong, has its beginning and its end. Wait a moment and you will see the result; the important thing is that you don’t get angry; if you succeed, if you control yourself, she will finally come “gentle” to ask for your forgiveness, and how great is the joy of reconciliation!
Today, on the day of St. Valentine and the Valentinians, we must touch deeply on all these questions of Love. In reality, we must truly learn to live. Being an intellectual is easy, you just have to put a library in your brain, and you are ready to go; but KNOWING HOW TO LIVE, how difficult it is! Very few are those who really know how to live.
We must begin at home, we must begin by being a master of the house; the man who does not know how to be a good master of the house, who does not know how to live in his home with his wife and children, does not know how to live in society either.
Unfortunately, many people want to be perfect citizens, and they appear as such before the solemn verdict of public conscience, but they do not know how to live at home…
I have been able to observe some organizations; I know one: the gentleman squanders his money a lot, he squanders it. In short, he always owes rent, and this is very sad; he always owes, he owes everyone, he doesn’t pay, because he doesn’t have any money; when he does have money, he squanders it. His wife goes hungry, he has many needs, his children suffer unspeakably; sometimes they have been put out on the street (for non-payment, of course).
He was once appointed director of a school of philosophy; after a short time, it turned out that there was no one to pay the rent at that school; several months of rent for the building were owed. Telephone? Nobody paid the telephone. Conclusion: such an organization was on the road to failure. Why? Because that good man did not know how to live in his own house, much less could he go and direct an organization…
Whoever really wants to be a good boss of any organization, be it a company or a school, must begin by learning to be a good master of the house.
There are many who say: “Well, what interests me is Science, Art, Philosophy, etc. That thing about the house and the old ladies, that is of no importance to me,” and they treat their poor wife like a dog. Conclusion: they are a failure in the various organizations where they work, whether in companies or simply as union leaders or as schoolteachers, etc. Those who do not know how to be good housekeepers cannot be useful citizens to their fellow men either; one must learn to live, to know how to live with true intelligence and great understanding…
Some hurry to get married, and that is very serious, especially the poor women. I have known them, already reaching maturity, on the eve of losing their blooming youth, when “the train is already leaving them”. How much they suffer watching who they catch! In no way are they willing to stay to “dress Saints”.
They say: “Between staying to dress saints or deciding to undress drunks, the second will be preferable”; and to a certain extent, the poor things are right. But they work too hard, and in the end, they try to win over whoever they can; as best they can, they make a little struggle to achieve it. They manage to get married sometimes, but failure is inevitable, because there is an old saying that says: “MARRIAGE AND SHROUD COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN”; and that is true.
There is a Law that many will accept, others will not. I do accept it, and those who want to accept it, let them accept it (the LAW OF DESTINY). I think that for every woman there is a man; I think that for every man there is a woman. Therefore, it will be better for them to wait for the man who is going to touch them; if they don’t get a man, well, too bad, they have to accept, resign themselves and resolve to “dress Saints.” But if they do get it, well, wonderful; then they will have to resolve to “undress drunks”.
In reality, it would be better to remain a spinster than to marry and fail; when you try to force the way, when you want to marry “the hard way”, “the Malaga way”, as we have been told, the result is failure. Sooner or later the Cupid in your eyes goes away, the poor girl is left far away sighing, crying or, for sure, she goes looking for a fortune teller to tell her fortune and tell her if her beloved torment will return or not; that is the harsh reality of our days…
There are some women who try to “catch” a man through sexual means, they say: “Well, I’ll give myself to this man, and maybe I’ll get him to marry me.” The man brings her the firmament, the stars, the golden palaces of the Arabian Nights, he puts them at her feet, and she gives herself to him… What happens? She gets pregnant! And what about the man? She never hears from that man again…
Look at how many mistakes some women make, making the mistake of wanting to rush into marriage “by force”; that is a lack of faith in Destiny, in God, or whatever you want to call it; women better know how to wait a little.
*Some men also sometimes make the mistake of wanting to rush into a marriage, the result is often quite serious. Marrying a woman who does not suit him, according to the Law of Destiny, implies failure, that is obvious… There is a vulgar saying that goes: “Marriage is not exactly the Horn of Plenty, but it brings plenty of horns”.
Men who really don’t know how to wait a little, who want to rush into marriage, end up with their good pair of “horns” later, and that’s sad…
There is another story that says the following:
“A man went over there, to the deepest Hell, because he had been very bad, and he found the Devil; he approaches the Devil and says to him:
– Well, Mr. Devil, well sir –he says to him–, who are you? He answers:
– You bold, rude man, you don’t talk to me like that! Don’t you see that I am the Devil?
– Well, excuse me, Mr. Devil. Are you married? Answer:
– Daring one! Who told you that the Devil gets married?
– Well –he said–, it’s just that I can see the horns on your forehead…
*Note from the translator: In the Spanish speaking community the term “Cuernos en la frente” “Horns on the forehead” directed towards someone it means that this person has been cheated at, it could be true or not, but they say that one could see the horns in their forehead.
This is what the man who wants to force marriage to do is really exposed to. There are young men of 14, 15, 16 years old who already want to get married; they have a girlfriend, they don’t know how to work; they don’t know how to “earn a living” yet, but they want to get married. The result: failure, because of course, they still don’t have experience in life, and sooner or later, well, the woman gets tired of enduring so much hunger, and “see you later my friend,” there’s no other choice…
So we must be moderate. I consider marriage to be something very serious, very grave. In reality, there are three very serious events in life:
1st) BIRTH.
3rd) DEATH.
These are the three most important events in life, so think about what marriage means.
