The seven days of the week

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Explanation about the true Astrological order of the SEVEN DAYS of the week:

The true order of the seven days of the week is according to their position or distance in relation to our planet Earth, so this would be the order starting from the current Sunday is: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, SUNDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY.

Monday is ruled by the Moon; Tuesday by Mars; Wednesday by Mercury; Thursday by Jupiter; Friday by Venus; Saturday by Saturn; Sunday by the Sun. True order of the days of the week from the Cosmic and Magical point of view: After Saturday, which is the seventh day, follows Monday. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, SUNDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. This is the authentic and legitimate Cosmic order.

Samael Aunn Weor

Let us remember that for the Jews the week begins on Saturday, the Shabbat, a name that comes from the name of the planet Saturn in Hebrew, Shabbetai, as can be seen in the Talmud.

According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The Talmud (Hebrew: תַּלְמוּד [talmūd], “instruction, teaching”) is a work that mainly collects rabbinical discussions on Jewish laws, traditions, customs, narrations and sayings, parables, stories and legends. It is an immense civil and religious code, drawn up between the third and fifth centuries by Hebrew scholars from Babylonia and the Land of Israel. ​

Take into account that every three hours, starting with sunrise, the planetary positions change and therefore their vibrations on our planet change as well. That is why certain rites or works of inferior magic do not give concrete results, this is already advanced and only We GNOSTIC MISSIONARIES have this knowledge and we practice it with the Gnostic students of advanced levels.

Many centuries ago, I do not have the exact date, because some internet sources affirm that it was more than four thousand years ago and others locate this change in the XII or XV century, that order was altered by certain branches of the Official Religion that seeking to deprive to certain esoteric currents of their strength due to their work with the Stars, they thought that by officially changing the order of the days they would win the battle, although the day 7, SATURDAY or SABATH -SABAOTH was not changed since this seventh day represents the incessant fights between good and evil, the White Lodge versus the Black Lodge… that is why we see that in weddings held on SATURDAYS, the colors BLACK AND WHITE are curiously mixed, it will be because humanity instinctively or subconsciously senses that it is in the marriage, in sex where the angelic forces face the bacchanalian forces to free or enslave the human being.

Saturday, Sabbath or Sabaoth is the sexual potency without which life would be IMPOSSIBLE… all esoteric projects, that is, the works for the intimate self-realization of the BEING must be based on the STONE, sex, the erotic impulse, that magical force that manifests itself in couples and that is the BILLY GOAT, the forces of the Sabbath… that is why SATURDAY was not changed because we all work with that force: White Magicians, Black Magicians, Witches, Sorcerers, Religious etc…

The days of the week are governed by the planets that correspond to their names, thus, we have:

Sunday (Dies solis, day of the Sun): Sun
Monday: Moon
Tuesday: Mars
Wednesday: Mercury
Thursday: Jupiter
Friday: Venus
Saturday: Saturn

“The Moon is the closest satellite to Earth. Mercury follows next in order of distance, then Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, in orderly distance scales. On this natural and cosmic basis is based the ancient calendar of: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

“The Roman Catholics tampered with this legitimate calendar, and upon that falsification Modernist Astrology of Arithmetic has risen. It is logical, then, that Modern Astrology, based on false bases, is a true failure.

Samael Aun Weor – Book: Zodiacal Course – Chapter: Capricorn

Next, for a better understanding of the subject and to learn what is related to the days, we publish a table where we have gathered all the data, let’s see:

Current DaysAstrological  DaysPlanetRuler


MOON: Imagination, subconscious automatism, reproduction of species, travel, manual arts, practical arts, business related with liquid products, etc.

MERCURY: Reasoning and rationalization, judicial disputes, civil matters, legal profession, science, everything which is related with the intellect, medical science, healing.

VENUS: Artistic, creative imagination, dramas, comedies and tragedies, scenic art, love matters, marital problems, boyfriend and girlfriend matters, all that is related with home and family, etc.

SUN: Health, life, fertility, high dignitaries from the government, chiefs of companies, kings and lords of command, etc., etc., etc.

MARS: Willpower, command, armies, wars, surgery, force and forces, events which imply struggles, etc., etc., etc.

JUPITER: Wealth, poverty, favorable or unfavorable economical matters, laws, people’s rights, high religious dignitaries, judges, and matters related with the law, etc.

SATURN: The environment in which we live, practical life, karma in action, the Sword of Justice which reaches us from heaven, real estate matters, lands, houses, properties, jail, death, etc., etc., etc.

Samael Aun Weor. Occult Medicine and Practical Magic

Ramon T Juarez

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