The Spatial Sense and the Fourth Dimension

“A point is a cross section of a line. A line is a cross section of a plane. A plane is a cross section of a body.  A body is the cross section of a Tetra-Dimensional body; that is to say, of four dimensions.”


Even if it seems incredible, when the student Self-Observes himself he does not Self-Remember.

The students, without a doubt, really do not perceive themselves, they are not conscious of themselves.

It seems unlikely that when the Gnostic student Self-Observes his way of laughing, talking, walking, etc. He forgets himself. This is incredible but true.

Nonetheless it’s indispensable to try to Self-Remember while we Self-Observe, this is fundamental in order to awaken Consciousness.

To Self-Observe and get to know Your-Self without forgetting One-Self is terribly difficult, but tremendously urgent in order to awaken Consciousness.

What we are saying seems silly, people ignore that they are asleep, they ignore that they do not remember themselves, even if they look at their full bodies in a mirror, not even if they meticulously observe themselves in detail.

This forgetting of oneself, this of not remembering oneself, is really the cause of all human ignorance. When any man gets to profoundly comprehend that he cannot remember himself, that he is not conscious of himself, he is very close to the awakening of Consciousness.

We have to deeply reflect what we are saying here. It’s very important and it cannot be comprehend if we read it mechanically. Our readers should reflect. People are not capable of feeling their own “I” while they Self-Observe, to make it change from one Center to another, etc.

To observe the way we talk, laugh, walk, etc., without forgetting oneself, feeling that “I” inside, is very difficult, but nonetheless basic and fundamental in order to achieve the awakening of Consciousness.

The great Master Ouspenski said:

“The first impression I received from the exertion of being conscious of my Being, of being conscious of Myself like I, to tell myself: I am walking, I am doing, and to try to maintain this I alive, to feel it inside me, was the following: My thinking stayed as if asleep, when I grasped the “I,” I couldn’t think nor talk, even the intensity of the sensations diminished; additionally, one could only maintain that state for a brief instant.”

P. D. Ouspensky

We need to dissolve the “Pluralized I,” make it ashes, but we have to get to know it; study it in the forty nine subconscious levels, symbolically represented in Gnosticism as the fortynine demons of Jaldabaoth.

If a doctor is going to remove a cancerous tumor, he needs to know it first, if a person wants to dissolve an “I,” he or she needs to study it, become conscious of it, know it in the fortynine subconscious levels.

During the intimate Remembrance of the Self, in the super exertion made to be conscious of our own “I,” it’s clear that the attention gets divided, and here we return again to the division of attention. One part of your attention gets directed logically to the exertion made, the other towards the Ego or “Pluralized I.”

Intimate Self-Remembrance is more than analyzing oneself; it’s a new state that you can get to know only through direct experience. At some time every human being has had those moments, states of intimate Self-Remembrance; maybe in a instant of infinite terror, maybe as a child or in a trip, when we exclaim: What am I doing here? Why am I here?

Self-Observation simultaneously accompanied with Self-Remembrance is terribly difficult but nonetheless indispensable for true Self-Knowledge.

The “Pluralized I” ends up doing always the opposite during meditation, the “I” enjoys fornication when we try to understand lust; he appears in any of the fortynine subconscious levels of Jaldabaoth, when we try to understand anger, he covets not being covetous when we try to reduce greed to dust.

Intimate Self-Remembrance is being fully aware of all the subconscious processes of the Me-Myself, the Ego, the “Pluralized I.”

To Self-Observe our way of thinking, talking, walking, eating, feeling, etc., without forgetting the Self, of the intimate processes of the Ego, of what is happening there inside, in the fortynine subconscious levels of Jaldabaoth, truly is terribly difficult but nonetheless fundamental for the awakening of consciousness.

Self-Observation, intimate Self-Remembrance, starts the development of the spatial sense, which gets fully developed with the awakening of Consciousness.

The chakras mentioned by Mr. Leadbetter and so many other authors, are in relationship to the spatial sense, what flowers are in relationship to the tree that gives the flowers life. What’s fundamental is the tree. The spatial sense is the normal function of the awakened Conscience. Every truly awakened Man can see, hear, touch, smell, and feel everything that occurs in the fortynine subconscious levels of Jaldabaoth.

Every truly awakened Man can verify for himself, through direct experience, the dreams of the people, he can see the dreams of the persons walking in the street, those who work in factories, those who govern, in every creature.

