The problem of unemployment is one of the most grave problems of the world.
Often we are inclined to believe that with industrialization on a huge scale this problem could be solved, but we have to abandon this belief when we can verify that a country as highly industrialized as the United States of America, has come to have up to ten million unemployed.
If we want to solve satisfactorily the problem of unemployment we need to give more importance to agriculture, livestock, poultry farming, and in general to all work in the fields.
In practice it is manifestly absurd that six or seven million people are enclosed within the narrow limits of a city, it is all too clear that competition leaves millions of people without work, a very clear example of this we have in the simple fact of taking a taxi, or a bus, tram or truck; when we are stopping any of these vehicles, if we have competition, if there are many other people waiting for the same thing as us, logicallly we waste time, because other people compete with us and if the competition is excessive we have to return home on foot, or wait several hours until we get an opportunity.
If governments really want to solve the problem of unemployment, they must found many schools of agriculture accessible to the common level of the ordinary man of the street, the profession of farmer must now assume a rank of superior order; the minister of agriculture and livestock should support without reservations of any kind every man who sincerely is determined to work as a farmer, poultry farmer, rancher, etc.., etc., etc.
It is shameful that so many thousands of citizens roam the streets seeking work, when the fields are in need of hands to work the land that gives us sustenance.
It is stupid for the man in the city to look with contempt on the peasant, regarding him as a kind of inferior person; No one is more than anyone and the young gentleman in the city with his starched collar shirt and painted nails can never be higher than the man with calloused hands and a face tanned by the sun of the mountain and the plain; We have to bow down before the men who feed us, and the peasant is precisely the man who supports millions of people who live comfortably with food in the cities.
The fields need a lot of people, the fields can totally solve the problem of unemployment, in the schools of primary and secondary education the subject of theoretical and practical agriculture must be included, this way they will stop creating so many generations of effeminate gentlemen who then wander through the streets hungry and badly dressed uselessly asking for work, we must teach children the path of work and properly understood manhood if we want to avoid the epidemic of unemployment.
Really hunger, poverty, unemployment, are the appropriate soil for the the poisonous flower of communism to germinate.
It is necessary to understand that only with an authentic democracy that resolves in total form the problem of unemployment, and that radically exterminates injustice, can we well conjure the horrendous danger of the red devil.
It is not Just that millions of people roam the streets begging for work while in the residential areas the lazy people live happily; It is not fair that there are people in the bureaucracy who earn huge salaries for a few hours of daily work, while the unfortunate do not even earn enough to eat.
It is urgent to make social justice because indolence in this inevitably leads us to the barbarism of socialism of the Atheist and brutalizing type, the only certain way to fight the red monster of the USSR, is to give the people bread, shelter and refuge, with the full stomach there is no communism; where there is social justice there is no communism.
In Latin America there are still vast and immense territories which are totally uninhabited, remember the thick jungles of the Amazon, in those regions we could walk for years without finding human beings, except for some tribes of cannibal Indians; These are really very fertile lands that the human race could take advantage of for its own economic sustenance; It is a pity that the governments of Brazil, Colombia and Peru have not been serious enough to conquer these very rich territories; However, the great effort made by Brazil to found its capital city within the Amazon rainforest is to be admired, this represents an effort in the gigantic enterprise of conquering the jungle.
The governments that have access to these deep jungles of the Amazon, should favor national and foreign immigration, it would be wonderful if the governments supported economically any citizen who really resolved to settle in those jungles to work the land. The Ministry of Agriculture could give these citizens money, seeds, agricultural tools, medicines, etc.., etc., etc. It is clear that for this sort of enterprise economic support is needed.
Latin America has vast and immense virgin territories where millions of unemployed people from all over the world could settle down to work; what is needed is economic support from the governments that have access to those territories; It is urgent to understand that agriculture on a vast scale can end hunger and poverty, the millions of unemployed people who roam the streets of big cities begging for jobs should dedicate themselves to agriculture.
It is urgent that the Ministry of Agriculture organize specific types of cooperative societies, offices of research and control with extraordinary powers, and rural police forces, in order to conquer the jungles and give full support to all those who really want to undertake such an enterprise.
The money that governments invest in this branch of human activity is multiplied a thousand percent by enriching nations with the fertile work of farmers.
It is paradoxical that millions of people roam the streets begging for work, when the fields need so many hands to till the soil.
The CHRISTIAN SOCIALIST PARTY, that is to say the CHRISTIAN GNOSTIC MOVEMENT converted into a POLITICAL PARTY, must bring to the congress our ideas related to the conquest of uncultivated lands; It is urgent to struggle intensively in this direction until we achieve the crystallization of our projects, we will in that way solve the problem of unemployment.
The lands that are currently in production still need many hands; governments should establish laws stipulating the maximum and minimum number of workers that employers are required to have; these laws could be based on the number of productive hectares, more workers and vice versa, it is also urgent to set the minimum wage for workers.
Any individual who works on their own in the fields, or any association of individuals who, on their own initiative, decide to work the land, need economic collaboration. The agrarian bank must collaborate with these agricultural workers, giving them money, seeds, tools, medicines, etc.., etc., etc.
This will eliminate the problem of unemployment in the cities.
Samael Aun Weor