The Precious Balm

Kundry-Herodias, as the Hebraic Magdalene of other times, brings a delectable phial from the exotic Arabia…

Amfortas, the illustrious knight of the Holy Grail, asks urgently for a precious balm in order to heal his wounded heart…

This is an astounding passage from the Wagnerian drama, which should be gloriously sculpted over august marbles and with letters of gold…

Crystalline concomitance, in this case, is that event in which the great Kabir Jesus is anointed by the beauty from the palace of Magdala…

The Adorable One said:

She hath wrought a good work on me. For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.

“She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying.”

Mark: 14: 6 -8.

She is a female of irresistible enchantments, breaking the alabaster phial of ointment to pour on the head of the dearest Rabbi of Galilee…

It is written with words of mystery that only the woman symbol, the original she-devil, prototype of that which is the most sublime and on par with that which is the most abject on the earth, is the unique one who indeed has the power of anointing us to the death…

Comprehension and elimination are radical if indeed what we want is to die within  ourselves…

To discard the multiple psychological aggregates (defects), which in their horrifying conjunction constitute the animal ego, is certainly not an easy task; you know

It is better to drink the feminine liquor, which is the mandrake liquor. If you drink of it you will never err upon the path…

Sexual eroticism is indispensable. To love is indeed the most pure and delectable yearning…

A defect discovered in an integral way must be suppressed, removed, separated under the enchantments of Eros…

Do not forget your Divine Mother Kundalini: Isis, Rea, Cibeles, Tonantzin, Mary, Adonia, lnsoberta…

Sex is a holy phial; put in it just a pure thought… Behind every kiss, there must be a prayer, behind every hug a rite of mystery… While in sacred copulation, ask and it shall be granted onto you, knock and it shall be opened onto you…

She, the one whose veil no mortal has lifted, will then eliminate what is undesirable, what is abominable; thus, you will die from moment to moment…

Raise your cup well at the feast of love and take care not to spill even a single drop of the precious wine…

Do not spill Hermes Cup, inebriate yourself with kisses and tenderness under the shade of the tree of knowledge, but do not swallow the golden apples from the Garden of Hesperides…

Samael Aun Weor

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