The Philosophical Stone

There is an ‘IT’ about this marvelous stone. What is the deep significance of this tremendous mystery?

“Oh, chaste clergy” chanted the evoking bards from Gaedheal or the primeval GaeI, Ireland, when singing about their glorious millenarian traditions to the catholic priests, who went there to evangelize them.

Its profound magic and sublime signification… who can decipher and unveil it?

No one but HE, the Chosen One can decipher the mystery of the Stone and of its “IT’…

Mathew 21-42

When dealing with these sacred portents that astonish the Mystic, it is certainly not incongruent that such an aforesaid Stone transforms itself into a crater, Hermetic Cup or Chalice of infinite splendors…

What is then the purpose of all the perplexity, vacillation and uncertainty in regard to that poem of Chretien de Troyes (XII Century)?

If the Holy Grail is a precious stone that was brought to the earth by the Angels or ineffable Devas and entrusted to a secret Fraternity for its zealous custody, there is then no obstacle for this celestial Gem in obtaining the splendid shape of the Cup of Hermes.

Here we are then with the Cubic Stone of Yesod, situated accordingly with the Hebrew Kabbalists in our very sexual organs.

This is the blessed Stone that the Patriarch Jacob, living reincarnation of the Angel Israel, anointed with sacred oil in a fore time…

This is the initiatic Petera from the Esoteric Colleges…, the Philosophical Stone of the ancient medieval Alchemists…

“A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense” was a statement made in a fore time by the Hierophant Peter or Patar…

It is not irrelevant in this chapter to transcribe with infinite patience and profound serenity the authentic text of Wolfram of Eschenbach, related to this aforesaid Stone and to the mysterious Brotherhood who have custody of it:

Those heroes are animated by a stone.

Do you not know of its august and pure essence?

It is called Lapiz-Electrix (Magnes).

Any marvel (magic) can be performed through it.

As the phoenix, which is precipitated into the flames, it can be reborn from its own ashes.

Because within the same flames it rejuvenates its plumage,

thus rejuvenated, it glows more beautiful than before.

Its power is such that any man, who, no matter how unhappy in his own state he might be,

no matter his color, no matter his face, instead of dying as others,

he no longer knows what age might be.

And whether man or woman,

they shall enjoy from this ineffable delight, which is to contemplate the STONE.

for more than two hundred years.

Jesus the Great Kabir said:

“The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.”

Matthew: 21:42

Beyond time and distance, Klingsor, the evil Magician disputed this Stone and had it as a taboo or a sin… it is written and with words of fire in the Wagnerian drama that with a sharp steel knife he violently discarded the blessed Stone…

But, Master Klingsor, finicky and weepier as no one, after performing such a tremendous inanity, outstretched his bloody supplicant hands to gain the Grail.

It is obvious that the Guardian, with the terrible sharp point of his sword, rejected him with indignation…

People from other times state that where the Pagan’s luxuriant land starts, Klingsor, the lord of darkness, learned how to hate sex…

His bookish erudition amidst his penitent and disciplinary desert was ostensible.

This disgraceful cenobite believed in a possible transcendental mutilation by means of the elimination of the sexual instinct…

Impossible enticement, useless reflector, absurd decoy was the one used by this exotic anchorite…

He was an illustrious gentleman who came from remote places, notable cavalier, eminent sir, strange and contradictory…

He was a paradoxical hermit boasting sanctity, a foolish puritan with airs of being an illuminated one…

He adored Shiva, the Third Logos, the Holy Spirit; nevertheless, he spat all of his defamatory slobber into the Ninth Sphere (sex)…

He worked tenaciously with multiple pseudo-esoteric exercises, and he also horrifyingly whipped himself until extenuation…

He dressed himself with filthy rags of a mendicant, he poured ashes over his head, and he put sackcloth upon his mortified body…

Obnoxious vegetarian, he was the creator of a kitchen- type of religion. Those who met him stated that he never drank wine nor cider…

He guided many, when rather his major necessity was to be guided, and he never preoccupied himself in the elimination of the interior Pharisee…

Nonetheless, everything was in vain. When he discarded the Initiatic Petera, the marvelous doors of the transcendental Monsalvat were closed before this unworthy one…

Samael Aun Weor

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