A very famous newspaper in Mexico City, D. F., brings the following news to big headlines on the first page: “FLYING SAUCERS IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES LOCATED BY RADAR”.

Below we transcribe the text of this alarming news:

*“Oklahoma City. Oklahoma, August 2 (AFP). The Flying Saucers reappeared last night in the Midwest of the United States. ”

“The Oklahoma Highway Police notes that at the Tinker military base near Oklahoma City, the radar recorded the presence of four unidentified objects that evolved in the sky at about seven thousand meters of altitude but at the base itself refuse to confirm or deny the news. ” (They hide it).

“On the other hand, three police patrols claimed to have seen objects that in perfect formation flew for thirty minutes. The color of these objects, red at first, gradually became white and greenish blue. ”

“The Sheriff’s office in Wichita, Kansas, announces, on the other hand, that several unidentified objects were observed last night in the space of hours, at a height that ranged from two thousand to three thousand meters.”


“Marmande, France, August 2 (AFP). A Flying Saucer was seen last night by a student near the city of Marmande, in the southwest of France, According to the witness, it was a huge luminous disk that landed on a sown field and then rose to move away at a dizzying speed ” .

Alarming news about flying saucers arrives from all corners of the earth. In France, one of those cosmic ships landed and from inside the ship came the medium-sized crew, according to an eyewitness. The authorities found in the place traces of an unknown ship.

In Argentina another ship landed on a mountain of difficult access. A farmer gave part to the authorities; they could contemplate the ship, but failed to reach it due to the rugged terrain.

Over a cosmic rocket control tower in Australia, a cosmic ship flew in moments when the experts of the tower followed the path of the rocket that photographed Mars.

The naked truth in the matter of Flying Saucers is that they really exist and that they have been recorded by radar and properly photographed. It is impossible for radar and photographic devices to suffer hallucinations.

This question of the Flying Saucers is already scandalous and although the rascals and the skeptics, make mockery and derision of those who affirm the existence of the Cosmic Ships, like them or not, the Flying Saucers are a concrete fact, duly recorded by radar.

We are absolutely sure that rascals do not like this thorny issue, because of what is called self-love. Nobody likes being hurt by self-esteem. They love themselves too much and are not willing to give up their beloved theories just like that.

Rascals believe that only on Earth there are human beings. His presumption is very strong in believing that only they have the right to live in such a wonderful and infinite Cosmos. However, they are like that and there is no way to convince them that they are wrong.

Given the concrete facts, before the sensational news about Flying Saucers, the GNOSTIC MOVEMENT stands up to demand the men of science to speak more frankly and not continue with the purpose of hiding the truth about Flying Saucers or Cosmic Ships.

In the desert of Nevada, United States, the great American scientist Adamski contacted some Venusians who landed near the post where he was doing his research.

This scientist of recognized worldwide prestige was able to talk extensively with these Venusians.

In a South American country whose name we cannot mention, there is a scientific society composed of ninety-eight wise disciples of Marconi. These sages live with a group of Martians who normally land in that region.

What annoys rascals the most, is that the matter is not made public and that everything is done so secretly. We ask these rascals if they are so unconscious to give a three-year-old a dynamite bomb. What would happen to a child who played with a dynamite bomb?

If humanity were given the Flying Saucers, we can be absolutely sure that these Saucers would be used for war and then no one on the face of the earth could be sure of their own life. Recall the speed that these ships develop, the power to rise or fall vertically, the power to remain seemingly still in the air, etc., etc.

Giving these ships to humanity would be like giving a child a dynamite bomb to play with. To the rascals who dislike secrecy so much, we advise three things:

  • First, Regenerate.
  • Second, a good dose of patience.
  • Third, abandon the wrong concept of being considered the only inhabitants of the Cosmos.

The rocket that photographed Mars is not a wonder of science. The lousy photographs taken seventeen thousand kilometers away, is impossible for them to report if life on Mars exists or not.

It is stupid to deduce from a bad photograph the vital reality on the Planet Mars.

The innumerable craters of Mars do not mean that this is a dead world like the Moon.

If the Earth were photographed at a distance of seventeen thousand kilometers, it is logical that the photograph would be similar to those obtained on Mars. Then we would see in these photographs, something misty, full of innumerable craters.

No photograph of cosmic type can inform us of the oxygen that exists or is not in a certain planet.

Even if the rascal gentlemen feel very upset and throw against us all their defamatory drool, the reality is that in different places on Earth, there are already select groups of people who are in direct contact with the inhabitants of Mars, Mercury, Venus, etc.

Samael Aun Weor

*Writen in spanish in the year 1955

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