The Ray of Death reduces so-called man to a simple molecular quintessence, in the same way that a ton of flowers may be reduced to a single drop of essential perfume. Because the energy of death is so strong, it destroys the human organism totally. It is a current of such high voltage, that it inevitably destroys the organism when it travels through it. As a flash of lightening can tear a tree apart, so the ray of death reduces the human body to ashes. It is the only type of energy that the body cannot resist. This ray connects death with conception. The two extremes meet. When the essence is detached from the old body on the terrible impact of the ray of death, a tremendous electrical tension is produced on a key note, the axiomatic result of which is the movement and combination of the determining GENES of the future physical body. This is how the fine constituents of a fertilized egg are arranged in the corresponding order, having electrical tension and the key note of death for a basis.
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