The Miracle of the Transubstantation

Lets us return to the Horacean lyrics and sing a little:


O nata mecum consule Manlio, Seu tu querellas siue geris iocos Seu rixam et insanos amores Seu facilem, pia testa, somnum,

(Born with me under the consul Mantio,

Soon thou inspirest quarrels, soon games and jokes, soon brawls among friends or crazy loves, soon tranquil dreams, pitiful amphorae).

Quocumque lectum nomine Massicum Seruas, moueri digna bono die, Descende, Coruino iubente Promere languidiora vina. (The pure Massicum worthy of a great day, that thou hast loyally kept – what for?

It does not matter

offer it and descend, Corvino calls upon thee, thou languid flux, stingy; do not blench).

Non ille, quamquam Socraticis madet Sermonibus, te negleget horridus: Narratur et prisci Catonis

Saepe mero caluisse virtus. (It will not make of thee hideous,

no matter how much deeply

within Socratic books affably it is absorbed; that even the Elder Caton used, they say, to warm with wine his virtuous frown).

Tu lene tormentum ingenio admoues Plerumque duro; tu sapientium Curas et arcanum iocoso

Consilium retegis Lycaeo.

(Stallion of affable torment, thou makest to utter whosoever that, with tardy genius,

words cannot acquire;

thou loosest the tongue of the wise who conceals his secret plans and his deep sorrows).

Tu spem reducis mentibus anxiis Viresque et addis cornua pauperi, Post te neque iratos trementi Regum apices neque militum arma.

(Thou grantest hope unto the heart that doubts, thou addest vigor unto the wretched one, and he, after some cups, firmly, the diadems of enraged kings

and of their followers, their weapons confront).

Te Liber et si laeta aderit Venus Segnesque nodum soluere Gratiae Vivaeque procucent lucernae, Dum rediens fugat astra Phoebus.

(If Bacchus, if Venus smiling assist,

if the Graces who gamboling together abet, thou then will endure upon the glimmering of loyal lamps

until the stars are off by the dawn).

We find a precious narrative in the Gnostic Mass which textually states the following:

Then Jesus, the Divine Great Gnostic Priest, chanted a delightful song of praise in the Great Name and Jesus said unto his disciples: Draw near unto me! And they drew near unto him.

Then he turned himself towards the four corners of the world, he extended his quiet look and uttered the profoundly sacred name ‘JEU’, He blessed them and breathed into their eyes.

And Jesus exclaimed unto them: Look above! Now ye are clairvoyant! Then, they raised their eyes to where Jesus was pointing and saw a great, exceedingly mighty Light which no human being in the world can describe.

The Great Priest Jesus said unto them anew: Look away out of that mighty Light and look towards the other side. Then, they saw a mighty Fire, Water, Wine and Blood. (Here occurs the blessing of bread and wine).

And Jesus proceeded and said unto his disciples: Amen, I say unto you: I have brought nothing into the world when I came, save the Fire, the Water, the Wine and the Blood of Redemption.

I have brought the Fire and the Water out of the region of the Light of lights, from there where the Treasury of the Light is found.

And I have brought the Wine and the Blood out of the region of Barbelo. And after a little while, the Father sent me the Holy Spirit in the form of a White Dove. But hear me: The Fire, the Water and the Wine are for the purification and forgiveness of sins.

The Gospel of Taciano gives testimony of the sacrament of the body and of the blood when saying:

And Jesus took bread, and blessed it. And gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take and eat.”

“For this is my body which is given for you.” And he took the chalice, and gave thanks, and offered it to his disciples.

And said: “Take and drink ye all of it. For this is my blood which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”

“But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”

“Do this in remembrance of me.”

Luke unveils intelligently the deep significance of this mystical, magical ceremony, saying:

“Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the Pascal Lamb must be sacrificed.”

“And Jesus sent Peter (whose gospel is sex) and John (whose gospel is the Word), saying, Go and prepare us the Passover, that we may eat.” Luke: 22: 7-8.

The secret name of Peter is ‘PATAR’ with its three consonants, which in high  esotericism are radical: ‘P’ reminds us of the Father who is in secret, the Ancient of Days of Hebraic Kabbalah. ‘T’ or TAU, crossed letter, already studied in our former chapter, is famous in Sex Yoga. ‘R’, RA, is the Sacred Fire, Divinity, Logos.

‘JOHN’ disarranges itself in the five vowels: I, E, O, U, A (IEOUAN, SWAN, CHOAN, IOAN) the Verb, the Word…

Peter dies crucified on the inverted cross, with his head towards the ground and his feet towards the heavens, as if he is inviting us to descend into the Forge of the Cyclops, into the Ninth Sphere, in order to work with the fire and water, origin of worlds, beasts, humans and Gods. Every authentic White Initiation begins here.