Every truly awakened Man can see, hear, smell, touch and feel all the things in the Superior Worlds.

Whoever wants to experience the reality of everything that happens in the Superior dimensions of space, must awaken Consciousness here and know.

From the book “Buddha’s Collar” by Samael Aun Weor


If we attentively observe anything from this Mayavic (illusory) world in which we live in, such as a table, for instance, we discover with mystical astonishment three aspects perfectly defined, namely: length, width and height.

However, it is evident that in the table used in our example, a specific and totally defined fourth factor exists. I am referring to the concept of Time.

How much time has passed since the humble carpenter created that gleaming table? Only minutes? Maybe hours? Months? Years?

Length, width and height are, without any possible doubt (even if these are of a Cartesian type) the three Euclidean aspects of this three-dimensional world within which, for good or for bad, we live in. It is evident that it would be absurd to exclude the fourth factor from our postulations.

Thus, considering Time in itself as the Fourth Dimension, it intrinsically contains two fundamental properties, namely, temporal and spatial.

It is positive, authentic and undeniable that the chronometric aspect of life is exclusively the unstable surface from the spatial depth.

Many years before, prior to the time of the wise Einstein, who surprised the world with his famous Theory of Relativity, any learned person conceived the factor of time as a straight line. However, in this day and age, any intellectual person accepts that such a factor is a curve. Nonetheless, it is also obvious that in this present century, people who think with a medieval mind still exist.

Great modern, intellectual people, utopians by nature, beautifully fantasize when thinking that Eternity is also a straight line, time prolonged in an indefinite way.

Revolutionary Gnosticism dialectically teaches that Eternity in itself has nothing to do with the concept of Time.

The International Gnostic Movement emphatically affirms that a Fifth Dimension exists, known with the solemn name of Eternity.

In accordance with the wise Law of Reoccurrence, everything in life comes to occur again, just as it happened within the vicious circle of time.

Indeed, the times are eternally repeated. Yet, let time not be confused with eternity. An incessant repetition of events and times exist inside the Eternal Now of the great life. The curve of time perfectly revolves within the perfect circle of eternity; yet, it is evident that these two wheels are different.

That which is beyond these two mysterious circles is the Sixth Dimension, and we must search for the living foundation of any Cosmo genesis within the unknowable Zero Region.

Considering that, mathematically, the wise Einstein already demonstrated the relativity of time; we can emphasize the idea that the fourth factor (time) of our three-dimensional world, within the Unmanifested Absolute, has no existence.

Before the flaming heart from this Solar System of Ors, within which we live, move and have our Being, started to intensely palpitate after the Great Pralaya (Cosmic Night), time did not exist. It was lying asleep within the profound bosom of the Abstract Absolute Space.

If at the end of the Mahamanvantara (Cosmic Day), the seven basic dimensions of the universe remain reduced into a simple mathematical point, which is lost as a drop within the Great Ocean, then, it is evident that time ceases to exist.

The worlds as well as human beings, animals and plants, are born, grow up, get old and die. Everything that breathes under the sun has a defined period of time. The Unity of Life of any living creature is equivalent, as a fact and by its own right, to every single beat of its heart.

Indeed, it has been wisely stated unto us that the whole starry heaven is a system of hearts that intensely beat. It is evident that each heartbeat from the worlds is performed every 27,000 years.

The complete life of any world, which sparkles and blazes within the profound bosom of the inalterable infinite, is equivalent to the complete sum of 2,700,000,000 beats from the cosmic heart.

The humble insect that only lives an evening in summer, lives, indeed, as much as any human being or any world; yet, in a very accelerated way.

It is written with embers of ardent fire that the number of cardiac beats for beasts, human beings and worlds is always the same; however, sometimes more fast or more slow.

Time is extremely relative. Thus, through the staged show of the world, many actors pass by each carrying their own chronometer.

Moreover, secret calculations and esoteric time also exist. Any Adept knows this.


In Catalonia, Spain there exists a marvelous temple in the state of “Jinas.” It’s the Temple of Montserrat. In this temple the Holy Grail is stored; it is the silver chalice in which Jesus the Christ drank the wine in the last supper. The coagulated blood of the Redeemer of the World is contained in the Holy Grail. Esoteric tradition tells us that the roman senator Joseph of Arimathea filled that chalice with Regal Blood at the foot of the cross of the Redeemer. Blood flowed from the wound of the Adorable and the Chalice got filled.

Samael Aun Weor

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