The Opposing Pairs of Philosophy

Marxism and ignorance are the same; it’s comical what Marx said about metaphysics. Marx spoke about what he did not know, he spoke without knowing.

Even when the Marxist fanatics do not believe it, metaphysics studies very thoroughly everything related to the battle of the antithesis and the opposing pairs of philosophy.

The ignorance of Karl Marx in questions of metaphysics is so great that he even came to believe that metaphysics ignores the law of antithesis.

Without having studied metaphysics, Marx pronounced himself against metaphysics; really Marx believed that metaphysics was only the incipient subtle jargon of medieval type.

Poor Marx, the failed law student, never knew the true metaphysics of the Egyptian, Aztec, Greek, Phoenician, Christian mysteries.

Marx was never in the Hindustan; he never studied the metaphysics of schools such as those of Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, etc.

Marx did not know anything about those things: Marx was no more than a dreamer, a utopian idealist, a fantasist.

We advise Marx’s henchmen to abandon sectarian fanaticism, we prescribe for their endangered mental health a good dose of Hindustani yoga, philosophy of VEDANTA, ZEN BUDDHISM, HERMETICISM, THEOSOPHY, ROSICRUCIANSM, etc.

It’s a pity that so much of the youth degenerates with the theories of an imbecile; it is urgent to study, to investigate, to abandon mental laziness.

The wise of the great schools of mysteries never denied the implicit internal contradictions of every phenomenon of nature, as mistakenly Marx assumed.

The hermetic sages, Yogis, Rosicrucians, etc., they always taught publicly in their books, that every phenomenon has its positive and negative side, its past and its future, its side of expiration and its side of development.

There has always been a struggle between the old and the new, between what is dying and what is born; and from this struggle are originated many transformations that history and science investigate.

It is not superfluous to add that the struggle between what dies and what is born is not always for the best as the fanatics of the dogma of evolution suppose.

There are transformations of evolutive type and involutive type. History has shown that on many occasions the barbarism nursed by civilization has grown, developed and finally swallowed everything that man built through millions of years of evolution and progress.

The struggle between opposing tendencies does not always produce development, sometimes it also produces real catastrophes.

The struggle between capital and labour produced the monster of communism, and this is a catastrophe.

The Marxist dialectic produces butcheries like that of Hungary, and dictatorial states like that of the Soviet Union.

All political extremism is harmful; the bourgeoisie is as absurd as the dictatorship of the proletariat; we Christian Socialists follow the middle road.

We want democracy, we love democracy. We want a Christian republic of work, a republic where there is freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom to work, etc.

We need social guarantees for the workers of muscle and intellect. We need a republic where there is no fear, where peace reigns.

We consider Karl Marx as a reactionary, conservative, retarded.

We are fully convinced that the positivist philosophy is totally undemocratic, conservative and frighteningly reactionary.

The new age is different from the past. Karl Marx is a thing of the past. Capitalism is also a thing of the past.

The time has come to understand that capitalism and communism are totally outdated. We have entered the atomic age and now everything is different.

Samael Aun Weor

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