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Beloved Gnostic brothers and sisters:

Tonight, as we celebrate, with immense joy, Christmas Eve of 1966, we need to study very deeply, and with a sense of urgency, the Christic Mysteries.

At dawn of the great cosmic day, the First Logos; the Father, said to the Third Logos, the Holy Spirit:

“Go, fertilize my wife, the chaotic matter, the Great Mother, so that life will emerge. however, you shall see…”

Third Logos

When the Father had spoken, the Third Logos bowed reverently; at that moment, creation dawned.

The Cosmocreators, the Army of makers of the aurora, the host of Elohim, The Third Logos, worked in the seven temples of chaos.

Three forces are indispensable to all creation: the positive force, the negative force, and the neutral force.

In front of the altar of the temple, one of the Elohim was polarized into masculine form (positive) and another one into feminine form (negative). The choir of the Elohim on the main floor of the temple represented the neutral force. In this way, the order of these three forces was established in each of the seven temples of the primitive chaos.

Divine man sang; divine woman sang; the choir of the Elohim sang. The whole liturgy of the seven temples was sung, and the Great Word fertilized the womb of the great Divine Mother.

divine mother

1 In [a]the [b]beginning [c]was [d]that Word, and that Word was [e]with God, and that [f]Word was God.

2 This same was in the beginning with God.

3 [g]All [h]things were made by it, and [i]without it [j]was made nothing that was made.

4 [k]In it [l]was life, and that life was [m]the light of men.

John 1 – 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

The Word fertilized the waters of life, and the germinating universe emerged, radiant in the aurora. The Holy Spirit fertilized the Great Mother and the Christ was born. The Second Logos is always the son of the Virgin Mother. She is always a virgin before, during, and after childbirth. She is Mary, Isis, Isoberta, Rhea, Cybeles, etc. She is primitive chaos, primordial substance, the raw material of the Great Work.

The Cosmic Christ is the army of the Great Word. He is always born in all the worlds and is crucified in each of them in order that all beings might have life and have it more abundantly.

My brothers and sisters: observe the King of Stars in his elliptical orbit as he travels from south to north and back again. When he travels to the north, we celebrate the birth of the Infant Sun. He is born on December 24th at midnight in order to dawn on December 25th.

If the Christ-Sun did not move northwards, the whole earth would become a huge piece of ice and all life would perish. The Sun-god, however, does advance northwards on December 24th to animate and give heat and life to all creatures.

The Infant-Sun is born on December 24th in order to dawn on December 25th; he crucifies himself at the spring equinox to give life to all that exists. The fixed date of his birth and the variable date of his death have a profound significance in all religious theologies.

In the northern regions of our world, in winter, there are long hours of darkness and few hours of light. The Sun Child was born on one of those very long nights, frail and helpless in this humble stable, our world.

helpless in this humble stable, our world
helpless in this humble stable, our world

The sign of the Celestial Virgin rises on the horizon at Christmas, and it is then that the Child is born to save the world. The Christ-Sun, in His childhood, is surrounded by dangers, and the kingdom of darkness lasts longer than His [of light] in the beginning, but He lives despite all the dangers that threaten Him.

Time passes… the days become cruelly longer, and the spring equinox arrives. This is Holy Week, the moment of crossing from one extreme to another, the moment of the Lord’s crucifixion in this world. The Christ-Sun crucifies Himself on planet Earth to give life to all that exists. After His death, He resurrects in all creation, ripening the grapes and the grain. The law of the Logos is sacrifice.

This is the cosmic drama that is repeated from moment to moment in all infinite space, in all worlds, in all suns. This is the cosmic drama that is represented in all the temples of Egypt, Greece, India, Mexico, etc. This is the cosmic drama that is represented in all the temples of all the worlds of infinite space.

The secondary aspect of this great drama has its parallel in the life of any high initiate who, by a revolution of consciousness, obtains the Venustic initiation and becomes a solar hero.

Samael firma

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