John, the ineffable one reposes his head over the chest of the great Kabir Jesus, as if he is stating: Love nourishes itself with love…

By all means, it is very easy to comprehend that the Creative Word awaits in mystical lurking, huddled in the depth of the arch, for the precise moment to be realized.

Whosoever knows, the Word gives power to. No one has uttered it, no one will utter it, except the one who has the Verb incarnated.

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

It is written with fiery words in the great book of the cosmic existence that first we must walk with complete firmness upon the path of PETER…

The Verb that reposes hidden within the profound and mysterious depth of all ages clearly teaches that it is necessary to subsequently traverse along the path of JOHN.

However, it is unquestionable that between these two terribly divine paths there exists an intermediate abyss…

It is urgent, it is indispensable to build a breach of marvels and prodigies between these two paths… then subsequently, to die form moment to moment.

To transmute in order to utter with the very pure rising of the Divine Language  is  certainly the deep mystical significance of the Gnostic Unction…

The bread and the wine, the seed of wheat and the fruit of the grapevine must be royally transformed into the flesh and blood of the Intimate Christ…

The Solar Logos, with its impelling and active life, makes the seed of wheat to germinate in order for the stalks to grow from millimeter to millimeter. Then, the Solar Logos, as if confined inside of a precious coffer, becomes enclosed within the dark hardness of this grain.

The solar rays, solemnly penetrating into the stump of the grapevine, are developed and unfolded in concealment, until ripened in the sacrosanct fruit…

The Gnostic Priest, when in a the state of ecstasy, perceives this Cosmic Substance of the Sun-Christ, which is enclosed within the Bread and Wine. Thus, he unbinds this Substance from its physical elements in order for the Christic atoms to victoriously penetrate within the human organism.

The Solar Christic atoms, these igneous existences, these secret agents of the Adorable One, work silently within the Heart-Temple, in order to invite us over and over again to tread the path that must conduce us into Nirvana.

The mysterious help of the Christic atoms by all means stand out.

Thus, the tight shines within the darkness, and the twelve loaves of hallowed bread of the Proposition appear upon the Altar. This manifestation alludes to the twelve zodiacal signs or distinct modalities of Cosmic Substance.

This reminds us of the twelfth card of the Tarot, which is the Apostolate, the Magnus Opus, the union of the Cross with the Triangle…

Regarding the wine, which is derived from the ripe fruit of the grapevine, it is the symbol of the Fire, of the Blood and of the Life, which manifests itself in this Substance.

It is unquestionable that even when the words Vino, Vida, Vine (wine, life, grapevine) have distinct origins. Nonetheless, it cannot be denied that they have certain symbolic affinities.

Therefore, we cannot correlate vino (wine) with vis (strength), and with virtus (moral strength), as well as with Virgo (virgin, the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers) in any other way.

The Sahaja Maithuna (sexual magic) between male and female, Adam- Eve, on the delicious bed of authentic love truly keeps sublime rhythmic concordances with the mystical Agape of the Great Kabir Jesus…

The enchanted germ of the sacred stalk has its intimate exponent in the human seed…

The sacrosanct fruit of the vine is, indeed, the natural emblem of life that manifests itself with all of its splendor in the Substance.

Transforming the bread (seed) into solar flesh, and the exquisite wine into the Christic blood and Holy Fire is the most extraordinary miracle of Sex-Yoga.

The golden body of the Solar Man, the famous “To Soma Heliakon” (complete synthesis of the Christic vehicles) is the flesh, blood and life of the Creator Logos or Demiurge.

The living secret crystallization of sexual energy into the resplendent form of that glorious body is only possible with amorous magic…

Einstein, one of the great luminaries of the intellect, wrote a wise statement that says literally:

Matter transforms into energy. Energy transforms into matter.

It is ostensible that through the Sahaja Maithuna, we can and we must transform the Ens Seminis into energy.

It is unquestionable that our sexual modus operandi allow us to transform the creative energy into the glorious flesh of the Man-Christ’s Golden body…

To transform the bread into flesh and the wine (life) into royal blood, into the living and Philosophical Fire is to perform the formidable miracle of Transubstantiation.

The Wagnerian Parsifal, after too much bitterness, is wisely guided by his Guru Gurnemanz until the sacred Sanctuary of the Holy Grail, with the evident purpose of teaching him the Mysteries of the Transubstantiation.

From the heights, from the heaven of Urania, descends, as if by enchantment, a very pure dazzling ray of light, that when falling upon the divine Chalice, makes it to glow with a brilliant crimson color…

Amfortas, with a transfigured countenance, raises the Chalice (living symbol of the feminine Yoni) aloft and waves it gently round to all sides, consecrating the bread and the wine for the tables, while the joyful choruses chant the Eucharistic Hymn…

Samael Aun Weor

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