Human evolution was stagnant and then entered the downward path of Involution and degeneration.
The human mind no longer has the beautiful natural spontaneity of other times.
The mind of this perverse generation of vipers has become spontaneously clumsy and retains nothing of its former quickness and elasticity.
Fathers and school teachers are sick, terribly sick with materialism and stupidity, with their theories and opinions they horribly infect the minds of children.
In the Philippines there is a disease called “Mali Mali”, it is a very curious kind of psychosis. The patients of “Mali Mali” are one hundred percent imitators.
If a person goes down the street the “Mali Mali” patients follow him, and they sit down when the person sits down, and they stop when the person stops, and they take what the person takes and repeat like parrots everything the person says, etc., etc.
The “Mali Mali” in Europe and America is called fashion, if a famous woman appears in public wearing a miniskirt they all wear it, and if she appears half-naked, they all imitate her, that’s fashion.
One day the Prince of Wales decided to leave his hat in his residence with the purpose of deceiving his rubber-backboned flatterers and having the luxury of walking freely in the streets like any citizen, even if he were without a hat.
The next day, the fashion of no-hat was born; now few wear a hat: that is Mali Mali.
In times of Nazism, everyone wants to be a Nazi and in communist times everyone wants to be a communist: that is the Mali Mali.
Marx took the spiritual moral values from this unhappy humanity; now everyone wants to be Marxist, that’s the Mali Mali.
The materialist “Mali Mali” has infected the minds of the new generations. Materialistic ideas infect the minds of children and young people, with the approval of the official authorities.
The learned ignoramuses of dialectical materialism have established the dogma that nothing should be accepted that is not demonstrated by the evidence of the senses and the reasoning.
This is a flashy phrase with which many fools boast of intelligence.
We can only accept the infallibility of reason and the evidence of the senses, when there is exclusion of the subjective elements.
Only objective reasoning and objective receptivity are accurate, but the materialist dialectic being subjective knows nothing of objectivity.
Modern educators with their materialistic “Mali Mali” are destroying the human mind to make it fashionable.
Children do not accept what comes from the “Mali Mali”, they are sick of materialistic psychosis.
For these times “Mali Mali” phrases are very popular, for everything that goes out of fashion there are phrases like this: “That is not proven”, “That does not exist”, “That is a hallucination”, etc., etc., etc.
Gone are the stories of fairies and mermaids and enchanted palaces, and no one is interested in “the Thousand and One Nights”.
Now children and young people of both sexes nourish their minds with materialistic theories and movies of murderers, prostitutes and thieves.
The result of such intellectual nourishment, we have it in sight: “Rebels without a cause”. Premature murderers, freshly hatched thieves, pregnant schoolgirls aborting secretly, spoiled robbers among so-called “rich kids”, etc., etc., etc.
If someone has an extra-sensory perception, if he manages to have the happiness of seeing some creature of the superior dimensions of space, they all say, that was a hallucination and soon they take him to the psychiatrist.
Under such conditions, the human mind has become frightfully mechanical. The materialistic
“Mali Mali” has trapped the human mind and no one accepts anything other than “the God Matter”. People already think only in terms of the abominable principles of materialism.
Humanity is an organ of nature, the human being is an “Interface”.
Each human being attracts the energies of the cosmos, a certain very special type of cosmic energy.
Each human machine transforms the cosmic energies that come from interplanetary space and adapts them to the needs of the anterior layers of the earth.
Nature has become very demanding because it has evolved.
Nature now demands a new type of finer, more subtle, more spiritual human vibrations. Nature is now demanding what the degenerate man cannot give.
There is conflict between modern man and nature, the current human race is not up to the circumstances and nature demands a new type of more spiritual vibrations.
The result of such a conflict will be the destruction of what does not work, nature always destroys what does not work.
We can be sure that there will be terrible cataclysms and great events that will end our degenerate race. The times of the end have arrived.
Samael Aun Weor