Earth is a marvelous organism full of intense cosmic vitality. On the earth’s surface, there exist formidable rocks, sand, and soil where the gnomes reside.
The interior of the planetary organism is unknown to academic science. Indeed, scientists know very little about the interior of our globe.
It is said that its temperature rises in direct proportion to the distance from the surface. The waves produced by earthquakes, when moving deep underground, travel as other waves do in a liquid element, but when moving closer to the surface, they travel as other waves do when moving through a solid.
The earth’s mantle appears to be a crust fifty to sixty kilometers thick. On this marvelous crust, we find minerals, soil, sand, and water. Below this crust on which the history of humanity has unfolded, there exists another layer, 3,500 meters thick, which is composed of magnesium, oxygen, and silicon combined to make another kind of solid rock.
Scientists know nothing at this time about the core of the earth. They only guess that its density and temperature are very high and that it has a diameter of approximately 6,940 kilometers.
From the esoteric point of view, earth has nine layers, and the symbol of infinity is found in the ninth layer. It is necessary to know that the sacred symbol of infinity is found in the heart of the earth, in its living nucleus, and has the form of an “8” in a horizontal position.
In the Holy Eight, the symbol of the infinite, we find, symbolically, the brain, heart, and sex of the genie of earth. The two opposing circles of the Holy Eight represent the brain and the sex. The center is the symbolic seat of the heart.
The battle is tremendous: brain against sex; sex against brain; and even more bitter, heart against heart. The structure of all organized beings on this planet Earth is in accordance with this symbol.
In the center of the Holy Eight, there exists a central atom to which gravitate the twelve spheres of cosmic vibration within which a solar humanity must develop.
The fetus remains nine months in the maternal womb, and nine ages are necessary for the birth of planetary humanity.
The Ninth Sphere is sex. In the Ninth Sphere, we find fire and water, the origin of the worlds, beasts, men, and gods. All authentic white initiation begins there.
The Ninth Sphere is the fiery forge of Vulcan. Mars descends there to retemper his sword and conquer the heart of Venus; it is there that Hercules cleans the stables of Augeas; it is there that Perseus cuts off the head of the Medusa with his flaming sword.
Since ancient times, descent to the Ninth Sphere has been the greatest test of the supreme integrity of the hierophant, including Buddha, Hermes, Jesus, Krishna, Dante, Zoroaster, Quetzalcoatl, Mohammed, Moses, etc.
The symbol of infinity is an esoteric symbol that can only be known through esotericism. Great initiates say that this symbol is made of pure gold and is found in the exact center of earth in the Ninth Sphere.
In reality, within our living earth, there exist great splendors and dense darkness. We must comprehend the three aspects of earth’s interior:
First aspect: minerals, fire, water, etc. Second aspect: esoteric ultraviolet zone. Third aspect: infrared tenebrous zone.
The subterranean layers of earth are the kingdom of minerals (Litho sphere) and the kingdom of metals (Barysphere), which surround a heart of incredible density and inertia.
In the dimensions of superior space, within the planetary organism, there are nine superior concentric spheres like ineffable sublime regions, which are inhabited by elemental creatures, masters, devas, etc.
In the infrared submerged inferior dimensions of space, there are the infernal worlds in the form of concentric spheres of increasing density, which lead, according to Dante,
“Towards the middle, at which point unite all the heavy substances… That point to which every heavy substance from everywhere is dragged.”
This is the center of earth’s heart, where we find the maximum density and gravity, the fundamental seat of Satan, the inferno. Where the light shines most clearly, there also is the darkness densest: this is the law of the analogies of opposites. In the center of the earth’s heart are both the seat of Satan and the temple of the genie of earth, the symbol of infinity, and angels and demons in eternal battle.
The nucleus of the earth has three regions:
- physical region
- ultraviolet region
- infrared region
The Ninth Sphere (sex) is earth’s center, and in the human being, this is the battlefield between the powers of light and the powers of darkness. The secret key, which permits us to enter the Ninth Sphere is the Arcanum A. Z. F., the Sahaja Maithuna. Remember that the symbols of Shiva, the Third Logos, are always the black lingam inserted in the yoni.
The important thing is not to ejaculate the Ens Seminis during the sexual act, because within the Ens Seminis is found all the Ens Virtutis of the fire.
The Arcanum A.Z.F. is the key, which permits us to open the ninth door.
Samael Aun Weor
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