The existence of an extraordinary plastic mediator within the intellectual humanoid mistakenly called “man”, is evident.

I want to emphatically refer to the SOLAR PLEXUS, the emotional center wisely placed by nature in the region of the navel.

Without question this magnificent ancestor of the two biped, three-centered or three cerebral being, saturates himself with the sexual essence of our creative organs.

We have been told that the “Magic Eye” of the abdomen is frequently stimulated by sexual Hydrogen SI-12 (SI=TE from the musical scale DOH, RAY, ME, etc.), which rises from the sexual organs.

It is therefore an unbreakable axiom of Hermetic philosophy that, in the region of the abdomen there is a powerful sexually-energetic accumulator. Through the sexual agent any representation can take shape in the magnetic field of the SOLAR PLEXUS.

The representative ideoplastic constitutes in itself the content of the lower abdomen.. We do not exaggerate when we emphasize the basic idea that the Selves who later emerge on the scene of existence have a beginning in the abdomen. Such psychological, ideoplastic entities, would never exist without the sexual agent.

Each SELF is therefore a living psychological representation that emerges from the lower abdomen; the personal EGO is a sum of EGOS.

The intellectual animal is in fact a machine controlled by different Egos. Some Egos represent anger in all its aspects, others greed and some others lust, etc. These are the “Red Devils” mentioned in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead.

In the name of truth it is necessary to say that the only dignified thing within us is the “ESSENCE”. Unfortunately this in itself is dispersed here and there and is bottled up by each of the different Egos.

“THE PRESTIDIGITATOR DEVIL” takes shape in sexual energy. Some very strong Egos can produce a variety of amazing physical phenomena.

Valdemar tells us of the following event: “The prestigious trustee of the city of San Miniato al Tedesco which is situated between Florence and Pisa, had a fifteen year old daughter whom the Demon attacked in such a way that caused sensation throughout the whole country.

“It was not only that the bed the girl was in, was moving from one side of the room to the other, in such a way, that one minute she was against one wall and the next against the other, but the Demon also broke a number of things in the house, opened doors and drawers and caused such a disturbance that the residents spent the night shaking and full of fear.

“The girl was attacked by the Devil in front of her parents in such a way that, despite her begging and imploring, he seized her by the hips and threw her up in the air.

“In vain did she call, ‘Virgin Mary! Help me to save myself!’ This happened in front of hundreds of people from the city. She was dragged through the window, swaying airborne for a few minutes in front of the house and over the market place.

“It is not strange that virtually the whole city, being astonished by both the unprecedented event and the cruelty of the Devil, ran to the marketplace praising the girl for her courage.

An account from that time says: “Everyone was terrified and deeply moved by the appearance of both the mother and women of the family – who with loose hair, tearing their cheeks with their nails and thumping their chests filled the environment with lamentations and screams which resounded through the streets.

“Above all the mother shouted first at the daughter, then at the Demon, asking him to cast all the misfortune upon her. Then she turned to the people, particularly to the mothers, asking them to kneel down with her and beg God for help, which they all did immediately.

“‘Oh Holy God!’ Soon afterwards, the daughter fell on her mother from the air and comforted the half dead woman with a happy look: ‘Stop being afraid mother! Stop crying for here is your daughter, do not fear the phantom of the Devil, I beg you… do you really believe that I was tortured and humiliated? Instead I am filled with a delicious and indescribable sweetness… Because as ever the protector of all distressed people was on my side helping me and talking to me in order to give me courage and constancy, this way – he told me – you attain heaven.’

“These words filled the people present with both joy and astonishment and they left the marketplace consoled. But no sooner had the family returned home than the Devil burst in once again and violently throwing himself onto the girl, seized her hair, put out the lights and candles, turned over boxes and drawers as well as furniture and when her father turned the lights on, the daughter threw herself onto the crucifix and cried out with a heart breaking voice: ‘Oh Lord, let the ground swallow me up before abandoning me, I beg of you earnestly to strengthen and free me.’

“And speaking like that she burst into tears. This made the Devil even more furious, he wrenched first her blouse, then her wool dress and finally the silk petticoat that it was customary for young girls to wear at that time. The Devil rent everything, and when she was almost naked he began to pull her hair.

“She shouted: ‘Father bring me a dress, cover my nudity. Holy Virgin help me!’

Finally, after the Devil had made her an object of further cruelties, they managed to liberate her from his power by making a pilgrimage and by having a priest perform an exorcism upon her.”

Enough of this interesting account by Valdemar. It is clear that the sadistic Demon that tormented the poor girl was undoubtedly the Juggler Devil, “THE PRESTIDIGITATOR DEVIL” a strong demon Ego from the young girl that took shape in her sexual energy, and that is all.

The amount of ideoplastic sexual appearances which are manifest especially during the years of puberty are usually tremendous. It is then that we create terrifying Egos capable of producing sensational phenomena.

The rage of not being able to love or the fact of feeling cheated by someone is undoubtedly a real hell and brings about all those dreadful sexual fluid emanations, which are capable of becoming “THE PRESTIDIGITATOR DEVIL”.

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