The Resurrection of the Dead

The Magnun Opus is fully realized with the Arcanum 13 of the Kabbalah. The 22 fundamental keys of the work of the sun lead the Initiate to the alchemical resurrection.

Anyone who reaches the fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries can, if he so wishes, renounce the ineffable joy of Nirvana.

Those who renounce Nirvana for the love of Humanity have the right to ask for the ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE.

From the mixture of the RED ELIXIR with the WHITE ELIXIR results the ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE.

The marvelous Elixir is a gas of immaculate whiteness. This Elixir is deposited in the vital depths of the human organism.

Anyone who has received the Elixir of Long Life dies but does not die. The angel of death does not break the silver cord of those who have already had the good fortune of receiving the ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE.

Every Initiate who receives the Elixir of Long Life dies but does not die. On the third day he is raised from the tomb.

Taking advantage of hyperspace, the Masters manage to escape from the tomb with their body of flesh and blood. That is the Resurrection.

When a Master is resurrected, THE MAGNUN OPUS has been consummated. On the third day, the Great Master Jesus arrived in his astral body before his holy tomb. Esoteric tradition knows that the Master came accompanied by the holy women (they also came in an astral body). The Angels of Death, the Lords of Karma, the Lords of Cosmic Movement, etc., etc. also accompanied the Master.

The Great Master invoked his physical body with a loud voice. That body animated by the verb, penetrating into hyperspace, rose, submerging itself absolutely within the astral plane. The tomb was empty and the cloths were thrown away.

In the astral plane the Holy Women treated the body of Jesus with drugs and aromatic ointments.

Obeying supreme orders the resurrected body entered the soul of the Master through the upper part of the sidereal head.

Thus the Master was then in possession of his body within the astral plane. That body remained in the Jinn state.

The Master died but did not die. The tomb was empty and the linens were thrown away. The shroud that had been over his head was not placed with the linens, but wrapped in a separate place.

Jesus demonstrated the Alchemical Resurrection by presenting himself before his disciples. Thomas the unbeliever said:

“Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into the wound in his side, I will not believe.”

And after eight days his disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace be unto you” (Inverential Peace).

Then he said to Thomas:

“Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put forth your hand, and put it into my side; and be not unbelieving, but faithful.”

Then Thomas answered and said unto him, “My Lord and my God…”

Jesus said unto him:

“Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”

Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus rose from the tomb using hyper-space. Jesus passed through the walls, and entered the enclosure of the Apostles using hyper-space. Astrophysics will soon discover the existence of hyper-space. Hyper-space can be demonstrated with hyper-geometry.

Those who receive the ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE, have to go through the terrible funeral tests of the 13th Arcanum of the Kabbalah in the pantheon or cemetery. The tests of the 13th Arcanum are more frightening than death itself. Very few human beings have been able to pass the tests of the 13th Arcanum of the Kabbalah.

In the symbolic figures of Abraham the Jew are found all the alchemical operations that lead the Gnostic student to the Initiatic Resurrection.

The thirteen alchemical figures of the golden book of Abraham are the following:

1 – Mercury with a caduceus and Saturn, descending among clouds with an hourglass on his head (importance of time, and lengthening of life as long as we do not violate the law).

The Angel of Saturn armed with a scythe is about to cut off the feet of Mercury (total separation of seminal ejaculation, fixation of Mercury, that is, storage of seminal liquor, cupellation of silver with lead, (this means work with the Arcanum A.Z.F., to transmute the lead of the personality into the pure gold of the Spirit).


2 – Mountain with seven caverns and seven black and yellow serpents; one serpent devours another with golden wings, and a griffin prepares to eat another (Sublimation of the seminal Mercury, mortified by sacrifice, sublimation of sexual energy).

The seven caverns of this symbol are the seven bodies of man. The seven serpents are the seven degrees of the power of fire. The Kundalini is seven-fold in its internal constitution. They are seven serpents. Two groups of three with the sublime crowning of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us to the one, to the law, to the Father. Each of these seven serpents lives in its sacred cavern. When man raises the fifth serpent he has the right to ask for the ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE. The fifth serpent belongs to the fifth cavern of mystery. The fifth serpent belongs to the causal body, or body of will. The stages of the Great Work are represented in the second figure of Abraham the Jew by the top, by the blue branches with golden leaves and white and red flowers.


3 – The Garden of the Hesperides, with a hollow oak tree (throne), a beautiful rose bush and a fountain of white water that the blind search for in vain (revival of the sublimated mercury).

The Garden of the Hesperides is the Eden of the Bible. Eden is Sex itself. We leave Eden through the door of Sex. Only through that same door can we enter Eden. The throne is in sex. The king is not in the forehead. The King is in sex. Sex is King of Kings and lord of lords. The fountain of white water that the blind of the different schools, religions and sects search for in vain without ever finding, is the seminal liquor. The beautiful rose bush is the chakras, wheels or gods of the astral body that spin full of splendor, like brilliant suns, when we awaken the sacred serpent.


4 – King Herod orders the slaughter of the innocents; mothers implore, seven children lie dead, soldiers pour the blood of the innocents (universal spirit of metals) into a vat where the sun and moon bathe.

