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In Nirvana, the sense of family, tribe, and clan disappears because all beings consider themselves as members of one great family. Variety is unity.

After a lot of observation and experience, however, all of us brothers  [and  sisters]  have verified the existence of something similar to a family in  each  group  of  the  Elohim  or Prajapatis who govern the various solar systems of our galaxy. It is this sense of cosmic association within each group of Elohim that makes them like  ineffable,  divine,  sublime  families.

The cosmic family, which governs the Ors Solar System, in which we live, move, and have our being, counts among its members the distinguished Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, Samael, Zachariel, and Orifiel. Each of these brothers is a chief of angelic legions; each brother has to work intensively in the Father’s Great Work.

Gabriel is regent of the moon; Raphael is the regent of Mercury; Uriel governs Venus; Michael is king of the Sun; Samael is regent of Mars; Zachariel is rector of Jupiter, Orifiel rules the destiny of Saturn, ancient sage of the heavens in the center of each sphere or planet is found the cosmic or planetary temple, the dwelling place of the genie regent.

Angel, Light, Moon, Spirituality, Mood, Fantasy, Magic
The cosmic family, which governs the Ors Solar System

Any master of the White Lodge can visit the heart  temple  of  the  planet Earth in his astral body.  The genie  of earth is the same Melchizedek  spoken  of in the Bible  Changam,  King   of the World. We have been told that the  genie  of  earth  has  a  physical  body  similar  to ours, but eternal, immortal. Some Tibetan lamas have  had  the  great  joy  of  knowing Changam personally.

Earth’s genie lives in Agarthi, a subterranean kingdom, with the surviving initiates of Lemuria and Atlantis. The population of Agarthi is waiting for the degenerate Aryan race, earth’s current race, to perish by fire. When all the perverse ones of this race have perished, then they, the survivors of Lemuria and Atlantis, will repopulate earth. They will mix with a few select survivors of our present Aryan race and create the future sixth race.

Lemurians and Atlanteans, with their original physical bodies, exist in the interior of the earth. These races possess all the inventions of the atomic science of ancient times.

The King of the World works intensively, helped by the Chorus, those great  beings  who govern life and death on all planes of cosmic consciousness. Earth is a  living  organism  revolving around the sun, maintained firmly on its path by the planetary genie.

Earth is a member of the great cosmic family of the Ors Solar System. All the sidereal bodies close to earth and governed by Melchizedek, King of Fire, form part of this complex family. The Ors Solar System includes within its sphere of influence a great variety of bodies. Nine planets, governed by ineffable beings; thirty-one known satellites; thousands of asteroids, comets, and many millions of meteoric particles all traveling around the sun.

the sidereal bodies close to earth and governed by Melchizedek

Despite the number of and the enormous cosmic mass of all these bodies, an incredible ninety-nine percent of the matter of the Ors Solar System is concentrated in the sun. In reality, the Solar King is the heart of the solar system.

The seven Chohans, who direct the seven great cosmic rays, live and work in the sun’s heart temple, which is located in the center of that radiant sphere. Few human beings from earth can visit the heart temple of the sun in their astral body.

A tremendous and frightening precipice leads the initiate toward the threshold of wisdom. Everyone who arrives at the sacred threshold must prostrate reverently in front of the guardian of the temple. A narrow path leads the visitor towards the heart temple where the seven mighty Chohans dwell.

All the life of the Ors Solar System is centered in the heart of the sun, whose gravitational force keeps the whole solar family in their mechanical orbits.

The machinery of the Ors Solar System operates according to the Great Law. The orbits of the planets, which dance around the sun in rhythm with the great symphonies of the cosmic diapason, are wisely organized according to Bode’s Law.

By taking the geometric progression 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192 and adding four to each number, we obtain a series, which represents the approximate distances separating the planetary orbits and the sun.

Mercury, Lord of Science, messenger of the gods, travels around the sun at a dizzying speed. Venus, star of music, love, and beauty, second planet from the sun, moves a little more slowly. Earth, our poor, afflicted, and martyred earth, in third place, moves even more slowly under the wise direction of Changam, Melchizedek.

Our beloved Ors Solar System has the solar system Baleooto as its neighbor. Occasionally, the famous comet Solni approaches dangerously near to the shining sun, Baleooto. To firmly maintain its usual cosmic path, Baleooto generates a very strong electrical force. This tension naturally and logically produces an identical tension in all neighboring suns, including our sun, Ors. This is the Law of Solioonensius, and it affects not only all the suns, but also their respective planets.

Earth is no exception to this Law of Solioonensius. This powerful electrical force provokes bloody revolutions and awful catastrophes.

The Law of Solioonensius manifested twice in the Ancient Egypt of the pharaohs. The first time, in a bloody revolution, the people “elected” new rulers by means of blood and death. They removed the eyes of all the outgoing rulers.

