The Queen of The Jinns

With the spear in its rest, the strong breastplate about the chest, the menacing body upon the saddle, the hero threatens in a barbaric, furious gesture. With the eyes fixed, the countenance livid, the face serene, and with a forced spirit, the Knight brandishes the flashing iron. While girdled amidst the dust which they raised, the land around is frightened with their encounter.

In a confused revolt, the Knight is fighting the battle for his lady. All the children of Satan are ardently infuriated with anger; the shredded chain mail, crude wounds martyrize the bodies; there is no yield, there is no calm; an unmovable barrier, their crossed irons bristle a thousand times continuously. They wound each other, they wound themselves again and despise death. They fly into a rage and they grow stronger.

The eternal Lady, the Spiritual-Soul (Buddhi) always demands from her Knight all types of unbelievable prodigies of sacrifice and boldness…

She, the Divine Perfect Spouse is Guinevere, the Queen of the Jinn’ Knights, the one who poured wine for Lancelot…

This was a delicious wine of transcendental spirituality within the Initiatic cups of Sukra and Manti…

In sum, these cups are none other than the Holy Grail in its symbolic meaning as the chalice of the supreme beverage, or initiatic nectar of the Holy Gods…

Fortunately, Cerberus, the dog (the sexual instinct) pulls the leash that helps the Knight in his tremendous adventure…

Hercules seized the three- headed dog Cerberus and in spite of its barking, he tied it by its collar and took it out from within the Tartarus…

Horrible is the cave where Cerberus, who is a prodigy of terror howls. With its barking, its three enormous flat- nosed heads and with serpents writhing on its neck, Cerberus fills all the defunct ones with terror…

Cerberus, the Guide Dog, gratefully conduces the Knight, who is capable of taking it from within the tortures of hell, along the Path of the Razor’s Edge.

Cerberus, sunken within the atomic infernos of the human being becomes the best guide for the Initiate, when emancipated.

He is a marvelous dog (sexual libido), pulling the oriental chain of the Adept who is in search of his beloved one… Fortunate is the Knight who after the difficult battle celebrates his betrothal with the Queen of the ‘Jinns’…

It is written with golden letters in the Book of Life that the flame of Prajna (the Being) is burning within Buddhi, as within a fine and transparent glass of alabaster.

Adorable Spirit-Lady, eternal adorable spouse, ideal woman, Buddhic enchantment of love, receive me with gracious honor, as the serf, the slave that I am for you. I know, beloved of mine, that I am not worthy of you…

Yet, Divine Lady, I do not dare to ask anything of you, only that you may allow me to give you my obedient service, so that, with all that which is in me, I will serve you as a loyal vassal.

Behold… I am surrendering to you. Thus, with all of my eagerness and zealousness I deliver myself to your freewill entirely…!

The divine ones and humans  know very well that the Lord of Perfection (the  Theosophical Atman) has two souls, You and Me… (Buddhi and Superior Manas, or Causal).

The few who have become Sages in the world do not ignore that you are my adored one and that I am your adorer…

Is it the light of the day that illuminates me or the remembrance of your presence? Wherever I place my sight the world seems to me filled with your image. Upon the sun’s beam, which vacillates in the water and plays amidst the leaves, I do not see anything but the resemblance of your eyes…

What is the consistency of this change that my Being has altered and that has made variable the aspect of the universe?

I will not search for any remedy for your trials. Thus, I submit myself to all trials that you impose upon me. I am subject to you… and you are my Queen. I proclaim it in a loud  voice and I glorify myself in it. Indeed, to die for you has to be the supreme joy.

One night of indisputable delights, I had the joy of finding my Beloved One in a secret spot on a mountain.

The Chariot of my Fiancee was slowly advancing on the solitary path…

The legend of the centuries states that the Marquise of Beauprj was parading herself on a chariot of a singular beauty that was made of pure porcelain. However, the triumphal chariot of my adorable Walkiria was similar to another chariot, which in the times of Rococo the wife of the Duke of Clermont used to ride in. It was a splendid chariot with a

trunk of six horses that were all wearing horseshoes of silver. As well, the wheels and carriage were made of the same metal…

Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; Thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, With one chain of thy neck.

How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! How much better is thy love than wine!

And the smell of thine ointments than all spices! Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: Honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon.

A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.

Thy plants are an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; camphire, with spikenard, Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices:

A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon.

“The Song of Songs”, Old Testament, Bible.

The triumphal chariot of my Beloved One stopped before a fortress of flaming porphyry, where the wealth and splendor of the East polishes the walls and coffers to the glaze of a looking glass…

The splendid vehicle then parked before the dazzling bronze doors, where one stands motionless in fear of their remarkable majesty…

Suddenly, the chariot was surrounded by a gentle cortege of distinguished gentlemen, princes and noblemen, beautiful ladies and delicate children, Someone gave me a sign. I obeyed the sign and advanced towards the chariot of love. Through the crystals of joy, I saw my Walkiria…

How beautiful are thy feet with shoes,

O prince’s daughter! The joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman.

Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies.

Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins.

Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fishpools in

Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: Thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus. Thine head upon thee is like Carmel, and the hair of thine head like purple; the king is held in the galleries.

“The Song of Songs”

Dressed with the nuptial attire, the Wedding Garment of the Soul, my Fiancee had arrived in her resplendent chariot for our nuptials…

To wed before the Holy Altar with my Twin Soul, the Theosophical Buddhi. ..what a joy, oh God!… However, I was told that I had to wait a while…

The virile provider of strength from above was delaying me and I was suffering with infinite patience…

I had to profoundly submerge myself into the sacred Mysteries of Minna, the dreadful darkness of one love whose twin brother is death…

I intensely worked within the super-obscurity of silence and the august secret of the wise…

I had to wait for a time, times and the half of a time…

However, I was sighing for Guinevere, the Queen of the ‘Jinn’ Knights.

One certain night, the shining stars in the infinite space appeared as if they had a new aspect…

I was in Samadhi, far away from all mundane clamor. The door of my room was kept hermetically closed…

Then, I celebrated the Alchemical Wedding. She penetrated within me and I became lost within Her…

The Solar Logos, the Sun of Midnight intensely shone in those blessed instants…

I felt transformed in an integral way. The Church of Laodicea, the famous Chakra Sahasrara, the Lotus of One Thousand Petals, the Crown of the Saints victoriously shone in my Pineal Gland, it brought legitimate happiness (Param Anand) to me.

Then, in those moments of supreme beatitude I indeed converted myself into an authentic and legitimate ‘Brahmavid Varishta’…

The thousand Yoga Nadis of the Sahasrara granted me, as a fact, power over certain forces of Nature…

Buddhi, my Guinevere, in addition to putting the Shiva Shakti- Tattwa to the maximum of its vibratory activity, She also put the Coronary Padma into a certain state of intensified mystical function…

Then, I saw myself transformed into the Messenger of the New Age of Aquarius, teaching humanity a Doctrine so new and revolutionary, nonetheless, so ancient….

When I opened the door of my room the Diamond Eye (the pineal gland) granted me the power of seeing my innumerable enemies. It is obvious that the diffusion of Gnosis in its revolutionary way will increase the number of my adversaries each time.

It is not irrelevant to state that after this great cosmic event, the nuptial ceremony was celebrated in the temple. Many people assisted to this festivity of love…

Samael Aun Weor

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