The Pomegranate Tree

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1. The pomegranate tree represents friendship.

2. The pomegranate tree represents friendly agreements.

3. The pomegranate tree represents home.

4. The elementals of the pomegranate trees have the power to establish friendly relationships.

5. The elementals of the pomegranate trees have the power to establish fraternal agreements among humans.

6. The elementals of the pomegranate trees have the power to establish harmony within homes.

7. In the astral light, the pomegranate tree is symbolized by the horse.

8. The horse is always the symbol of friendship.

9. In homes, the angel who governs the elemental population of the pomegranate trees is as the sun.

10. If you wish to sow harmony in homes filled with affliction, then you must utilize the elemental magic of the pomegranate tree.

11. If you need to establish friendly relationships with certain people, then you must utilize the elemental magic of the pomegranate tree.

12. If you need to reach an important agreement with another person, then you must utilize the igneous powers of the elementals of the pomegranate trees.

13. We can work on lost souls in order to help them return to the path of light by means of the elemental magic of the pomegranate tree.

14. We can help the prodigal son return to his home by means of the elemental magic of the pomegranate trees.

15. When the elemental of the orange tree submits us to “ordeals,” we can triumph with the elemental magic of the pomegranate trees.

16. The Lord Jehovah showed me a great mount. The Lord Jehovah was upon this great mount, and the Lord Jehovah told me:

17. “With the elemental magic of the pomegranate, you can work for the progress of peace.”

18. The Lord Jehovah had the figure of the white dove of the Holy Spirit.

19. The entire great mount shone, filled with majesty.

20. With the elemental power of the pomegranates we can work on fornicators in order to help them to depart from the abyss.

21. We stated that we can defend ourselves with the elemental magic of the pomegranate tree, when the elemental genii of the orange trees submits us to ordeals. We want to affirm with this statement that the hierarchical currents that pass through the orange trees are the opposite pole of the cosmic currents that pass through the elemental department of the pomegranate trees.

22. Force and forces are something very united in creation.

23. The life that passes through plants also passes through minerals, animals, and human species.

24. In this meaning, the distinct elemental departments of nature are found related with the various states or areas of human activity.

25. Immense powers and innumerable hierarchies work under the direction of the angels who are regents of various elemental departments of nature.

26. Thus, the Lord Jehovah showed me the Tree of Life.

27. This is one of the two trees of Eden.

28. Then I understood the teachings of Jehovah.

29. When we work for the progress of peace, for the universal fraternity, for the dignity of homes, we are using the elemental magic of the pomegranates.

30. This means that we are intensely living with the elemental magic of the pomegranate in those moments.

31. The glory of the Lord Jehovah shines upon the mount of peace.

32. Vago O A Ego. These are the mantras of the elementals of the pomegranates.

33. When we wish to utilize the elemental of the pomegranate tree, we must walk around the tree in a circle. We must bless the tree, then pronounce the mantras and command the elemental to work on the person or persons who we are interested in, according to our desired goals.

34. The angel who watches over all the homes of the earth belongs to the elemental kingdom of the pomegranates.

35. Each human family is protected by a familial angel.

36. These familial angels belong to the elemental department of the pomegranate. The Masons ignore the esoteric significance of the pomegranate.

Samael Aun Weor

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