In the second manifestation of this cosmic law, the Egyptian people, enraged, rose up against their rulers and killed them. Each one was tied up with a sacred rope and thrown into the Nile. That rope looked like a gigantic, macabre necklace.

The Bolshevik Revolution was also a. result of Solioonensius. Each manifestation of the Law of Solioonensius has resulted in great social catastrophes.

Knowledgeable men take advantage of the Law of Solioonensius to enter the path of inner self-realization.

The Ors Solar system, seen from afar, appears as a man across the unchangeable infinite. Astronomers assure us that our solar system is moving towards the star Vega at twenty kilometers per second. In fact, the sun, followed by the brilliant radiation of its own system, advances victoriously in sacred space. It moves fifty billion kilometers in eighty years.

In eighty years, the sphere of radiation, the band of fire, the long and radiant body of our solar system appears as a figure five times longer than it is wide and as beautifully proportioned as the upright human body.

All the movements of the planets are governed by the attraction exerted on them by the sun. When the different planets move closer to the sun, their velocity increases so they can energetically counteract the tremendous force of solar action.

The planets which constitute our cosmic solar family range in size from the smallest, swift Mercury, messenger of the gods, which is closer to the center, to the mighty thunderous Jupiter, father of the gods, which is half way between the center and the circumference, and finally, to Pluto, the furthest known planet, a little bigger than swift Mercury.

Many years of observation and experience have verified that the further away from the sun a planet is, the slower its velocity around the Christ-Sun. Indeed, the velocity of the planets diminishes from fifty kilometers per second for Mercury to five kilometers per second for Neptune, the Lord of Occult Wisdom, the King of the Sea.

The axis of the Ors Solar System, which is our sun, revolves monthly around an interstellar magnetic center or cosmic chakra.

Swift Mercury, the celestial messenger, completes its revolution around the Solar King in three months. Venus accomplishes its dance around the sun in eight months, and the Earth’s journey lasts twelve months. The marvelous dance of Neptune, King of the Sea, takes one hundred and sixty-four years.

the Ors Solar System is extraordinarily complex  and  beautiful

The cosmic face of the Ors Solar System is extraordinarily complex and beautiful. The planetary bodies, appearing as multiple spirals of various tensions and diameters, resemble a series of radiant divine layers, which darken the white-hot long filament of the sun of Ors. Each spiral radiates splendidly with its own heat and brightness.

This marvelous combined group is a mysterious, sublime network like a spider web. This web is magnificently woven by the multiple eccentric trajectories of thousands of asteroids and long-tailed comets. They shine with their fiery breath and ring with an incredible, subtle, and harmonious music based completely on those three beats of Mahavan and Chotaban, which keep the universe firmly on its march.

In reality, the Ors Solar System is a living cosmic creature who was born many millions of years ago in the ninth sphere (sex).

All men are similar in design and constitution, just as all the suns of infinite space are similar. That which distinguishes one man from another is his level of consciousness, just as what distinguishes one sun from another is its level of radiation. Light and consciousness are ultimately the same phenomenon. Light and consciousness obey the same laws, growing or diminishing in exactly the same way.

In chaos, in the universal sperm, we find the cosmic design of humanity and of the suns. The self-development of the Cosmic Man or the solar system (that is, their illumination and gradual irradiation) is the level of self-generated consciousness of the particular solar system or particular Cosmic Man, a level, which is totally dependent on that individual being.

So that a man may be fully conscious of himself, all his aspects must become fully conscious. In order that a sun may be fully radiant, all of its planets (its cosmic organs) must be fully radiant.

The task of the whole universe and of all beings, from the gigantic sun down to the insignificant cell, is to awaken consciousness. The Ors Solar System will become increasingly radiant as each of its worlds, each person, and each living cell becomes more conscious.

The consciousness of all human beings on planet Earth is asleep. It is impossible to experience that which is the Truth while one’s consciousness is totally asleep.

Four states of consciousness exist: dreaming during the waking state; dreaming while the physical body is asleep; self- consciousness; awakened objective consciousness. Normally, people live in the first two states of consciousness.

People not only dream when they sleep, but also in the so-called waking state. It is very rare to find a conscious human being, yet people firmly believe they already have an awakened consciousness.

It is impossible to have objective knowledge as long as we have not attained self- consciousness.

People dream while they live and work; nevertheless, they mistakenly believe they are awake. During the normal dream state of the physical body, the ego, enveloped in its body of desires, sleepwalks through the molecular region, dreaming. On returning to the physical body and then to the waking state, the individual continues his dreams.

Whoever awakens consciousness no longer dreams but awakens in the internal worlds while the physical body sleeps.

The Ors Solar System will become more and more radiant as people increasingly awaken consciousness. The Ors Solar System is Adam Kadmon, the Celestial Man, born of water and fire in the Ninth Sphere (sex).

The Ors Solar System, the Cosmic Man, must be totally self- awakened in every cell and in every man in order to become increasingly radiant.

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