Every Initiate must undergo the Initiatic decapitation. There are seven decapitations of fire. There are also three great basic decapitations that belong to the Venustic Initiation. Each of the seven serpents of fire corresponds to a decapitation. When we raise the first serpent that corresponds to the physical body, we go through the first decapitation, when the second one that corresponds to the etheric body is raised, the Initiate goes through the second, in the astral body we go through the third, in the mental body the fourth, in the body of the will the fifth, in the body of consciousness the sixth, and in the body of the spirit the seventh. There are seven decapitated children. These ceremonies are terribly divine. All these ceremonies are carried out in the superior worlds.

Each time one of the sacred serpents passes through the neck, the terrible ceremony of decapitation is performed. The sun and the moon, the man and the woman bathe in the vat containing the blood of the seven decapitated.

Only by practicing sexual magic (the Arcanum A.Z.F.) can each of the seven serpents be raised. Only by practicing sexual magic is it possible to undergo the seven frightfully divine decapitations.


5 – A caduceus with two serpents that devour each other (Solution and Volatilization).

There are two serpents. The tempting serpent of the delicious Eden and the bronze serpent that healed the Israelites in the desert. One must inevitably devour the other. If the divine one is devoured then we become demons. If the Divine one wins we are saved. Our motto is THELEMA (Willpower). The key is in Solution and Volatilization. The seminal liquor must be sublimated upwards, towards the heart, the semen must be cerebralized. The semen must not be ejaculated. We must know how to withdraw from the secret act without spilling the semen. That is the Arcanum A.Z.F.


6 – A sacrificed serpent (Coagulation and Fixation of the volatile)

The seminal vapors rise through the two sympathetic channels that coil around the spinal cord; then they reach the distiller of the brain where they are fixed. That is sexual transmutation.


7 – A desert with four fountains that form rivers, and four snakes crawling.

Multiplication of the potable Gold. The gold is the sacred fire that multiplies by igniting the divine powers. The four rivers are the four elements: fire, air, water and earth. With these four elements we must work in the Great Work.


8 – Inside the arch of alchemical victory is Flamel, like a pilgrim wearing an orange, black and white cloak (colours that symbolize sexual transmutation) and kneeling at the feet of Saint Peter (the philosopher’s stone, sex). 

Perrenelle, the wife of Flamel the Alchemist, is kneeling before Saint Peter because she is the companion of Alchemy with which sexual magic is practised. The Holy Father appears in the middle ready to judge the world (the world can only be saved with the stone of grace, Sex).


9 – Below there are two dragons, one of them winged (the volatile and the fixed).

The white dragon and the black dragon, the inner Christ of every man and the psychological self.


10 – A woman and a man.

The two natures reconciled, working on the Great Work.


11 – Three resurrected, body, soul and Spirit (resurrection is done with the power of the white stone).

Now we understand why Peter, which means stone, has the keys to Heaven. That stone is sex. The key to heaven is the great Arcanum. The great Arcanum consists of having sexual relations and withdrawing without spilling the semen. This practice is the Arcanum A.Z.F. With this key all powers are awakened and the ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE is achieved. The important thing is to never spill semen in life.


12 – Two angels, the angel of man and the angel of woman.

Both cooperate in the Great Work to awaken the Kundalini and achieve the Resurrection.

13 – A man holding a lion by the paw (the lion is fire).

When he completely dominates the fire, the resurrection is accomplished because the Great Work has been accomplished.

In these thirteen symbols of Abraham the Jew is found all the science that leads us to the Resurrection of the dead. Nicolas Flamel reproduced these thirteen figures on the frontispiece of one of the gates of the cemetery of the Innocents in Paris.

He who knows how to understand, will understand. Death can be defeated with victory. Sexual magic is the way…

We can keep the physical body for millions of years to work for suffering humanity.

On both sides of the gate over which the symbolic figures are, Nicholas Flamel wrote:

“The procession pleases God very much, if it is done with devotion.”

This is interpreted in the sense that the succession of colors in the Great Work, that is, sexual transmutation, is pleasing to God, because we become gods. “There are Gods.”

All our Gnostic disciples (men and women) can rise from the dead and keep their physical body for millions of years if they practice sexual magic, that is, working with the Great Arcanum.

Currently there are great Masters living in the world whose bodies date back many millions of years.

Count Saint Germain, who acted during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in the courts of Europe, still lives with his same physical body.

The enigmatic and powerful Count Cagliostro still retains the physical body he had in the Middle Ages. There are millions of human beings who form the divine humanity, and who retain their bodies in the state of Jinns. These immortals work for the suffering humanity. Some of these human-divine beings have made “the great leap”, they have taken their physical body to another more advanced planet.

If you, beloved reader, want to reach these heights of Initiation, practice sexual magic, and remain firm within our Gnostic Movement, do not let yourself be taken out of this great esoteric movement. Know that currently we Gnostics are the only ones who are delivering the Great Arcanum to the suffering Humanity.

There are currently mentalities sparkling with intellectuality that strive to remove Gnostic students from the only path that can really and in an absolutely practical way turn them into terribly divine gods.

If you, beloved disciple, prove your fidelity to the great cause, we, the wise elder brothers of the temple, will take you by the hand to the alchemical resurrection.

MAGNUN OPUS – Chapter 3

The Resurrection of the Dead


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