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The Permanent Center of Consciousness

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By carefully analyzing the three-brain bipeds called man, we come to the logical conclusion that they still do not have a permanent center of consciousness.

We can not assure that the human bipeds are Individualized, we are certain and very certain that they are only Instinctivised.

The beloved ego has no individuality, is a sum of factors of discord, a sum of small egos, (a legion of devils).

The legion of the ‘I’ passes on successive film through the screen of the mind giving it different colors from instant to instant.

Every little ‘I’ of those that constitute the legion called ego, really has its own personal criteria, its own projects, its own ideas.

Man has no individuality, he does not have a Permanent Center of Consciousness and each one of his thoughts, feelings and actions depends on the calamity of the ego that at a certain moment controls the principal centers of the human machine.

Those who through many years of sacrifice and pain have been fighting for the Gnostic Movement, have seen in practice terrible things, many swore with tears in their eyes to work for the Gnosis until the end of their days, they pronounced tremendous speeches and promised eternal faithfulness to the great cause, and what? For what were their tears of blood? For what their terrible oaths? Everything was useless, only the momentary ego swore for a moment, but when another ‘I’ displaced the one who swore faithfulness, the subject separated from the Gnosis, or betrayed the great cause, or went to another school betraying the Gnosis.

Really the human being cannot have continuity of purposes because he does not have a Permanent Center of Consciousness. He is not an individual, the ego is a sum of many small egos.

Many are those who expect eternal bliss with the death of the physical body, but the death of the physical body does not solve the problem of the ego.

After death, the pluralized self continues to be wrapped in its lunar, molecular body, the human biped ends but the legionic self wrapped in its molecular body continue, later the ego is perpetuated in our descendants, returns… to satisfy desires and continue the same tragedy.

The time has come to understand the need to produce within us a definitive radical change in order to establish a Permanent Center of Gravity, a center of stable consciousness. Only that way do we individualize ourselves, only that way do we stop being legion, only that way do we become conscious individuals.

The present-day man is similar to a boat full of many passengers, each passenger has his own plans and projects, the present-day man does not have a single mind, he has many minds; each ‘I’ has it’s own mind.

Fortunately within the human biped there is something else, there is the Buddhata, the inner Buddhic principle, the essence.

Reflecting seriously on this Buddhic principle we can conclude that this is the psychic material with which we can form our soul.

It is not an exaggeration to say that with this intimate Buddhist principle we can create a soul. Awakening the Buddhata we create soul; awakening the Buddhata is Awakening Consciousness.

Awakening consciousness is equivalent to creating within us a Permanent Center of Consciousness.

Only the one who awakens consciousness becomes an individual, but the individual is not the end, later we have to reach the over-individuality.

We need to de-egotize to individualize, we need to dissolve the ego to have a Permanent Center of Consciousness.

The pluralized ‘I’ unskillfully spends the psychic material in atomic explosions of anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, etc.

Once the ‘I’ is dead, the psychic material accumulates inside of us, becoming a Permanent Center of Consciousness.

Today, the human being, or better said the biped that self-describes as human, is really a machine controlled by the legion of the ego.

A machine without any sense of moral responsibility, without continuity of purpose, without real existence.

Observe the tragedy of lovers, how many oaths! how many tears! how many good intentions! and what? Of all that, there remains but the sad memory: they get married, time goes by, the man falls in love with another woman or the wife falls in love with another man and the house of cards falls to the ground. Why? It is clear! Because the human being still does not have a Permanent Center of Gravity.

The little ‘I’ who today swears eternal love, is displaced by another little ‘I’, that has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with said oath; That’s all.

We need to become individuals and this is only possible by creating a permanent center of consciousness.

We need to create the Permanent Center of Consciousness and this is only possible by dissolving the pluralized ego.

All the intimate contradictions of the human being would be enough to drive crazy anyone who could see them in a mirror; the source of such contradictions is the plurality of the ego, the ego is many.

Whoever wants to dissolve the ego has to start by knowing his intimate contradictions; Sadly, people love to deceive themselves so as not to see their own contradictions.

Whoever wants to dissolve the ego has to start by not being untruthful ; All people are untruthful with themselves, everyone lies to themselves.

If we want to know the plurality of the self and our perennial contradictions, we must not self- deceive, people self-deceive so as not to see their intimate contradictions.

It is necessary to know our eternal contradictions to discover the plurality of the ego and dissolve it.

Everyone who discovers their intimate contradictions feels ashamed of himself with just reason; he understands that he is nobody, that he is an unhappy, a wretched worm of the earth.

before butterfly becomes butterfly

Discovering our own intimate contradictions is already a success because our inner judgment is spontaneously released.

The man who is guided by the voice of Consciousness marches victoriously on the straight path.

Every man submitted to inner judgment becomes in fact and by right, a good citizen, a good brother, a good father, etc., etc.

To know our intimate contradictions it is necessary to self-discover.

Whoever self-discovers can work successfully in the dissolution of the pluralized ‘I’ . The intimate contradictions are based on the plurality of the ego.

The tremendous contradictions that we carry inside, make life bitter for us.

We are workers and we want to be potentates, soldiers and we want to be generals, we think about getting a house of our own and we get it, then; we sell it because we get tired of it and we want another, or we want to travel. We are happy with nothing, we seek happiness in ideas and these also parade and pass, we seek happiness in coexistence, with the friendships that today are with us and tomorrow against us and we see that all that is illusory.

Nothing in life can give us happiness, with so many contradictions we are miserable.

It is necessary to put an end to the pluralized ‘I’, only in this way can we eliminate the secret origin of all our contradictions and bitterness.

Those who have already dissolved the ego have in fact a Permanent Center of Consciousness.

There are many who want to enter the way of intimate self-realization, but few can see the way.

In the world there are many schools and systems and many people living fluttering about from one school to another, always full of intimate contradictions, always dissatisfied, always looking for the way and not finding it, even when it is very close to their eyes; The pluralized ‘I’ does not let them see the path of truth and life.

The worst enemy of enlightenment is the ‘I’.

A Master was asked:

“What is the way?”

“What a magnificent mountain!” he said, referring to the mountain where he had his retreat.

“I do not ask you about the mountain but about the way”,

“While you cannot go beyond the mountain, you can not find the way”, replied the Master.

Another monk asked the same question to this same Master. The answer was:

“There it is right in front of your eyes. ”Why can’t I see it? “Because you have egoistic ideas”.

Another monk asked the same question to this same Master. The answer was: “There it is right in front of your eyes. ”Why can’t I see it?” “Because you have egoistic ideas” “Can I see it, Master?” “As long as you have a dualistic vision, and you say : I cannot – and you can – and so on, your eyes will be obscured by this relative vision.”

The ego can also do good deeds and gain many merits that improve its psychological character, but it can never reach enlightenment.

We must seek enlightenment, then everything else will be given to us in addition.

It is impossible to reach enlightenment without having a Permanent Center of Consciousness.

It is impossible to have a Permanent Center of Gravity without having dissolved the pluralized ‘I’.

Samael Aun Weor

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