We should not marry a woman who does not belong to us in Spirit; our beloved must be Spiritual at heart. What would a man do by marrying a calculating, self-interested, jealous, a cheater woman? Well, he would fail miserably…
Or what would a woman do, marrying a man that cheats on her, a man of bad conduct, a man who at home was always a bad son, a bad brother, and who on the street has always shown himself to be a bad friend? The result must be failure, that is obvious. He who is a bad son, a bad brother, a bad friend, cannot in any way be a good husband; that is obvious.
Looking at all these things from different angles, we will understand how delicate MARRIAGE and LOVE are. The interesting thing is to understand it, and to act in accordance with our Creative Comprehension…
There are women who do not want to learn to do housework, but they do want to get married; they do not know how to cook or stew food, but they want to get married; they would not know how to sew a suit for their husband, but they want to get married; and on the day they do it, the poor man finds out that the woman does not know how to do the chores; he asks for a maid (of course she does!), but if she does not know how to do the chores, how can she direct others?
The owner of a factory must know the factory in order to be able to manage it wisely; a school teacher must know all the subjects taught in school; it is also clear that a woman must know how to run a house if she really wants to command the servants; but if she wants to command the servants and does not know how to run them, how would she go about commanding them? How would a General, who does not know how to run the military, command the troops on the battlefield? How could he give strategy if he has never been in the Army, if he is only a “ghost General” and nothing more?
One must know how to do one’s job. Both men and women MUST KNOW THEIR JOB, and know it well, that’s clear. But there are also women who want their husbands to do all the housework; he has to wash the little boy, change his diapers, clean him and even give him a bottle; that’s what they want, that’s what they have to do; it seems to me that it’s not right…
The man has his duties, his obligations, and the woman has hers; the man has to go out into the street succeed and get money; he has to go to work, and the woman has to look after her home, know how to do things, raise her children, etc.
Upbringing of children and Breastfeeding
Something terrible is happening these days. I want to talk about the upbringing of children. Many mothers no longer want to breastfeed their children. The result is that the race is growing weak and feeble. Just think what that means.
BREAST MILK is related to the thymus gland, which governs the growth of children. It is a very important gland that stops acting when the baby reaches adulthood. Since the mammary glands are related to the thymus gland, it is obvious that by LAW (also) OF RELATIONS, breast milk is intimately linked and prepared for the child that is born.
Unfortunately, mothers no longer want to breastfeed their children; this maternal milk, so vital for the growth of children, when denied to the child, produces disastrous effects: The child grows up weak, sick and lacking intelligence.
In ancient times, mothers breastfed their children quite naturally; it was normal for a child to be fed exclusively on mother’s milk for two or three years of his life. Only after that time did he begin to be given other foods, and look at what kind of strong men there were in the old days.
Let us think of the strength of our General Francisco Villa. Let us think of those ancient men, those men of the last century who, like Morelos, lifted a very heavy sword, to hold it for hours on end on the battlefield.
There are Roman swords that, today, would not be lifted by one man alone, that would take two or three or four men to lift, and yet, one man alone wielded them on the battlefield…
The Race has been weakened by all these bad habits, and the worst of all is this: denying the child breast milk. In the name of truth, this seems terrible to me, monstrous; ancient men were very strong because their mothers did not deny them the breast…
So, in reality, our Race is now on an involutionary, downward path; illnesses are increasing, and there is no real strength from childhood onwards; now children are only given milk-water, and that is all and this is regulated every three hours, even if the child cries bitterly; its crying is of no use to it, it has to hold back for three hours; this is how Nature is being corrected.
Friends, ladies, let us think about all this. It is good that we try to REGENERATE ourselves, it is good that we learn to love, it is good that we all understand the need to know how to live at home…
There is nothing more beautiful than marriage, there is nothing more beautiful than love; unfortunately, it is we who are spoiling the charm of the home.
In Russia, young people no longer want to marry. Why? (They say, and they are right) Why should they be subjected to so many regulations, so much mechanization? Why should their children be taken away from them and taken away from home? Why should they be subjected to various scientific experiments? In these conditions, young Russians are right not wanting to marry; they are disillusioned, and rightly so. The Russian government is faced with this great problem.
I say that, in truth, it is necessary to know how to respect Love. I say that, in truth, it is necessary to know how to respect our homes, to know how to raise our children, to know how to educate them…
Friends, it is necessary to take advantage of that wonderful Creative Energy of sex, that Energy flows from the nucleus of each atom, and from the nucleus of our Solar System, and from the nucleus of each Galaxy in starry space…
Love, in itself, has always been respected; never, ever, has humanity fallen into a state of sexual degeneration such as that of these times. There are countries where 85 or 90% of the inhabitants are HOMOSEXUALS and LESBIANS. I do not want to name such countries, because in no way should we hurt any person, organization or nation; but this is how degenerate humanity is these days. Unquestionably, homosexuality and lesbianism are due precisely to SEXUAL ABUSE.
The already devolved people of the ancient Continent Mu, when they wanted to create, they joined sexually, but never when they did not want to create; I am referring to the people who had already devolved, because the regenerated people of the first half of Lemuria, in times when humanity had not left the Paradisiacal State, did not ejaculate, as I said, the Ens-Seminis; and when they joined to create, they did so in a mystical and transcendental way.
We, the people of this time, have regressed too much: sex has now become a game, a sport. In Paris, we have been told that there are people fornicating, copulating in the middle of parks and the Paris authorities say nothing about this.
So degeneration abounds everywhere today. We must try to find the PATH OF REGENERATION, we must love women intensely, we must see in them a miraculous poem from the “Arabian Nights”, we must pour the WINE OF WISDOM, if we want to live rightly.
That is all for my talk tonight. I have said!
Inverential Peace!
Samael Aun Weor
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